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Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Windsurfing South West Rocks

Created by PhilSWR > 9 months ago, 14 Aug 2014
NSW, 1104 posts
14 Aug 2014 2:20AM
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Whilst I'm certainly no expert on the place, I thought it would be a good idea to give a little info on South West Rocks for those thinking of heading up over the spring / summer period.

During the warmer months nor-east winds prevail, providing smooth water in-close, and open bay conditions once you leave the protection of the breakwall. The only real swell to entre the bay is nor-east, but any sizable swell with "east" in it, will usually wrap around the point providing some fun waves to ride or jump.

Windsurfing Trial Bay is all about smooth water in-close and plenty of ramps to get air-borne on as you charge out to deeper water. Essentially it's a bump and jump location, but occasionally has some terrific waves to tear apart. Low tide mid to late afternoon with a 15 knot plus nor-easter is a winning combo, but most tides are sailable and there's effectively no currents to worry about in the sailing zones.

Most windsurfers launch at the old gaol, simply walking their rigged gear down the concrete beach access ramps either near the rock wall or the one closer to the main parking area. Both have grassed rigging areas and town water and showers over-looking the action.

Trial Bay works in any wind from Nor-east, north, nor-west, west, and south-west. Too much south and it's very gusty on offshore.

NSW, 688 posts
14 Aug 2014 5:17AM
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Good promo Phil!

When I sailed there last December I parked in the caravan park right up in the corner near the breakwall. Is that loop road for general use
or meant to be for guests only?

Your arrow indicates the side road further back (I think). Is that the popular launch spot.

Passing thru in October for a 20 K NE!!

NSW, 1104 posts
14 Aug 2014 9:58AM
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Hi Tomp,

That loop road is a public road, so all good mate.

Most people use the boat ramp (where you launched- top yellow dot ) or the second spot I marked back around to the beach. Bit of a wind shadow in nor-east, but fine if you walk 30 meters or so.

Fingers crossed for a windy spring!

NSW, 688 posts
14 Aug 2014 1:47PM
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ok, thanks.

NSW, 415 posts
14 Aug 2014 5:43PM
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October long weekend I'm coming up for some failing at sailing. Could you order me a 20 knots north easterly cheers mate.

NSW, 43 posts
14 Aug 2014 7:32PM
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see you up there in spring. Keep the updates coming....
What is the best spot to camp (with kids)

WA, 3491 posts
14 Aug 2014 6:27PM
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What's it like when they get a North Coast low over Byron. I remember once spending a weekend in Byron when a low was sitting 50km off the coast there. The swell was monstrous from the E to NE and wind was blowing 40 knts from the NE. To give you an idea for size at Lenoxhead the waves started were breaking about 1k out to sea.I thought it would have been epic a little bit further South. Didn't have any gear with me so didn't bother chasing the wind.

NSW, 1104 posts
15 Aug 2014 12:51AM
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Cyclone swell and winds have been rare over the last few years, but they do line up nicely for the gaol. Friggen spooky seeing mountains rolling around the point, but for the brave and fearless, real "storm chaser" type conditions- on occasions- are available and definitely sailable. Personally, I'll stick with head high waves and 15- 20 knots thanks

Here's some tracks from an outing in nor-east winds. Basically pretty straight runs out in smooth water, waves and swells, then gybe around the bomb set and charge back and ride them in. Great fun. And about half of the run is in wait to chest deep water- particularly if you sail low tide.

NSW, 171 posts
15 Aug 2014 3:33PM
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Is there a good campsite near where you sail?

NSW, 9029 posts
15 Aug 2014 7:26PM
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adamhatfield said..
Is there a good campsite near where you sail?

The link I posted above. Basically if you can get a waterside camp site its at most a 50 meter walk to the water.

NSW, 207 posts
16 Aug 2014 8:58PM
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early winter warm north westerly and on a summer noree day

NSW, 1104 posts
16 Aug 2014 10:59PM
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Nice pics Will. Happy days.

Here's one of my favs.

QLD, 484 posts
24 Aug 2014 9:20PM
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Well done Phil. Great promo for an awesome spot. To those that are learning it's safe to the "end of the wall" and a great place to learn but beyond this in a 20knot plus northerly is for the experienced only. Off the point the wind picks up and so does the water conditions usually with a reasonable large swell so you need to know how to turn and waterstart in rough conditions. Other than this is great swell/wave training without being dumped and breaking gear. It's where I learnt and try to head back to every year. Locals are friendly and can windsurf in almost any direction (some better than others).

Below is my dad in a southerly

Below is dad launching from in the corner of the bay

Me in an easterly (probably the worst direction)

Years ago in a westerly (over 18 years ago so it hasn't changed much)

Sweet sweet Northeaster

Gusty southerly and my only windsurf with Phil when he was learning.

