Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Suitable Sydney Spot for Today's Westerly

Created by MrSpinout > 9 months ago, 18 Aug 2017
NSW, 106 posts
18 Aug 2017 11:39AM
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I haven't been out much this winter and have forgotten which Sydney spot works in a WSW. Got the gear in the car and wondering where to head after work from the city.

Is Riverside Drive Suitable?
Or is La Per a better idea?

Would somewhere in the Harbour even work?

Any thoughts?

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
18 Aug 2017 10:46AM
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Kurnell works well in a westerly from memory!

NSW, 15 posts
18 Aug 2017 2:01PM
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If the wind swings more SW tomorrow I am going to have a dig at Lucinda Park (near Palm Beach).
Grassy area to rig and runs across to the Basin
Should be fun - all welcome

NSW, 128 posts
18 Aug 2017 3:12PM
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I was at foreshore drive late yesterday, nice flat runs, I think the winds were slightly north of west which worked.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Suitable Sydney Spot for Today's Westerly" started by MrSpinout