It must be hard to gauge what to rig. It looks so sheltered where you start? Same deal with using small boards..
Nice to see another woman sailor.Who's the lady?
Thanks for taking photos Berowne. Good to see there's a couple good ones of you in there. Interesting to see those ones where I was following just behind you.
Sue, I can't remember the lady's name. She's French, so maybe one of Remi's rellos She's really friendly and sails Botany a fair bit on bump'n'jump gear in Southerlies, but not so much in Nor'Easters. She sails really well too.
Harrow's right. The trick with Botany is deciding whether to rig for now or later. Many times it will go from 18-20 to 30+ in about 30 minutes. Some people just go out and then change down (or get blown away), others will stand around all afternoon waiting.