Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Bayside racing this sunday

Created by bc > 9 months ago, 12 Nov 2015
QLD, 700 posts
12 Nov 2015 3:42PM
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Hi All Forecast is looking good. So at the moment we are racing, there has been a change of plans on venue……
Race committee feels that Wynnum is just a bit to protected for south easters. So we have approached RQYS at manly and they have kindly allowed us access to their facilities , for those of you that don't know it, the beach at RQYS is a perfect venue in south east winds . On the day you will have to drive into RQYS and go into office and ask for day pass of $15. (that is total cost for day) they will give you key code for gate then drive down to rigging area..
We will send out update tomorrow

QLD, 177 posts
12 Nov 2015 4:41PM
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That sounds like some great work from behind the scenes to tee up that arrangement. Hope that southerly kicks in, will be an awesome day.

QLD, 700 posts
12 Nov 2015 5:48PM
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thanks mate, I think the beach there will make a great venue . Ideal for the top sailors as well as rookies and the raised viewing platform is great.

QLD, 5610 posts
12 Nov 2015 6:01PM
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Also our friends at R.Q.Y.S. would love it if people want to stick around afterwards for a few beers and/or some food at the Clubhouse Bar .

QLD, 829 posts
13 Nov 2015 6:33AM
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Are you taking Rookies with Rio's in the race....

QLD, 700 posts
13 Nov 2015 7:52AM
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yes everyone welcome if you aren't member of a wq club you can join on the day

bayside inc
QLD, 399 posts
13 Nov 2015 8:28AM
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More info , notice of race will be on website today .

Racing will be conducted at Rqys entry from esplanade drive through first set of gates head into office ask for day pass for Windsurfing event.

Cost $15 (that is total cost for the day inc race fees ) they will give you key code for 2nd gate, racing is at far end of RQ . If you have partner or friend with you they. DO NOT PAY.

If you just want to come and watch you can drive down the public road next to RQYS and walk onto beach

Should be a great day

QLD, 408 posts
13 Nov 2015 10:53AM
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Should be a great day!

So just to summarise on the fees:

The cost to get into RQYS on the day is $15.

The above cost covers the race fees so there are NO further fees on the day.

If you are a member of any Windsurfing club affiliated to AWA then you can join in.

If you are NOT a member of a club, you can join Bayside Sailboard Club on the day for $70 ($40 for previous members rejoining) - just ask for me on the day, I will have membership forms with me.

Bayside Sailboard Club.

Joining a club means you have 3rd party cover when sailing.
Insurance is required for racing but also covers you whenever you are just free sailing.

Here is the link for policy details:

QLD, 226 posts
15 Nov 2015 4:45PM
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Big thanks to the boat crew and simon for the rescue. Need a new boom now

QLD, 829 posts
15 Nov 2015 7:15PM
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Thanks for a top day - boat guys and esky people and all involved in putting the event together

QLD, 408 posts
15 Nov 2015 8:00PM
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Select to expand quote
Dwbh said..
Thanks for a top day - boat guys and esky people and all involved in putting the event together

Nice one DWBH, totally agree, great effort everyone in seriously windy conditions!!

QLD, 361 posts
15 Nov 2015 8:13PM
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Great day, thanks boat crew and all involved. Pretty amazing venue and the wind was honking! I need to remember to bring more than 1 board and 1 sail. 7.8m was way overcooked today. Thanks Ray for the lend of a smaller fin...

QLD, 829 posts
16 Nov 2015 8:19AM
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Some photos Anita took from the race yesterday

- I have never seen so many fall in - kaos at times - But fun

Thanks to the organisers

QLD, 71 posts
16 Nov 2015 8:50AM
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Nice photos sorry I wasn't there. looks like it was pretty hectic wonder what today will bring?

QLD, 70 posts
16 Nov 2015 11:49AM
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Looks mad. Sorry I missed (I think). You guys are all nuts!

Any results?

The Pom
QLD, 137 posts
16 Nov 2015 12:42PM
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Hi Ya'all,

Images from the racing yesterday.


If you want high res or watermark removed shots, a gold coin donation to the coast guard at Manly and they are yours!


QLD, 1241 posts
16 Nov 2015 2:42PM
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Great photo's Simon (The Pom) and Dwbh, not making me feel any better that I missed it. Anyhoo, them's the breaks. Looked like a cracker of a day and it is great to see Dave Mikanovic out on the course again...

QLD, 700 posts
20 Nov 2015 10:14AM
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results are open website, well done all,great day.

Thanks to all the volunteers that make it happen


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Bayside racing this sunday" started by bc