NSW, 1104 posts
3 Sep 2014 3:07PM
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Great pics Marty.

Looks so smooth in an easterly, but I know how painfully gusty it is...

Here's some more shots from today (3/9/14) with that big s-wester going through. Nick from Coffs is the sailor.

NSW, 415 posts
3 Sep 2014 10:09PM
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I'm booked in for the October long weekend. There won't be any wind but that's ok I'm bringing my sup. I ended up going for a hotel in SWR. A campsite at the gaol had to be booked for 7 days so it was actually cheaper to get a hotel for 3 nights as I'm only going for 4 days. I'll take the dry roof and the comfy bed thanks It's very handy to be able to book campsites at the gaol online! gotta love that. I'm bringing my formula gear as well so if you see me out on the big gear and are keen to try it out just ask.

NSW, 1104 posts
4 Sep 2014 1:25AM
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Cluffy said..
I'm booked in for the October long weekend. There won't be any wind but that's ok I'm bringing my sup. I ended up going for a hotel in SWR. A campsite at the gaol had to be booked for 7 days so it was actually cheaper to get a hotel for 3 nights as I'm only going for 4 days. I'll take the dry roof and the comfy bed thanks It's very handy to be able to book campsites at the gaol online! gotta love that. I'm bringing my formula gear as well so if you see me out on the big gear and are keen to try it out just ask.

Hi Cluffy. Keen to catch up and have a sail with you.

You should be right for wind. Even a light breeze is good fun. Add a few spilling waist high waves and you'll have a ball on any gear. And good thinking with the sup too. The gaol is the perfect place to cruise around if the wind isn't behaving itself. I'll keep an eye out for ya.



NSW, 415 posts
4 Oct 2014 8:28PM
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Holy crap what an awesome day! 25 knots of solid mass today and a swell that had me putting my scaredy pants on. The Tabou 3S was loving it. Really in it's element. Jumps to be had on the way in and out and the boys were ripping off some nice gybes of the faces of the swell. Heaps of speed to be had on the way in with smooth water and the small rollers providing some downhill sailing.

Those SWR boys aren't show offs but **** they can sail. After a day on trial bay I can see why. It's way more demanding that I'm used to. More wind on the way tomorrow and Monday! bring it on!

NSW, 1104 posts
4 Oct 2014 8:53PM
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Hey Cluffy,

I wasn't sure it was you when we talking in the shallows. Then checked out the Gopro footage and seen your 3S you mentioned... Anyway, glad you had some fun- was pretty windy as the arvo wore on. Ended up a bit it much for me, I was sailing like a gumby towards the end Mate, you were sailing really well, some nice gybes on waves, and some sweet jumps. Few guys out, which was great to see. Will have a yarn tomorrow if the wind kicks in again. Round Two



NSW, 861 posts
4 Oct 2014 9:51PM
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Sweet photos and a great looking spot to sail. Thanks for sharing. Nigel.

NSW, 415 posts
8 Oct 2014 5:32PM
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What a great weekend of windsurfing and windsuping. Not much wind on sunday and Monday but I had a lot of fun catching little waves with a 6.2 wavesail on my 10'6" sup. Here's a bit of sailing from Saturday the 4th. I recorded the wind at 20 to 25 knots from the breakwall. The swell picked up a lot later on Saturday afternoon but the go pro was getting a flogging so I took it off before the waves got bigger.

I tried to angle the go pro up a bit to take in more of the scenery.

NSW, 8094 posts
8 Oct 2014 5:52PM
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Cripes Cluffy if you found it challenging Ii think it would be too much for me.. I love the idea of riding swells rather than waves ..but it looked like they were breaking?

NSW, 415 posts
8 Oct 2014 8:49PM
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sboardcrazy said..
Cripes Cluffy if you found it challenging Ii think it would be too much for me.. I love the idea of riding swells rather than waves ..but it looked like they were breaking?

They were just rolling swells with the occasional crest mostly. A few steeper faces in the afternoon when the swell picked up. you can stop in the calm section and have a rest when you get puffed and falling off has no real consequences other than getting wet. I got puffed out fairly quickly as I drove 4 hours skipped lunch and went sailing. no lunch meant no insulin so not much energy. That was a mistake but I couldn't help myself. If you can gybe on a swell you can have fun at trial bay.

QLD, 14491 posts
8 Oct 2014 8:17PM
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is the river any good in a SW wind? looks like a solid speed course on google earth along what looks like a wall.

NSW, 415 posts
10 Oct 2014 9:23PM
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Gestalt said..
is the river any good in a SW wind? looks like a solid speed course on google earth along what looks like a wall.

The north easterly was ripping down the river as I was driving in. The first picture show's one of the walls you are referring to. My best guess from what I saw they about 3 or 4 feet high. The river is quite wide at this point and there is a small sandy beach near some toilets at the launching ramp. You could definitely do some slalom there but honestly if I'm at SWR and it's windy I'll be at the jail on my Tabou 3S.

