Freerace is seeking comment and feedback about the series/concept and future
please take a moment to head over to our Facebook Page
and follow these links for 2 x 10 Question
PS, the survey is done by 'monkeys'! so your input is totally anonymous!
The 'links' above have just been made 'live' thanks Seabreeze, so you can click straight through now and have your say, cheers
These are just some 'early' numbers and feedback, like all surveys the more respondents the more accurate the result, if you haven't already, or know someone who hasn't done the survey, please get them to follow the links in the above post, we'd like to wrap it up asap.
Like all surveys when you look back (and had never worked with the 'Monkeys' before so was a first) possibly could have asked better or different questions, any way, there are some definite trends amongst the results to work with.
Pretty safe to say the concept and series was well liked and the majority are keen to give it another crack, or have a go if they didn't this year.
Concerning trend however is the lack of 'help' or 'support' offered....thanks to those that have raised their hands..
So these are a snap shot, not all the questions covered, the 'registration process' has gained 100% easy, which is great!, can't publish all the comments, but some good comments and feedback that has been submitted so far with good ideas and thoughts...