Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Carooibah in a WSW from North Shore Retreat (sunshine Coast)??

Created by skebstebamal > 9 months ago, 5 Aug 2019
QLD, 579 posts
5 Aug 2019 5:16PM
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Hello breezers. I'm getting desperate for a sail . ..obviously. Has anyone got a decent spot for a strong WSW? Sunshine Coast. . Google makes the north shore retreat access look a possibility . . Anyone tried it?


QLD, 1100 posts
6 Aug 2019 11:21AM
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You mean lake Cootharaba?

Not sure about there, but typically W/ SW on the Sunny Coast

1. Caloundra river mouth (except out going tides)

2. Mooloolaba Bay - Offshore and gusty , so has its risks, but offers some really long fast gusty blasts ,

Maroochy river in spots , but sand banks make it really short runs and tricky

I have sailed lake weyba in a WSW , gusty , cold and crappy

least with 1 & 2 you get nice water that's way warmer than the lakes

QLD, 579 posts
6 Aug 2019 5:36PM
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JonesySail said..
You mean lake Cootharaba?

Not sure about there, but typically W/ SW on the Sunny Coast

1. Caloundra river mouth (except out going tides)

2. Mooloolaba Bay - Offshore and gusty , so has its risks, but offers some really long fast gusty blasts ,

Maroochy river in spots , but sand banks make it really short runs and tricky

I have sailed lake weyba in a WSW , gusty , cold and crappy

least with 1 & 2 you get nice water that's way warmer than the lakes

Thanks Jonesy, no i was meaning lake cooroibah the lake downstream of cootharabra

QLD, 1100 posts
6 Aug 2019 10:53PM
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didn't know anyone sails there?
would imagine it to be similar to Weyba

QLD, 579 posts
7 Aug 2019 7:16AM
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Its pretty open on that side, so might b ok. i'll be the guinea pig if forecast comes good :)

QLD, 1479 posts
7 Aug 2019 9:07AM
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From what i know about it there is a lot of shallows and some hidden obstacles. Sail with caution obviously. Find a good safe run and stick to it. Went through it in the boat not long ago and you need to be cautious!

QLD, 9 posts
7 Aug 2019 9:17AM
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If you don't mind travelling a bit further a field, Billies Bay at Wivenhoe should be good.

QLD, 579 posts
7 Aug 2019 1:55PM
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AusMoz said..
From what i know about it there is a lot of shallows and some hidden obstacles. Sail with caution obviously. Find a good safe run and stick to it. Went through it in the boat not long ago and you need to be cautious!

yeah I used to pass through there on the way to Johns landing back in the waterski days. . very shallow. . .I'm kinda hoping I can get to the boat channel and get a speed run going : )

QLD, 1479 posts
7 Aug 2019 2:23PM
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Otto64 said..
If you don't mind travelling a bit further a field, Billies Bay at Wivenhoe should be good.

Have you sailed there b4?

QLD, 9 posts
9 Aug 2019 9:03AM
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That's where I generally sail. Its a bit closer to home and you don't have to worry about the timing for the high tide. There's a bit of weed at the shoreline at the moment but once you're past that its nice and deep. At the moment I seem to have the place to myself.

QLD, 677 posts
9 Aug 2019 6:57PM
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Otto64 said..
That's where I generally sail. Its a bit closer to home and you don't have to worry about the timing for the high tide. There's a bit of weed at the shoreline at the moment but once you're past that its nice and deep. At the moment I seem to have the place to myself.

I sailed there today. Was very scenic and warm although pretty up and down today. Would definitely sail there again in a westerly

QLD, 197 posts
9 Aug 2019 8:38PM
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Thanks for the pics Clive, i am keen to visit that spot, trying to convince wife its a good spot for a picnic.

QLD, 677 posts
9 Aug 2019 8:44PM
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Bone's said..
Thanks for the pics Clive, i am keen to visit that spot, trying to convince wife its a good spot for a picnic.

There are BBQs and covered seating etc there

QLD, 167 posts
10 Aug 2019 7:22AM
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Otto64 said... At the moment I seem to have the place to myself.

Not for long...

QLD, 9 posts
11 Aug 2019 11:35AM
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Bone's said..
Thanks for the pics Clive, i am keen to visit that spot, trying to convince wife its a good spot for a picnic.

Fernvale Bakery is good for a pie on the way. And beer on the way back.

QLD, 1 posts
17 Aug 2019 10:48AM
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Don't do it !! I used to work at Nns retreat and that launch spot is super shallow mud for hundreds of metres out. Then there are muddy sand banks both sides of channel. In the mud there are random rock bits covered in oysters to cut you badly. . . Not enough to put you off. . Try $7 Each way on ferry.
Last week I took advantage of wind direction and sailed straight out(north) from river mouth running downwind to rest at Little Cove(first point) before reaching back upwind each run right out to shark nets then not too close to shore to avoid wind shadow off beach. It was very flat with very little chop and I was screaming, then not so much then off again. As is such with a Westerly. Was fantastic and with more swell could be awesome.
See you out there. .
Always keen to sail locally round Noosa so say Hi??

QLD, 579 posts
19 Aug 2019 9:21AM
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Duffdeath said..
Don't do it !! I used to work at Nns retreat and that launch spot is super shallow mud for hundreds of metres out. Then there are muddy sand banks both sides of channel. In the mud there are random rock bits covered in oysters to cut you badly. . . Not enough to put you off. . Try $7 Each way on ferry.
Last week I took advantage of wind direction and sailed straight out(north) from river mouth running downwind to rest at Little Cove(first point) before reaching back upwind each run right out to shark nets then not too close to shore to avoid wind shadow off beach. It was very flat with very little chop and I was screaming, then not so much then off again. As is such with a Westerly. Was fantastic and with more swell could be awesome.
See you out there. .
Always keen to sail locally round Noosa so say Hi??

Yes thats enough. . I'm out haha! Noosa in NW sounds good. . .it makes sense too. looks like there is a breeze on today. Work has killed that option but sounds like fun.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Carooibah in a WSW from North Shore Retreat (sunshine Coast)??" started by skebstebamal