Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Freerace Results

Created by FreeraceQLD > 9 months ago, 23 Jul 2015
208 posts
23 Jul 2015 12:18PM
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Better late than never! Trophies to presented at FR 1 2015/16 Series, so if your name is on this list make sure your there!
2015/16 Series will be announced within the next few weeks.

Congratulations to Dave Sandos and also special Congrats to Kellie Tusler who not only fly's the flag for the ladies, she whip's a lot of guys when it comes to a an hour of power!

We were a bit light on in the Novice Div to award 2nds and 3rds, but Morgan really deserved his 1st place and its been great to see him improve over the season gaining more consistency to his sailing achieving better 1/2 and even full hour results.

We really would love to see more people in the Novice Division, its a great opportunity sail with and learn from more experienced sailors plus a good measuring stick for your own progress against yourself and your peers, in a low stress low fuss environment.

Thanks everyone who participated last season, we are really hoping and wanting FR 2015/16 to be the biggest and brightest yet, the One Hour Freerace format is now also being run in other states and even overseas.

Don't forget you can see GPS replays of some of the races and some video also at

And lots of photos are on the Gallery Page,

You can also keep up to date on Face Book,

QLD, 580 posts
24 Jul 2015 7:57PM
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Big congrats to the winners. Thanks also to the sponsors and all the other competitors who made it along to one or all of the events throughout the season.

I would like to say though a VERY BIG THANKYOU to the dedicated Windwanderers windsurfing club committe members who have spent so much time making this happen including Jonesy, Dylan T, Peter D and our new president Bryn S. Please remember events like this don't just happen it takes a lot of work and any help at all is always welcomed and very appreciated.

QLD, 119 posts
24 Jul 2015 8:25PM
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Second that...


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Freerace Results" started by FreeraceQLD