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NSW Slalom Championships and GPS - Sanctuary Point

Created by jamesf > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2015
NSW, 995 posts
7 Nov 2015 10:21PM
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Windsurfing NSW, Marmong Point Sailing Club and Stormriders Windsurfing Club are excited to present the 2015 NSW Slalom Championships, to be held from 20th-22nd November 2015 in Sanctuary Point on the NSW South Coast.

The event will run across 3 days (Friday-Sunday) and also incorporate Round 2 of the NSW GPS Series. The location will be John Williams Reserve (also known as the Boat Ramp), Sanctuary Point, which is about 2.5 hrs drive south of Sydney. Typical summer wind conditions there are 15-20 knot northeasterly seabreezes interspersed by southerly cold fronts up to 30 knots. Water conditions are small-moderate chop depending on wind strength and direction.

The general plan each day will be loosely based on the successful Green Island model:
- Briefing mid-late morning
- Slalom Racing once it's windy enough
- Freerace session(s) afterwards
- After sailing drinks and snacks on the shore, and download GPS results
- Dinner and socialise at the Golf Club, Husky Pub etc etc

Slalom details:
- 3 days of racing in one of our states best windsurfing locations
- Wind permitting we will do Downwind M-course racing, or figure-8 course in lighter winds
- Experienced race crew led by Race Officer Nick Nelson from IYC Windsurfing
- Bottles of wine and great hand made trophies for the winners
- Event T-shirts free for all competitors.
- Currently planning Open, Grand Masters and Juniors divisions, but will run a Womens division if there is interest
- Confirmed entries already from interstate!

GPS details:
- We will do at least one 30 minute Freerace session per day across the 3 day event
- The handicap division (2 sec, 5x10, Alpha, NM) will be running, so that can include either time on the water during slalom racing or just free-sailing any time during the day
- A bottle of wine will be awarded for winners of the Freerace and Handicap Divisions!

Sanctuary Point has a lot of different accommodations options to suit everyone's tastes and budgets
- Inexpensive cabins and campground at the Palm Beach Caravan park
. - Within walking distance of the event site
. -
. - 10% discount on cabins for competitors (ask for Dawn when you call to book)
- White Sands Caravan Park and Huskisson Beach Caravan Park are about 15 minutes drive away from the event site and have a range of cabins and camping
. -
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- There are also stacks of holiday houses in the area
. - or similar sites

Entry fees:
- Slalom Only - $75 open / $40 juniors
- GPS Only - $30 open / $20 juniors
- Slalom + GPS - $100 open / $50 juniors

Entry Fees can be paid at registration in cash, or beforehand electronically to the Marmong Point SC account
- Name: Marmong Point Sailing Club
- BSB: 062827
- Acct: 00901519
- Reference - YourName + "NSW Slalom Event"

We want to say another thanks to the generous event sponsors. Without their assistance we couldn't run these events - please support them!
- Remi from The Windsurfing Shed + Exocet and Mauisails - contributing towards costs of the t-shirts and supplying prizes for winners
- Boab Boat Hire providing us with discounts on boat hire for the event
- Andrew from Wicked Promotional Products providing the series/event t-shirts at heavily discounted prices

So book your day of annual leave for Friday 20th, grab some accommodation, pack the family in the car and dust off the go-fast gear. This should be a great event!

Byron, Murray and James on behalf of the event team.

NSW, 68 posts
8 Nov 2015 9:38AM
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You are such good guys doing all this and l know its all only for the love of this wonderful sport of ours.
It is very much appreciated! !!!
All we need now is a good NE. Perhaps hiding the word "slalom" may help.

NSW, 179 posts
8 Nov 2015 5:50PM
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Does the $100 I paid for the series include this regatta or ought I pay again?

NSW, 1277 posts
8 Nov 2015 6:31PM
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Bruce, it seems to have gone up $75 from the original advertised $100 for 4 regattas ???

