Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Photos from St Georges Sailing club

Created by berowne > 9 months ago, 9 Jun 2014
NSW, 1415 posts
9 Jun 2014 10:56AM
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I had a head mounted camera out on Sunday. Some photos from it below...
Sorry about the grey tint. My camera gets fogged up, even with silicon beads in the casing!

A Few name drops of sailors out yesterday. Not all photos came out well and I didn't capture everyone.

Ian (bought 2 of my old boards)
Justin (sold me 2m of downhaul, oh and took a lot of video with his son)
George (Thanks for the trial of the weedy.... did my fastest alpha time on that, and only 1kt slower... more likely due to wind than fin!).
George's friend
Ken (see, I can remember your name!)
And a bunch of freestylers looking like they were falling over, only to land upright.

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
9 Jun 2014 6:52PM
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Heres a four photos Micheal took. There is many more.

NSW, 1735 posts
10 Jun 2014 2:48PM
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Thanks Berowne, your're the friendliest windsurfer that can do a lay down jibe

NSW, 1415 posts
10 Jun 2014 11:39PM
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What a difference a real camera with a dry lens makes!
Thanks for the photos Justin and Michael, and the complement George... must be a sample of ~3 people that match those conditions.

7 posts
21 Jun 2014 9:52AM
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All smiles , good one Berowne :)

NSW, 1222 posts
21 Jun 2014 1:13PM
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To stop the fogging just use a square of toilet tissue (good quality non bottom scratching type) and fold it up into 1/4s and put it inside the GoPro's backdoor and use a little bit of rainx on the outside of the lens...This works every time for me.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Photos from St Georges Sailing club" started by berowne