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Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

NSW Raceboard Series 2017-18

Created by LissaAUS443 > 9 months ago, 19 Oct 2017
34 posts
19 Oct 2017 3:31PM
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The NSW Raceboard Series 2017-18 kicks off this Saturday (21/10) at Dobroyd Aquatic Club. Rego is 1200-1230, with the briefing at 1330 and racing starting at 1415. You can enter the series (excluding the States at Sanctuary Point) for $110 if you pay before (or at) the DAC event. NOR, SI and entry form can be found at
Hope to see you there!

34 posts
25 Oct 2017 12:54PM
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Glamour day at DAC for the first of the NSW Raceboard Series on Saturday! Twenty-five Raceboards, and a further 17 youth on Bic Technos! Results are now available here:

34 posts
13 Nov 2017 5:03PM
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Here's all you need to enter the Raceboard State Titles this weekend 18-19 November at glorious Sanctuary Point!

NSW, 39 posts
16 Nov 2017 3:27PM
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Forecast is looking good - will be a great weekend

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
17 Nov 2017 8:55AM
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Looking forward to some close racing with good winds predicted.

NSW, 241 posts
18 Nov 2017 6:06PM
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Raceboard State Championships 2017Sanctuary PointNSW Raceboard ChampionshipsOverall
Sailed: 5, Discards: 1, To count: 4, Entries: 20, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank SailNo Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total Nett
1st AUS 109 DAC James Grundfelder 1 1 (2) 1 2 7.00 5.00
2nd AUS 38 StGSC Justin Lord (3) 2 1 2 1 9.00 6.00
3rd AUS 212 WSC Rhys Herbert 2 4 4 3 (5) 18.00 13.00
4th AUS 8 WSC Brett Morris 4 3 3 5 (8) 23.00 15.00
5th AUS1410 Cam Harrison 5 6 5 6 (7) 29.00 22.00
6th AUS 368 DAC Richie Reynolds 6 7 7 (8) 3 31.00 23.00
7th AUS 817 SR John Doolan (9) 8 9 4 4 34.00 25.00
8th AUS 153 DAC Adam Hampton 8 5 6 (11) 10 40.00 29.00
9th KS StGSC Keith Single 7 (10) 8 10 6 41.00 31.00
10th AUS 909 DAC Greg MacInnes (10) 9 10 9 9 47.00 37.00
11th AUS 451 DAC Martin Stone (DNF) 11 11 7 11 62.00 40.00
12th AUS 452 DAC Martin Thearle 13 (DNF) 12 12 14 73.00 51.00
13th AUS 81 WSC Grae Morris 12 12 15 17 (DNF) 78.00 56.00
14th AUS 1973 StGSC Conor Coleman (DNF) DNF 13 13 12 82.00 60.00
15th AUS 1977 SR Steve Newman (DNF) DNF 14 14 13 85.00 63.00
16th AUS 443 DAC Lissa McMillan 11 (DNF) 16 15 DNF 86.00 64.00
17th AUS 381 DAC Arnie Shields (DNF) DNF DNF 16 15 97.00 75.00
18th StGSC Jorn Krohnke (DNF) DNF DNF DNF 16 104.00 82.00
19th DSI DAC Jack Sitters (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC 110.00 88.00
19th AUS 619 WSC Rob Bell (DNF) DNF DNF DNF DNF 110.00 88.00