NSW, 995 posts
8 Nov 2015 9:44PM
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Bruce and Rick

The $100 that you've paid for the GPS series covers the GPS part of the event (this is heat 2 of the 4 heat GPS series). If you want to race in the Slalom, you just need to pay the entry fee for the slalom, which is $75.

Glad to hear you guys can come. We need a big turnout of NSW sailors to make sure the Vicco's don't steal our trophies!

NSW, 505 posts
9 Nov 2015 10:15AM
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Thanks James.
We have worked so hard as a team to make it as affordable as possible but there are a lot of costs associated with this event.
Please note if you are not a member of a windsurfing club you need to be for this event. But what Marmong Point Sailing Club is doing is allowing people to join for NO extra charge but we do require you to join the GPS and Slalom for this round. IE only $100 or $75 if you have already joined for the series. I will have a form for you to sign on the day.
Please don't hesitate to contact me or James in regards to any questions.

NSW, 8088 posts
9 Nov 2015 5:21PM
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tibi said..
You are such good guys doing all this and l know its all only for the love of this wonderful sport of ours.
It is very much appreciated! !!!
All we need now is a good NE. Perhaps hiding the word "slalom" may help.

Love the profile pic Tibi

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
9 Nov 2015 6:00PM
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Should be a great flat water venue... Anyone who is serious about GPS or Slalom in NSW should be getting pretty excited.....PS: I used the GPS app on my android phone at the last event and it was the best $20 I have spent in a long time...Worked perfectly.... GPSlogit it think was the app?

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
9 Nov 2015 6:53PM
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I just put the App on my phone. Looks a lot easier to use than the GT-31 so far. Is there any negative to this program? I often take my phone with me for safety anyway. Good to have a back up in case the GT31 fails.

11206 posts
10 Nov 2015 10:51AM
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Getting very excited now!

Thank you WNSW, Marmong Sailing Club, Stormriders and Nick for putting this fantastic event on. If the season to date is any indication we should see some interesting conditions.

I'm polishing fins now....

NSW, 995 posts
10 Nov 2015 3:01PM
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Thanks to Adam Craven, we have these great hand-made trophies for the event
- Open 1st, 2nd, 3rd
- Grand Masters 1st, 2nd, 3rd
- Juniors 1st, 2nd, 3rd

NSW, 995 posts
11 Nov 2015 9:02PM
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Just an update for those who were planning to enter the Junior division.

Racing for JUNIORS will only be Saturday and Sunday, so that you don't have to miss a day of school Friday as we understand it's coming up on end of year exams. Racing for everyone else (both GPS and Slalom) will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Junior sailors are welcome to come down to the Boat Ramp after school Friday for a free-sail, but won't be part of the racing until Saturday. Cheers.

NSW, 505 posts
14 Nov 2015 9:13AM
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Things are hoting up as we get closer.
MT local legend and current nsw speed record holder is coming out of racing retirement . Remi will also feature at the top end he was in fantastic form at round one of the GPS .
Sam Parker may also be coming .
We also have some hot shots from Victoria making the trip to steal the title.
We have not had a nsw title for many years and I know there are a lot of people looking forward to it.
Make no mistake we have not and might not again see a quality field like this again.
The thing about slalom racing is it is close raceing for everyone doesn't matter what position you are in you still have great battles with so many races.
I am pumped and carnt wait I love slalom.

NSW, 995 posts
14 Nov 2015 6:19PM
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Getting keen now for next weekend!

For the slalom racing, everyone will need a unique number or identifier on their sail. If you already have an AUS number from the AWA, the please make sure your sails have those numbers. For everyone else please put a consistent letter or number on your sails (ie use the same number across your rigs). You can use a couple of strips of electrical tape. The people doing the finishing may not know your face or rig, so it's important they can identify you and score you properly.

For those just doing the GPS, no numbers are required. Just a GPS with a charged battery and SD card!


11206 posts
15 Nov 2015 12:14PM
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Yep hot is the word. The weather at this stage is not looking great although it can only get better! My advice is if it's a westerly and it's possible under the event permit, run the event that day from Paradise Beach just around the corner. I'm tipping that Sunday may improve and a proper NE seabreeze may materialise but that all depends on what happens with the weather in the next three days. The Monday is looking like a typical NE wind but it may shift to Sunday...fingers crossed.

