Plenty of Illawarra Speedsters, Cockroaches and ACT Gustbusters enjoying the fun....
For some reason I can only upload half my photos. I'll try and get the rest up thisevening...
Be there at 2 to join you. Leave some wind for me....
No wind up here, so it is good to at least see someone sailing. That water looks soooooooooo flat on the inside!
Thanks for the piccies Eckas
Good shots man, Too much wind to get my camera out today.
....Thank goodness you didn't catch any photos of me on those Severne sails
Really nice shots Mark thanks for taking the time and effort to stand out in the wind and capture and share your photos both you and Jase do a lot to boost everyones sailing pleasure.
That looks grate down there, i think ill try to get down there for Monday it looks like you will have more air down there. Will anybody be sailing on monday? Do i need a weed fin.
I won't be sailing (work) but if the wind is up there are sure to be some local miscreants there!
Yes, if you want to access the smooth water you need a weed fin ideally less than 30 cm in draft. If you want to access the glassy water, bring a delta fin of less than 20 cm draft. If just running a standard rake weedy, do a few scouting runs first to check for floating weed clumps - there were quite a few last weekend.