Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Safe spot to teach my teen son on central coast

Created by Hanusch > 9 months ago, 7 Apr 2023
2 posts
7 Apr 2023 6:22AM
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Sorry if this has already been covered many times. I just can't find it..We're going to Terrigal for a few days. I haven't been on the board for about 5 years, so I expect to be a bit rusty...and I'd like to show my son the ropes.
So, I would really appreciate any suggestions to help us find a spot that's:
- preferably inland/ lake/ lagoon... So we don't end up in NZ.
- Shallow / sloping enough to allow for many fall-and-get-back-up.
- safe from sharks ( Another reason for preferably inland/ lake / lagoon). I've heard stories about great whites and bull sharks...not sure how concerned I need to be.
- Not too muddy ( I'd like to stay on the right side of the whole family and friends joining us).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

NSW, 1415 posts
7 Apr 2023 10:45PM
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Lakes Entrance but it has been a while... very muddy most places, except north of the entrance bridge and to the west there was an OK carpark from memory.

Gosford has a yacht club and some good launch sites, but is protected so not always the best winds. also some mud some beaches/clubs.

Matt UK
262 posts
8 Apr 2023 12:54PM
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Canton beach up at the north end of the lowest lakes . Its fairly safe, good in a westerly too.

NSW, 7 posts
9 Apr 2023 8:01PM
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Isn't Canton very weedy?

You could pick a spot around Brisbane Water depending on the wind; Saratoga, Green Point, Gosford sailing club, ... Saratoga has a big shallow area in high tide.

Also see Heavy1's posts in He's a legend... Would probably provide some good recommendations, if not teaching for your son as well.

NSW, 349 posts
15 Apr 2023 9:52PM
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we offer free gear and tuition at saratoga... see our forum

tiny sails , inflatable sail , tandem, wide boards etc

NSW, 349 posts
15 Apr 2023 9:54PM
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Next meeting ... Sunday 16/4/2023 10am saratoga sail club

NSW, 8088 posts
16 Apr 2023 10:43AM
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Heavy1 said..

we offer free gear and tuition at saratoga... see our forum

tiny sails , inflatable sail , tandem, wide boards etc

I was wondering if the modern windsurfer Lt could be used with modern freeride sails. What sort of mastfoot do they have?
I have a friend with an old wally with a tie on boom. I'm trying to pursuade him to buy a modern windsurfer.
It would be great if he can use his modern crossover sail..?

NSW, 349 posts
16 Apr 2023 10:10PM
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In my experience the LT is very good with racebosrd sails up to 8.5 m...

It's also a great Sup surfer with a wave sail in small waves.

No comparison to the old wally

NSW, 38 posts
24 Apr 2023 8:39AM
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Canton beach in a n/w to s/e, halukalani sailing spot near budgewoi, just up the road from the club. Yes, better a weed fin for both but safe as houses.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Safe spot to teach my teen son on central coast" started by Hanusch