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8

NSW, 241 posts
19 Nov 2017 3:54PM
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Select to expand quote
Raceboard State Championships 2017 Sanctuary Point NSW Raceboard Championships Overall
Sailed: 8, Discards: 1, To count: 7, Entries: 21, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank SailNo Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Total Nett
1st AUS 109 DAC James Grundfelder 1 1 2 1 2 (3) 2 3 15.00 12.00
2nd AUS 38 StGSC Justin Lord 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 (4) 18.00 14.00
3rd AUS 61 WSC Brett Morris 4 3 3 5 8 7 1 (DNF) 53.00 31.00
4th AUS 368 DAC Richie Reynolds 6 7 7 (8) 3 1 8 2 42.00 34.00
5th AUS1410 Cam Harrison 5 6 5 6 7 4 (10) 1 44.00 34.00
6th AUS 212 WSC Rhys Herbert 2 4 4 3 5 10 (11) 6 45.00 34.00
7th AUS 153 DAC Adam Hampton 8 5 6 (11) 10 5 9 7 61.00 50.00
8th AUS 817 SR John Doolan 9 8 9 4 4 8 (13) 9 64.00 51.00
9th AUS 451 DAC Martin Stone (DNF) 11 11 7 11 6 4 5 77.00 55.00
10th 07 StGSC Keith Single 7 10 8 10 6 13 (17) 10 81.00 64.00
11th AUS 909 DAC Greg MacInnes 10 9 10 9 9 11 12 (13) 83.00 70.00
12th AUS 452 DAC Martin Thearle 13 (DNF) 12 12 14 12 7 14 106.00 84.00
13th AUS 1977 SR Steve Newman (DNF) DNF 14 14 13 9 5 12 111.00 89.00
14th AUS 1973 StGSC Conor Coleman (DNF) DNF 13 13 12 16 16 11 125.00 103.00
15th AUS 443 DAC Lissa McMillan 11 (DNF) 16 15 DNF 17 14 16 133.00 111.00
16th AUS 81 WSC Grae Morris 12 12 15 17 (DNF) 18 19 18 133.00 111.00
17th AUS 619 WSC Rob Bell (DNF) DNF DNF DNF DNF 15 6 15 146.00 124.00
18th AUS 381 DAC Arnie Shields (DNF) DNF DNF 16 15 14 18 17 146.00 124.00
19th ALEX Alex Halank (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 15 8 155.00 133.00
20th StGSC Jorn Krohnke (DNF) DNF DNF DNF 16 19 20 DNF 165.00 143.00
21st DSI DAC Jack Sitters (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 176.00 154.00

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
20 Nov 2017 8:25AM
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2 days of full on racing that covered all conditions. Great racing...

Congrats to the worthy winners and thanks to the organisers + Race crew who made it such an enjoyable 2 days of racing...

34 posts
21 Nov 2017 6:17AM
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A big thank you to WindsurfNSnow for supporting the NSW Raceboard States. James Grundfelder took out the Men's competition, with Justin Lord 2nd and Brett Morris 3rd.

1st Woman - Lissa McMillan
Achievement Award - Adam Hampton.

It was fantastic close racing with five winners out of eight races in a range of conditions. Thanks to Race Officer Craig Ferris, and the rescue team Nathan and James Reynolds and Sarah Bacchetto.

NSW, 241 posts
26 Nov 2017 8:40PM
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Next event of the series is at St George Sailing club. 3 races from 1:45pm on Saturday.
2 Riverside Dr, Sans Souci
See you there for the last event before the Nationals in Brisbane in January.

NSW, 441 posts
27 Nov 2017 7:24AM
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6 days out and looking damn windy! But I'm sure it will change a few more times.

NSW, 39 posts
1 Dec 2017 3:31PM
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One day out and looking even windier - 29-32 knts at airport

NSW, 339 posts
2 Dec 2017 7:39AM
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Hmm already 18 to 23Kt. Looks like grunfelder weather.
Have to relearn how to rig the 7m

34 posts
3 Dec 2017 6:28AM
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Interesting weather!

Round 3 of the NSW Raceboard Series at St George (2/12/17) looked promising early in the day. A strong nor'easter was forecast. But the wind was up and down and from different directions. Rigging choices were harder than normal. Some selected small sails. Others went big.At the start of the first race the wind kicked in at about 25 knots. Some with bigger sails struggled to cross the start line.

Cam Harrison on an 8.6 Overdrive was looking famous. By lap two, the wind had dropped off, causing problems for those who had gone small. James Grunfelder on a 9.5 Severne just managed to pip Cam on the line.

