Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

NSW Formula Series Heat 3 this weekend - Lake Mac

Created by jamesf > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2014
NSW, 995 posts
25 Nov 2014 2:05PM
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Gday everyone,

Heat 3 of the NSW Formula Series is coming up this weekend (29th November), up on beautiful Lake Macquarie.

The heat is a 1-day event, which is currently planned for Saturday 29th November. We will assess the forecast on Thursday, and potentially postpone to Sunday if Saturday's forecast drops too low. Regardless, we will post and update on this thread and Facebook on Thursday night.

Racing will be from Swansea Caravan Park (sand islands) for NE wind, or Marmong for S or W wind. Current forecast is showing NE so we are planning on Swansea, but this will be confirmed on Thursday.

While the event is only 1 day, why not make a weekend of it and stay overnight at the adjacent Swansea Gardens Caravan park. If the forecast for Sunday holds it could be a very strong nor-easter which is perfect for flat water slalom sailing behind the legendary sand islands.

See you there!

NSW, 362 posts
25 Nov 2014 2:32PM
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Cheers for info James, is looking like it'll be a good one. Can't wait.

NSW, 995 posts
26 Nov 2014 7:55PM
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Hey everyone just a note that this event is Formula racing. The GPS freerace heat 3 is the weekend after in Sydney. Busy summer!

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
27 Nov 2014 10:42AM
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Looking like a full on days racing coming up huh.....Medium to Strong NE at this venue will be amazing...See you there on Saturday I imagine...

NSW, 362 posts
27 Nov 2014 3:18PM
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Hi there folks.

Heat 3 of the NSW Formula Series will run this Saturday(29th November).

Rego at 10.30, briefing at 11.00 in the car park closest to the caravan park, next to the water reserve.

Forecast is looking great for both Saturday and Sunday so as James suggests, why not take the opportunity to make a week end of it, book yourself into the Swansea Holiday Park and check out the venue for the Formula Nationals (Downunder Pro) in February next year.

See you all Saturday

NSW, 995 posts
27 Nov 2014 4:40PM
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Thanks Adam, looking forward to some good wind on Saturday.

The parking/launch area is at the end of Dobinson Drive, Swansea. See the map below.

NSW, 995 posts
27 Nov 2014 10:14PM
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One more thing, entry fee for the day is only $25. If you are not already a member of a club, chat with us at rego and we can sort you out.

TAS, 1651 posts
28 Nov 2014 7:12AM
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Good luck everyone

looks like fun

NSW, 8093 posts
29 Nov 2014 7:11PM
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Went through the fleet and looked very windy - c 20-23kts.. would have been a handful! Kudos to everyone for sailing formula in those conditions.. On another note when we were near the mooring saw a commotion in the water.. dolphins? seal? no 2 x 4' manta rays cavorting.. mating? playing.. Never seen them in the lake before.. Have crappy photo to prove too..

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
29 Nov 2014 8:23PM
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Thanks to the race crew for providing us with a great days racing up on Lake Macquarie.
Turned out to be quite windy, which I guess was not really a surprise.

Good to see some new faces who did really well considering the wind.
3 races starting in 15knots and finishing in about 23? (NE)

Thanks again...

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
29 Nov 2014 10:18PM
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Yeah fun day.
thanks race crew

NSW, 362 posts
30 Nov 2014 7:35PM
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Results posted tomorrow night (Dave Howe sorting tonight) but well done to Justin Lord who, like a cork out of a bottle, is right up there amongst the fast guys this season

NSW, 505 posts
30 Nov 2014 9:02PM
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Dave and Justin have steped up a huge level unreal to see well done. I had some good racing with every one, a bit rusty first time in 9 months on formula it hurt me.

NSW, 415 posts
1 Dec 2014 7:46AM
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Good move going to Swansea it was windy at times at Marmong but very gusty. Traffic was heavy with Teralba and Speers Point sailing fleets out and the usual traffic coming in and out of Marmong Cove that don't know how to use a steering wheel.

Byron take it easy mate look after yourself.

NSW, 8093 posts
1 Dec 2014 8:32AM
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byronmc said..
Dave and Justin have steped up a huge level unreal to see well done. I had some good racing with every one, a bit rusty first time in 9 months on formula it hurt me.

It looked like it would have been hard work when I saw you go past..No wonder you guys cruise on slalom boards after hanging onto to those things in a blow + chop..Congrats Justin. All the practise has paid off!

NSW, 362 posts
2 Dec 2014 9:50AM
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Ads72 said..

Results posted tomorrow night (Dave Howe sorting tonight) but well done to Justin Lord who, like a cork out of a bottle, is right up there amongst the fast guys this season

Congrates to Christian Justesen (DEN-26) opens winner of heat #3 in the NSW Formula Series open division & Barry Fawkes (AUS-21) in the FE+. Some great racing between Christian, Brett Morris, Justin Lord & Byron Mcllveen through the afternoon, with the gap between all sailors in the open fleet getting tighter with each event. The third race of the day was particularly interesting exposing some weaknesses in a few of us in 20plus knots

Cheers to all the competitors who made it to beautiful Swansea on Lake Macquarie. Thanks to Nev and Mick on the boat from Marmong for officiating for us.

Don't forget about the GPS/Freerace this coming week end and Heat #4 of the Formula Series the following Saturday on Botany Bay.

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
2 Dec 2014 9:50PM
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Not a big deal, but I won the last 2 races...

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
3 Dec 2014 12:20AM
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Yes Brett won the last race. Brett was a fair way in front and I was second at the last mark. I couldn't catch Brett so my attention was staying in front of Christian. Christian had a 11m and I was on a 12m and he got past me to get second. So Christian and Brett finished on equal points.

Both Christian and Brett sailed really great. They where both rigging different sails and testing gear. Just a training day for them.

Congratulations Brett and Christian

NSW, 362 posts
3 Dec 2014 8:22AM
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Cheers for that Brett and Justin and no worries, I'll speak with Dave and have him correct on the results sheet. I think it was a tad challenging for Nev & Mick on the finishing boat with that finish line in the middle of the course and being as wide as it was.

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
3 Dec 2014 6:51PM
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actually fault was mine...I changed sail for the last race and forgot to tell RO that the sail number was not mine....Doh...
PS, Thanks to for loaning me the NP RS-racing6 10m. Was the perfect sail for the 20-25knots in the last race...


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"NSW Formula Series Heat 3 this weekend - Lake Mac" started by jamesf