Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Dodgy board repair project finished.

Created by Richiefish > 9 months ago, 18 Mar 2015
QLD, 5610 posts
18 Mar 2015 7:47PM
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Got sick of sanding and fairing and sanding etc. So I painted it. It's done , finished, ready to sail. Just need some foot straps.

QLD, 70 posts
18 Mar 2015 10:29PM
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Nice job Richie,
Can I have a ride?

QLD, 408 posts
19 Mar 2015 10:15AM
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Nice work Richie - just need some test wind now :)

QLD, 5610 posts
19 Mar 2015 4:22PM
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Leo, I would be glad for you to do some test jumps out at Green Island. If you can't break it, it's stronger than new.

QLD, 47 posts
19 Mar 2015 8:09PM
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Looking good - Now you need windy time

QLD, 5610 posts
11 Apr 2015 8:00PM
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"Christianed" the board today and it didn't break. (mind you it was only blowing 10 knots and there were no waves)...but it's a start !

QLD, 408 posts
13 Apr 2015 11:31AM
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Seemed windier than that on the rock wall !!


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Dodgy board repair project finished." started by Richiefish