Mass confusion reigned about what the weather was doing. There was a bit of rapid sail-changing after the race with people rushing to make the right choice. Some went bigger, at least one went smaller. In the end none were correct! A massive white out hit the fleet as it was heading out to start race two. Forty knots from the south west. The luckier ones held onto mooring buoys in the driving rain. It took a while to ease, and once it did the race committee got busy rescuing the dinghy sailors who were all upside down across the course area and beyond.The Raceboarders all got themselves back to shore without damage, although Paul Hewitt managed to get belted by a stingray in the shallows as he reached "safety".

See you all at the Nationals. Don't forget to enter while the early-bird discount is still in place. The next round of the NSW Series is 11th Feb at Woollahra.

1AUS 109DACJames Grunfelder1
2AUS1410 Cam Harrison2
3AUS 817SRJohn Doolan3
4AUS 212WSCRhys Herbert4
507StGSCKeith Single5
6AUS 368DACRichie Reynolds6
7AUS 153DACAdam Hampton7
8AUS 1977StGSCSteve Newman8
9AUS 443DACLissa McMillan9
10AUS 439DACColin McCall10
11AUS 381DACArnie ShieldsDNF
11AUS 60StGSCJorn KrohnkeDNF
11AUS 909DACGreg MacInnesDNF
11AUS 452DACMartin ThearleDNF
11AUS 095DACChristophe VialDNF
11AUS 595StGSCPaul HewittDNF

34 posts
3 Dec 2017 6:38AM
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And for Series results so far...

NSW, 241 posts
11 Dec 2017 7:45PM
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Oops! found there was an error in the results of round 1 which has been corrected and recalculated.

NSW, 241 posts
19 Feb 2018 7:28PM
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Great day at the Kurnell Catamaran Club. A building seabreeze during the day with the wind getting up to 25kn in the last race.

The series shows James increasing his grasp on the lead.

See you all again at Marmong for a 2 day event on March 10 and 11.

For more information see

NSW, 995 posts
5 Mar 2018 10:19PM
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Hey raceboard crew, will be good to see you at Marmong this weekend. What time is rego/briefing?

34 posts
6 Mar 2018 5:05PM
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Looking forward to coming to Marmong Point Sailing Club on Lake Macquarie on 10th and 11th March. Briefing is at 1030 on Saturday. Here's our schedule.

Day 1 Saturday 10/3/18
Registration 10.00 - 10.30 hrs
Briefing 10.30 hrs
Racing 11.00 hrs

Day 2 Sunday 11/3/18
Briefing 9.30 hrs
Racing 10.00 hrs

And more info here:


NSW, 241 posts
11 Mar 2018 10:12PM
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Great weekend at Marmong Point Sailing Club. Thanks for having us guys we had 18 Raceboards there who enjoyed racing at your club

The series looks like this with one round left to go at Illawarra Yacht Club on March 24. Total of 36 competitors so far.

NSW, 393 posts
12 Mar 2018 1:08PM
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Another great Raceboard series event. Yet again proof of the versatility of Raceboards in almost all conditions.
Congratulations to Cam, James & Richie and a super performance by Lissa - well done!
A big thanks to the Marmong Point club and their volunteers for their support over the entire weekend, your support is appreciated by us all.

See you all in Illawarra in two weekends time.

34 posts
12 Mar 2018 12:03PM
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Raceboard NSW Series 2017-18 #6
Marmong Point Sailing Club
10-11 March 2018

The Raceboards have enjoyed two fun days of sailing on beautiful Lake Macquarie. Eighteen took part.

Day one was light and shifty from the south. Race One had the most breeze and was deemed a planing race, which meant we managed four races in the day.Richie Reynolds started off in good form, winning the first two races. The breeze didn't ever fill in properly, and was shifty and patchy, which was obviously how Cam Harrison likes it as he had two bullets in races three and four. Lissa McMillan gave the boys and herself a shock by leading a full lap in Race Three, only to be overtaken on the second work as she went off looking for the lift from work one which didn't reappear! In an exciting day for her, she also saw a 2m+ shark off the start in Race four, which one of the Formula sailors identified as a hammerhead.

