I plan on camping at noosa river holiday park for a week.
Mainly a surf trip but i was wondering if I could ws foil off from camp site if wind gets up?
I think you'd be okay on a NE around quamby place and sail over to the catamaran hire, as it's deep-ish most of the way. There are a couple of sandbanks as you head up toward the mouth. Any where else on the river would be pretty gusty in most directions
I've sailed off the beach from culgoa point appartments many times on a NE. It's fun when it's cranking
Your are welcome.
if you've never tried it, lake weyba (take eumarella rd) is good in a southerly or northerly but most windsurfers need to sail out a bit into deep water. great wind there as it's close to the coast. IMO much better wind than lake cootharaba and very close to noosa.
no doubt others might have more info on weyba
Thanks guys. I have sailed all those places in the past and enjoyed them. I was really interested in the river for an opportunistic sail literally 5m from my tent if 12 knts plus? Will no doubt go to those other venues if windy, but not with the foil.