Here's my special Windguru weather modification.

Byron that will be a good field. It's been 16 years since I raced with Sam and almost the same with MT. I came second in the NSW Slalom Champs 1998 at Huskission. That was a memorable event with 30-35 knots north east on the Saturday and 20 knots southerly on the Sunday. We must have run 15-20 races. I lost count. Bill and helpers ran a fantastic event. I remember on the Saturday we were rigging 4.5 wave sails after lunch to keep those flat slalom boards on the water!

11206 posts
16 Nov 2015 3:50PM
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Hee hee. Could we run a race at midnight?


NSW, 995 posts
16 Nov 2015 10:58PM
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What a crazy forecast. Adrian see if you can get Kato and Daffy to come and bring their lights from Lake George for some night sailing!

Looks like we'll have wind, from one direction or another. If you're still not sure about coming, theres still time to book a cabin, campsite or house. Going to be a great few days!

11206 posts
17 Nov 2015 4:51AM
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Hee hee yes the LED light stakes would be fun.

James I'm coming for sure. My parents live in Vincentia so I'm sorted thanks.

Daffy is driving over to WA with Matt Robertson right now. The Eden boys went also. Kato can't make it.

As for the forecast, it's getting better all the time for Saturday. Looks like a strong front middle of the day. That would be sensational for the event and makes organising perfect. I just realised what I pasted above is a live link so it's now updating!

11206 posts
18 Nov 2015 2:42PM
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NSW, 995 posts
18 Nov 2015 9:10PM
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With some great wind forecast, and a heap of sailors keen to race, it's going to be a great event.

Apparently the cabins at Sanctuary Point are sold out, but still campsites there and also cabins available over at Huskisson.

Here is the plan for Friday 20/11 at John Williams Reserve/Boat Ramp. We will set up under the JP/NP Shade Tent next to the Yellow Stormriders trailer.

Registration from 10:30-11:30am
Briefing for Slalom and GPS competitors at 11:30am
First possible race (GPS or slalom) 12 noon

Depending on the forecast wind direction, we may end up racing from around the corner at Paradise Beach. But this will be advised at the briefing.

Saturday morning may start earlier to make the most of the southerly, but we will let everyone know at the Friday briefing and also post online for those who can only come for the weekend.

Safe travels to everyone heading down, and see you Friday morning.

NSW, 995 posts
19 Nov 2015 12:49PM
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jamesf said..

Depending on the forecast wind direction, we may end up racing from around the corner at Paradise Beach. But this will be advised at the briefing.

Just a small correction - the potential racing location in a westerly is called Palm Beach (not Paradise). Thanks to Keef for helping me out with the local geography.

See you tomorrow morning at the Boat Ramp from 10:30am for registration.

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
19 Nov 2015 8:50PM
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Possibly a little bit late for this but if you're travelling from Nowra, try to avoid Jervis Bay Rd due to the roadworks adjacent to the new shopping centre being built near Vincentia. Instead, continue heading south and turn in at Island Point Rd... If you're staying at Huskisson or Vincentia, make sure to leave at least 20 - 30 minutes earlier that you would expect to. Welcome to the Shoalhaven!

NSW, 995 posts
20 Nov 2015 3:10PM
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Light winds and hot temps today. The nor'easter has been teasing us and were hopeful the southerly will come through in time for some racing later on

Tomorrow start has been changed to make the most of the southerly.

Briefing 8:30
Start 9am

NSW, 995 posts
20 Nov 2015 10:28PM
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Southerly ended up coming through with a bang!

I have uploaded some pictures to the WNSW facebook page:

Heres a few of them:

NSW, 216 posts
21 Nov 2015 8:54AM
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Looks like great conditions.

