Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

QLD Raceboard Championships 2014

Created by tonymatta > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2014
QLD, 358 posts
10 Apr 2014 12:29AM
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QLD Raceboard Championships

will be held on the 3rd and 4th of May
at the Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club.
Notice of race is available on the link below.
Thanks to BOARD CRAZY for sponsoring the event again this year.

There has been a change of plan for the RSX championship.
This is now planned for RQYS 16th to 18th of May.
RSX sailors are still very welcome to join in the Raceboard races on the 3rd and 4th.

QLD, 358 posts
22 Apr 2014 12:29AM
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Less than two weeks to go to the QLD Raceboard championships.
Even if you don't have the latest gear and haven't sailed for a while.
Come and have a go. All Welcome.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
22 Apr 2014 1:22PM
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Great Tony. Hope that boutique bar at the LCSC is well stocked!

QLD, 3761 posts
22 Apr 2014 5:14PM
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Great can't wait to get another flogging from kids that have spent less time living than I have spent windsurfing.

QLD, 358 posts
28 Apr 2014 1:49PM
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final countdown to the championships. Is anyone still looking for a board?

QLD, 3123 posts
30 Apr 2014 12:14PM
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Does anyone have a spare room at Boreen Pt and want to share costs for Saturday night?

QLD, 3123 posts
30 Apr 2014 3:08PM
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What's Lake Cootharibah like to sail in a Westerly Wind?

QLD, 358 posts
30 Apr 2014 7:21PM
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No special measures required for the westerlies. We just set the course near the far side.
It can be a bit more gusty.

QLD, 177 posts
30 Apr 2014 10:20PM
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And in typical westerly fashion we probably won't know what it's blowing until we get to the other side.

QLD, 177 posts
1 May 2014 9:40AM
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QLD, 1241 posts
1 May 2014 11:45AM
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Nice photo Brynoz.

Blackattack has told me that a good westerly can be very consistent on the lake so it may be a better option than sailing in the ocean this weekend.

QLD, 358 posts
1 May 2014 11:14PM
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For those who will be at the lake on Saturday night:
The LCSC clubhouse and bar will be open on Saturday evening.
Drinks are cheaper than the pub and its a great spot overlooking the lake.
The BBQ will be available for cooking your BYO food.
Takeaways from the Boreen Point shop including Pizza will be available as well.
Non Competitors are also very welcome.

For competitors:
Our sponsor Board Crazy is providing great prizes which will be allocated by lucky draw.
So Leo won't get them all.
Make sure you come to the presentation on Sunday after racing to be in the draw.

QLD, 177 posts
4 May 2014 8:25AM
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Day 1 update.

Westerly winds are good for nothing and three races held in ranging 5 to 25 knots.

Race 1 - Zane brought some form he called luck, I call local knowledge and picked all the wind shifts to take the win.

Race 2 - Brendan forecast strong wind from some cloud gazing and shortly after the start hooter most of us got flattened. Whoever won that won spent the least time on the drink.

Race 3 - Jo was in front and Leo fell in the drink in shock. Closet of all the races with things swapping at the front a fair bit.

Several protests under way in good faith. All payments to Tony.

Looking like a nice day today with lighter winds.

QLD, 152 posts
4 May 2014 10:37PM
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Latest results???

QLD, 358 posts
5 May 2014 12:41AM
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Thanks to all who came and competed, including Shari and Lara O'Brien on their RSXs.

Winners of the lucky draw prizes from BOARD CRAZY were
David Sterling
Jacob Whitford
Bryn Somers
Jaime Metcher
Pop in to see Simon at the shop to collect your prize.
Thank you Simon for your sponsorship.

QLD, 3123 posts
5 May 2014 10:21AM
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Thank you and the LCSC for putting on another great regatta. Leo is again a worthy champion. Congratulations to all the other participants. 7 races in 1 and 1/2 days in the blustery westerly wind conditions on the lake was a true test of sailing skills.
Thanks for your continued sponsorship

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
5 May 2014 11:39AM
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Thanks Tony and LCSC. It was a great Regatta. Well done Leo, Zane and Jo. Really enjoyed the sailing. Pulled a hammie so had to go home early .

63 posts
5 May 2014 12:02PM
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Crappy iphone photo from the start boat, but you get the idea...

QLD, 241 posts
6 May 2014 7:47PM
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Well said John. Yes congrats to Leo and thanks to the organisers for putting on a well run event.

If u look closely at the photo u can see I'm in front of Leo! That was about the only time that happened all weekend. The photo gods were very kind to me.

Good meeting you guys and look forward to the next regatta.


QLD, 177 posts
8 May 2014 8:26PM
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Hey Brendan,
Next time you pull a hammy during a Regatta try doing this and apply Candian Club. It worked for this bloke. Ha ha. Thanks to LCSC, Tony, Boardcrazy and Simon for supporting the race board class. Wish I was doing it all again this weekend.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
8 May 2014 10:15PM
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Ha Ha, that was a very funny moment! (for us not Leo though).

QLD, 241 posts
9 May 2014 1:03PM
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Hey Bryn, pity you didn't get some audio to go with that photo. Leo was makin some noise! Excellent weekend. Looking forward to the next one.

19 posts
11 May 2014 7:49AM
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Hi Tony - thanks for organising a great raceboard regatta. I really enjoyed rediscovering the "exhilarating raceboard blast", which was the source of a lot of adrenalin for me 1985-95.

Is it possible to generate a set of results that include the RSX competitors? I think the achievements of the girls on RSX deserve much more attention. In conditions that favoured weight and strength, their highly competitive performance showed that these three Queensland girls are incredibly tough and talented. An inspiration to us all, including other girls and women who might be thinking about getting into the sport.

Is their anything in the rules that makes the RSX an invalid entry in a raceboard event?

Thanks very much to Board Crazy for sponsoring the event - I'll be down to pick up my lucky door prize shortly (dreaming of a new phantom)!

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
11 May 2014 1:55PM
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Select to expand quote
Dodgydave said..
Is their anything in the rules that makes the RSX an invalid entry in a raceboard event?

Probably not, but evidently we had better think of something fast.

Too true Dave. It was an amazing effort by all the juniors, ...and not so junior RSXers.

QLD, 358 posts
11 May 2014 10:15PM
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I'm not aware of any rule that excludes the RSX from the Raceboard Class.
We can agree to formally include them in future if that is what everyone wants.
We don't particularly want to exclude people since we all enjoy the contests with more competitors.
That is why we included everyone in the lucky draw.
My personal opinion is that they are sufficiently different to warrant keeping the championships separate.
I don't think we should have a situation where people change boards depending on conditions.

The RSX sailors did a great job in those conditions. No doubt about that.

19 posts
12 May 2014 8:05AM
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Thanks Tony - That's great. Yes, I think the raceboard rules say that there is to be no board swaps. Shame I had to swap boards last weekend; I was really enjoying Charlie's Speed 250 until the nose fell off!

See you at the RSX Qld Champs on Friday - looks like we will start with some nice wind on Day1.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"QLD Raceboard Championships 2014" started by tonymatta