The evening was fairly jovial with everyone traipsing off to dinner at Pippi's at Speers Point. It was a good feed, with great company, varying amounts of drinks depending on the individual, and some dancing! It was a pretty late night for some, which didn't help with the hot, pumpy weather the next day, did it Conor?Day two was very light, with a threat of 5 knots possibly coming from the south. We got in one definitely not planing race, with John Doolan showing off some excellent pumping skills and determination to win race five. We then took a break to see if the wind might do something, like settle and build. It did not. It went north easterly, and there were a few puffs, but it was still hard work around the track. We completed a sixth race, with Cam taking out this one, and we called it a day.

So Cam Harrison took out the event. James Grunfelder was very consistent in inconsistent conditions, with five seconds and a third. Richie Reynolds was third, with two firsts, three fourths and (oh dear) a seventh, which also happened to be behind partner Lissa McMillan for the first time ever. It was pointed out he had made a mistake - teaching her how to windsurf!Thanks to Byron, Neville, Murray and Ian, and everyone else from Marmong Point Sailing Club who helped put on this really enjoyable event.Great to see some locals dust of their Raceboards, which hadn't seen action for a while, to compete. It would be great to see Cohen Winter and Michael Babbage at future events. And excellent to see Mitch Golbach getting out for his first ever Raceboard race!

Looking forward to a big turnout for the final event in the series at Illawarra Yacht Club on Saturday 24th March.

NSW, 39 posts
23 Mar 2018 4:44PM
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Looking like a great day to finish up the series. Sunny NE.

34 posts
25 Mar 2018 7:56AM
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Starboard/Severne NSW Raceboard Series 2017-18Illawarra Yacht Club 24/3/18
It was a fantastic close to the season, with Illawarra Yacht Club hosting the 7th and final round of the Starboard/Severne NSW Raceboard Series.

The series attracted 43 different entrants, with 27 competing at Illawarra, which was a tremendous reaffirmation of the popularity of Raceboarding.The morning was light at shifty from the North West. There were plenty of wrong options for competitors to select, and lots of pumping! But none of this phased reigning champion James Grunfelder, who didn't seem to be able to pick a knock like everyone else, and won both races. Race Officer Nick Nelson then sent the sailors in for a break (champions' lunch of sangers and sauce on bread thanks to Glen Morrell and the IYC team) and to wait for the wind to settle.It shifted a bit more north east and came in to blow 18 to 22 for the three afternoon races.

Again, James Grunfelder showed his consistency in a range of conditions, with three bullets. Cam Harrison kept him honest the whole way, with four 2nds and a 5th. John Doolan was also very consistent, taking out every place between 2 and 5. And Rhys Herbert was never far away (except in race 1 J) with a 3rd, two 4ths and a 5th. Lea Sitja returned from Spain to compete in the morning races, and racked up two 3rds. And Justin Lord took 3rd in the third race before calling it a day. Nathan Clift made a guest appearance after many years away from the sport and was in second place at the first top mark in race two, before slipping back to finish 10th.

Other notable performances included Adam Hampton's 5th, and Greg MacInnes, Tom Plodr and Arnie Shields all racking up a 6th. And special mention to Sarah Price for finishing the last two races with her trusty 7.5 in very testing conditions. And the whole fleet did well getting back to the beach after the final race. As Greg MacInnes said, he didn't realise it was 5 races AND a marathon!Prize giving saw an impressive range of equipment and gear donated by our sponsors Starboard and Severne. Thanks again for their ongoing support.

The overall results were:
James Grunfelder 1st
Cam Harrison 2nd
John Doolan 3rd.

First woman was Lissa McMillan, who came in 9th overall.

Full results are or scroll down!

NSW, 241 posts
26 Mar 2018 6:38PM
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A great series done for the season, thanks to the eagle eyes that noted an issue with the tie resolutions on the results for Round 7 at IYC. I have reworked them and the flow on effect to the Series results that has an effect from 8th place down.

See you next season


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"NSW Raceboard Series 2017-18" started by LissaAUS443