NSW, 505 posts
21 Nov 2015 9:12PM
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State slalom titles sanctuary point 4 finals
(2 races each) and one 1/2 hr GPS.
Excellent day of racing and well deserved to get completed what we did.
It was all seasons in one day on Friday no wind heaps of wind like 35 knots and then back to 15 knots again.
No racing today hope for ne see brease tomorrow to get 6 slalom races so we can have 2 drops in case people missed Friday it makes no difference they can drop the 2 races from Friday so not to late to join in.
Blow please blow
Breifing 10am

NSW, 1600 posts
22 Nov 2015 8:47PM
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Just want to say a HUGE thanks for Byron, James, Muz, Adam and the Race boat committee for a fantastic day and tournament overall. Those conditions today were epic and my hands are going to hurt for weeks I reckon. Should better just in time for Wallis Lake
So stoked to pick up my first ever windsurfing trophy. To Remi, damn you deserved your title, phenomenal sailing and incredible to see you pushed so hard and close by Byron. To all the other trophy getters, congrats again and I look forward to seeing everyone and sailing with you all again soon.

NSW, 49 posts
22 Nov 2015 9:20PM
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What a difference a day makes. A fantastic days sailing by all present.
Congratulations to all the prize winners especially the juniors who all showed they will be a force to be reckoned with in the future. They even went as far as showing some of the older sailors a clean pair of heels a few times.
Well done Alex, Reece, Kye and Elli.
Those who didnt come missed out big time. Bring on next year.

NSW, 505 posts
22 Nov 2015 10:59PM
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We finally got what we came for Friday we did 1 GPS race and 4 slalom
Today we had a cracking Ne did 1 GPS and 8 massive down wind slalom epic best ever.
I was on 6.6 in the last 2 races and powered up nicely.
A big thanks to the race crew and helpers it has been a bit stressful running it but today was so worth it. It was down wind slalom at its best.
For people that didn't come missed out on racing of a life time.
Big congrats to all who sailed.
Great to see juniors having so much fun.
To sail with Adrian and MT again was unreal so much speed so much fun some of the finishes between all people was rediculously close.
Congats Remi top result so close enjoyed pushing each other like always.

NSW, 143 posts
23 Nov 2015 7:13AM
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sick_em_rex said..
Just want to say a HUGE thanks for Byron, James, Muz, Adam and the Race boat committee for a fantastic day and tournament overall. Those conditions today were epic and my hands are going to hurt for weeks I reckon. Should better just in time for Wallis Lake
So stoked to pick up my first ever windsurfing trophy. To Remi, damn you deserved your title, phenomenal sailing and incredible to see you pushed so hard and close by Byron. To all the other trophy getters, congrats again and I look forward to seeing everyone and sailing with you all again soon.

Yep Rexy well done mate. That look on your face when your name was read out was priceless. Weren't expecting that were you mate?…. Not so principled about my sweat shop now set up now are ya!

Fantastic wk end capped off by Hughie coming up with the goods. Just goes to show what some determined perseverance, co-operation and compromised can achieve. As everyone would know, running Slalom racing is a tricky affair & it's a testament to Byron, the Farleys, Murray, Marmong SC, Nick, Geoff and Ron who really put on a great show for us. We are all greatly indebted to them.

A massive thanks also to the Halanks and the other locals down there at Sancturary pt also, who supplied some invaluable local knowledge and support which really set up a great wk end.

Last but not least, cheers to the sailors who showed up, especially the travellers from south of the boarder. Here's hoping NSW can roll out another one for you guys next year and you can bring with you some more of your Mexican buddies!

NSW, 995 posts
23 Nov 2015 8:20AM
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Thanks again to everyone who was part of the event, an amazing couple of days that we'll remember for a long time.

Will post the finalised results later on today, together with more pictures from Sundays racing.

I'm still missing a few GPS files.
- Day 1 (Friday) - Remi, Murray, Rick M, Rick T
- Day 3 (Sunday) - Byron, Justin, Rick, Bruce

Please send them to me by email or facebook message, or PM me on seabreeze if you don't have my email address.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"NSW Slalom Championships and GPS - Sanctuary Point" started by jamesf