Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Caloundra Jet ski Vs Windsurfer Incident?

Created by AusMoz > 9 months ago, 6 Jan 2017
QLD, 635 posts
13 Jan 2017 7:00PM
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greenleader said..
Just to add to the story Maritime Safety Queensland have declassified windsurfers as sailing vessels even though we are an Olympic sailing class and we are now "watersports toys" like surfboards or kayaks or skis so they don't have to deal with our concerns.....sorry wrong Government department to complain to.....

No complaint was lodged, just an eyewitness report that will be used with the original incident report. This was to ensure that the operator included all the facts and to clarify the real issues being investigated.

QLD, 1451 posts
13 Jan 2017 7:05PM
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Dag said..
GOOD!!!! To own and operate a jet ski, you must have both a boat licence, and a Personal Watercraft License.
To hire one, you may never have ever stuck one toe in salt water.
Bloody ridiculous! I followed the incident at the Broadwater involving a lady named Linda (if my memory serve's me correctly).
If you can find the thread on Seabreeze, someone posted the Coroner's finding's and recommendation's on a previous incident resulting in the death of a tourist at the same place, and same hire operator. The Coroner's recommendation's were ignored, and after the incident with Linda, there were some restriction's and/or requirement's added to jet ski hire operator's. It is "bugger all", and it's a joke.
I think most experienced jet ski rider's who own some common sense will tell you that they are dangerous in the hand's of the inexperienced.
The main reason for this, is that with no throttle, there is no thrust, and with no thrust there is no steering.
The obvious happen's when the inexperienced panic.
As for "that article"
It is of my opinion that the jet ski operator up there is aware of all this, and is covering his backside.
As for the person who wrote this article, I think that ignorance and laziness shine's throughout, and this person show's far from responsible reporting.

Yep it was Linda Pesschier - an extremely good windsurfer. Very unfortunate what happened to her and she is lucky to be alive!

The forum on this was from March 1 2011 " Windsurfer hit by jetski Monday 3pm Gold Coast"- have a look at it to give you how similar this incident is to the current incident just the Caloundra one is at low speeds and no or minor injuries but plenty of damage.

QLD, 1451 posts
13 Jan 2017 7:07PM
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A bit more -

A NOVICE jetski rider has been handed a nominal fine of $500 for running down a champion windsurfer, with the Southport magistrate laying more blame on the Gold Coast jetski hire industry.
Melbourne-born medical scientist Christopher Gohr was on holidays when he hired the personal watercraft for an afternoon of fun on the Broadwater that turned to tragedy.
Two-time Queensland windsurfing champion Linda Pesschier was hit on February 28 when Mr Gohr failed to see her in his path.
She was rushed to hospital suffering a severely fractured leg and a cut to her face and has since been told she may not walk for a year.
Her horrific accidents came almost one year since Coroner John Hutton recommended a massive overhaul of the rental jetski industry after the death of an Indian tourist.
Mr Hutton recommended that legislation be developed including that all hired craft be mechanically speed-limited but, 12 months on, no legislation has been passed.
Magistrate Brian Kilmartin said Ms Pesschier's injuries were a further wake-up call for the industry.
He noted that Jetski Safaris at Marina Mirage were currently under investigation by water authorities and said they should shoulder the lion's share of the blame.
Magistrate Brian Kilmartin accepted that Gohr had not been acting stupidly or recklessly but was simply negligent in knowing where to look to avoid Ms Pesschier.
''It seems to be most unfortunate that he has been singled out for the blame on this,'' he said.
Gohr pleaded guilty to unsafe operation of a vessel causing grievous bodily harm and was extremely remorseful.
He was fined but no conviction was recorded.

QLD, 1451 posts
13 Jan 2017 7:15PM
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QLD, 635 posts
13 Jan 2017 7:15PM
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We should think about how jet skis travel in groups. Dodging one is easy enough but when a group of them travel together it is harder to get out of the way.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
13 Jan 2017 8:44PM
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I'm quite happy for us not to be classified or regulated in any way, therefore we can peacefully enjoy our sport free of any regulation and simply use our common sense and our better judgement. I am concerned that if we make poor decisions, create conflict and end up being the focus of press articles that we may find ourselves regulated. In no way does my statement relate to the poor bloke being run over by the tour jet ski.

Hi Mark, If I was sailing nearby, I personally would treat a group of jet skis the same as a large vessel and simply avoid them. Especially if I knew they were on a tour and possibly inexperienced. My personal philosophy is that the moral high ground doesn't help you if you are dead so I'll just avoid the interaction.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Caloundra Jet ski Vs Windsurfer Incident?" started by AusMoz