Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Freerace 2 - Bribie Island from 12th October

Created by FreeraceQLD > 9 months ago, 29 Sep 2014
208 posts
29 Sep 2014 7:46PM
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Round two of Freerace is scheduled for October at Bribie island, thanks to Peter Nitchke's

There will be no event regardless of the wind this Sunday the 5th.

However it's game on from Sunday the 12th.

If we get a NE Seabreeze it will be at Woorim Beach,

S/SE will be around the Sandstone point/pebble beach/Bongaree Areas TBC.

As per normal we go if/when it's windy,

updates closer to the date here and on Face Book, also thanks for the mobile phone registrations, we have quite a few on the list, follow the links either on the website or on the Windwanderers Website for entries and mobile phone registration for SMS updates.

208 posts
2 Oct 2014 8:42PM
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HI All,
Not a bad early call for no wind/race this week! can't say we will always get the weather right, but when we do we will gloat!
A great weekend for SUP and scoring extra brownie points at home to pull out for a leave pass for the next blow!

eyes on the forecast for the tip is 15-20NE at Woorim..lets see

We have had a few enquires re equipment rules, guidelines etc,,,and as such much debate about clarifying such was had, so here it is.

A Class (now called 'RACE') no restrictions at all

B Class (now called 'FREERACE') sails under 8m board under 80cm wide

C Class this is the 1/2 hr people, no restrictions

The aim of the above is to keep the serious racers keen and not restrict them in their endeavours, but also stay true to the initial concept of 'freerace' which is based on fun and simplicity and keeping the gear requirements as minimal and simplistic as possible, the 'freerace class' is the class aimed at freerace boards and freerace sails, lots of fun, keeping it real at minimum expense.

The 1/2 hour guys/girls can use what ever gear they feel most comfortable on, that may mean a Starboard Go, a One design, RSX, 5m sail, l9m sail, what ever works best for their own needs, just get out there and do their best, we all need to encourage this crew as much as possible, as they are the growth in the sport.

And remember all entries no matter what class go into the end of season draw for the great prizes from , Severne, Starboard, Black project, Flying Objects, these will be randomly drawn, so the slowest sailor could win the best biggest prize, how cool is that!

The website will be updated with the above asap along with the results from Gold Coast, don't forget you get 'one' discard for the series, so effectively if you missed the Gold Coast event, round one starts at Bribie!

Have a great weekend and see you at Bribie Island!

QLD, 3137 posts
2 Oct 2014 11:12PM
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The restrictions for B Class don't make a lot of sense. The 8 plus 8 rule only dictates the size of gear that can be used not what type of gear you use and certainly doesn't support the stated aim of encouraging the use of freerace gear. All it does is disadvantage a heavy intermediate sailor who doesn't want to compete in A Class but wants to be planning in 12 to 15 kt conditions

QLD, 1084 posts
3 Oct 2014 12:39AM
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Select to expand quote
John340 said..
The restrictions for B Class don't make a lot of sense. The 8 plus 8 rule only dictates the size of gear that can be used not what type of gear you use and certainly doesn't support the stated aim of encouraging the use of freerace gear. All it does is disadvantage a heavy intermediate sailor who doesn't want to compete in A Class but wants to be planning in 12 to 15 kt conditions

Hi John,

Races don't start unless it's 15knts, the average conditions are 15-25knts, for example I'm 85-90kg use 102ltr 63cm 'freerace board' and a 7.0m 'no cam' 'freerace sail' mostly, and finished 2nd last season. So I totally disagree with your comments because I am proof that free race gear can be competitive . Add 20kg to me, change the board to 110-120 75cm and sail to 7.8 the story would have been the same. ( I had a crap result at Gold Coast, because I sailed poorly and chose the wrong positions on the course..had nothing to do with gear, all pilot error)

As for 'type of gear' a 7.5m freerace race sail is much lighter than a 8.6m or larger 'race sail' and will normally get you up and going as quick if not quicker in 15Knts

Top end is where the full on race sails add value and speed, (especially as they reach fully powered to overpowered) and you need a high level of skill to milk that extra few knots, "the average sailor doesn't have the skill to milk those extra few knots, and would be better on FR gear, not my quote, but one that is often cited by mnay experts."