NSW, 9029 posts
10 Oct 2014 9:37PM
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Cluffy said..
sboardcrazy said..
Cripes Cluffy if you found it challenging Ii think it would be too much for me.. I love the idea of riding swells rather than waves ..but it looked like they were breaking?

They were just rolling swells with the occasional crest mostly. A few steeper faces in the afternoon when the swell picked up. you can stop in the calm section and have a rest when you get puffed and falling off has no real consequences other than getting wet. I got puffed out fairly quickly as I drove 4 hours skipped lunch and went sailing. no lunch meant no insulin so not much energy. That was a mistake but I couldn't help myself. If you can gybe on a swell you can have fun at trial bay.

Yeah the first time I cracked a planning carve gybe was at South West Rocks. I remember it well even though its probably 25 years ago. Carved onto the face of a big swell in a strong NE breeze and surfed it around, caught the mast and onto the new tack. It was so much fun and magical.

NSW, 381 posts
10 Oct 2014 11:02PM
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Cluffy said..

Gestalt said..
is the river any good in a SW wind? looks like a solid speed course on google earth along what looks like a wall.

The north easterly was ripping down the river as I was driving in. The first picture show's one of the walls you are referring to. My best guess from what I saw they about 3 or 4 feet high. The river is quite wide at this point and there is a small sandy beach near some toilets at the launching ramp. You could definitely do some slalom there but honestly if I'm at SWR and it's windy I'll be at the jail on my Tabou 3S.

I'm pretty much the only crazy SWR resident who sails the river these days while everyone else is enjoying the gaol - last Saturday included

Not sure which wall you're referring to Gestalt, but I'm yet to find any spots in the river at SWR with clean wind that are accessible without a boat. The wall Cluffy has pointed out is very high and interferes with the wind unless a fair way off it. The current is super strong in the main river too, so you need to pick your tide for flat. SWrs are nice at the gaol and bit gusty in the river. NErs are horrifically gusty in the river unless they have a heap of north in them. But I'm dumb and it doesn't stop me. Phil is lovely and hasn't given up on talking me into the gaol yet

NSW, 1104 posts
11 Oct 2014 9:54AM
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I reckon the only spot that would have clean wind and dead flat water in the river is the body of water above the sailing boat in Cluffy's first pic. On low wide there's a big sand bar with a defined drop-off into the channel (high tide in pic). Anyway, nor-east sweeps clean over the low island- but you really need a boat to get there. Better option- the gaol!

Nic, got low tide late this arvo (so waist deep nearly everywhere), and a predicted 15-20 nor-east. Come out the gaol with ya 100 Skate and get some air

Catch ya there I hope.

NSW, 8094 posts
11 Oct 2014 8:29PM
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Have to get up there one day. Went there back in the 90's for a week.

NSW, 1104 posts
11 Oct 2014 9:06PM
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You'll go alright here Sue. World's most tame waves and nice shallow flats to have a rest when needed. It only gets demanding when over 20 knots. At you're ability you'll have no probs, and I'm sure you will head south with the biggest smile on your face. I haven't talked to one person that has sailed here that hasn't headed off stoked and raving about the joint. Just remember low tide mid to late arvo and 15-20 knot nor-east and you see the place at it's best. Let me know if you're thinking about heading. Will be nice to have a sail with you.



NSW, 18 posts
11 Oct 2014 9:25PM
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PhilSWR said..
You'll go alright here Sue. World's most tame waves and nice shallow flats to have a rest when needed. It only gets demanding when over 20 knots. At you're ability you'll have no probs, and I'm sure you will head south with the biggest smile on your face. I haven't talked to one person that has sailed here that hasn't headed off stoked and raving about the joint. Just remember low tide mid to late arvo and 15-20 knot nor-east and you see the place at it's best. Let me know if you're thinking about heading. Will be nice to have a sail with you.

I'm definitely shark paranoid but the Macleay river looks like a likely haunt for the bull shark.

NSW, 8094 posts
11 Oct 2014 10:14PM
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BrowneToby said..
PhilSWR said..
You'll go alright here Sue. World's most tame waves and nice shallow flats to have a rest when needed. It only gets demanding when over 20 knots. At you're ability you'll have no probs, and I'm sure you will head south with the biggest smile on your face. I haven't talked to one person that has sailed here that hasn't headed off stoked and raving about the joint. Just remember low tide mid to late arvo and 15-20 knot nor-east and you see the place at it's best. Let me know if you're thinking about heading. Will be nice to have a sail with you.

I'm definitely shark paranoid but the Macleay river looks like a likely haunt for the bull shark.

Grr I was getting all excited about sailing back there until you bought up the 'S' word..


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Windsurfing South West Rocks" started by PhilSWR