With up to 80cm of board, anyone can be motoring along at a good pace in 15knts with under 8m of sail, if they are not then it's sailor skill not gear that is the issue.

Don't fall for the fallacy that you need fancy race gear to be competitive, because clearly that's not the case, I'm confident is saying that if the likes of a 'Vando or Brad A' were on the same gear as me..they would still beat me by a mile, because they are much more highly skilled sailors than I.

The gear is only as good as the sailor makes it! There are guys on this forum that have hit 40knts on Severne NSX no cam sails, so the proof is there free race gear wont slow you down too much, everyone is quick to blame gear, but not 'skill or strategy'

Making gybes and having a consistent 'dry' hour is the secret to doing well in the 1Hr, not top speed, have a look at the results over the past events.. anything in the low 20knt range for the hour is going to put you right up near the top, even first place..and 20knts isn't that fast, but try maintaining that average it for 1Hr, as the stats are clearly showing it's a lot easier to hit 35+ on a quick speed run than maintain 20+knts over an hour.

Hope to see you out there next 'fun' event , Cheers

QLD, 548 posts
3 Oct 2014 7:27AM
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Tide will play a bigger part than wind on where it will take place.

QLD, 120 posts
3 Oct 2014 8:59AM
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Even with that long-winded reply to Johns question i fail to see the point of the 80cm x 8m rule except to put off some sailors who may otherwise take part.
I am 83kg (sometimes) and at the lower wind limit i would be happy on my 8.6 3 cam sail because even if the wind picks i know that i will still be comfy.This is not a high-tech expensive sail,it is one i purchased cheaply on SB.
I have used older Ezzy no cam sails and they are not very nice when the wind picks up.
Sorry i just don't see the point of this rule.

QLD, 701 posts
3 Oct 2014 10:13AM
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Bayside sailboards invented the slalom 88 class a few years ago ,but we found as mentioned here that some of the big guys just needed bigger kit . As the skill level drops you will find that heavier less skilled sailors will be running bigger sails and boards . I know of a few guys that are 100 kilo plus that easily hold onto 8.5 in 15 knots and some use much bigger.

QLD, 3137 posts
3 Oct 2014 10:07PM
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At the moment I only own a 82cm board so I'll just compete in the A class, which sort of defeats the purpose of a B Grade as I am definetely not a A Grade sailor.

You should reconsider adopting Bayside Sailboards rule of letting competitors choose which Grade they sail in regardless of gear. Most people know where they fit and manage by exception those who don't.

208 posts
4 Oct 2014 8:30AM
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HI John,

We wont be excluding anyone on competing or entering on what ever gear they choose.

All we are doing is trying to preserve the 'Freerace' concept, more info on this page....

Everyone sails together at the same time, the results are all shown as a group in order or performance, it's just the 'official' scoring for end of season results that will be noted. So if you sail in the FR/B group with a 9.2m sail for example, you will get your time and see your position, its just on the leader board or ladder board your result won't count for FR/B Group.

If your not bothered by where you finish on the leader board, use what ever you like, enter as a B group, if you would like a result in the 'B Group/Freerace' then the 8/80 rule applies, or as you say enter as A group or C.

As an organising group in an equipment sport, just like car racing in many ways, there does need to be some equipment rules/finality otherwise it's just always going to boil down to the biggest engine/cheque book will always win. Just like Car racing does this possibly put big people at some disadvantage? maybe, but the same argument would apply in reverse to for lightweights, like all sports some body sizes/weights are better suited for certain positions or sports better than others, we have to look at the 'general' or 'average' snap shot when formulating the guidelines. It's impossible to have a solution that satisfies 100% of everyone.

We did go out everyone here on SB and FB, at the end of last season with an extensive survey(2) and we reviewed all comments, feedback and ideas, we had well over a 75% result in favouring what the FR Concept was about and what we were doing.

At the end of this season we will again go out for feedback/comments and ideas, so you will have your opportunity again to press your case then.


Hope to see you on the water at Bribie.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Freerace 2 - Bribie Island from 12th October" started by FreeraceQLD