original thread here
Progress is slow
still working on my gybes - tired of being 'shark bait'
started taking videos again
recent lightwind practice at RQYS working with coach Lara
Few more days on water practicing my gybes
shortboard in planing winds and windsurfer LT (so useful for this activity) in lighter winds
playing with relive app
todays practice.....
Learning to gybe before I turn 70
more coaching from Lara at RQYS
Sometimes I feel like the slow learner kid in class I need all the support I can get.
almost there JEFF ,Push your mast forward ,and run it down wind letting the back arm out .so it still catches the wind ,then when you feel it loaded up again (your back arm) let it off and flip to the other side .
don't forget carve the board around in a half circle .
its tuff in bumpy conditions like you had ,
ocean sailing ,I look for a swell .and use it to turn the board .
thats my hint .
Bumpy conditions are harder. If you can find some flatwater to learn that will make it easier but if you learn in choppy conditions flatwater will be a breeze!
I admire your persistence. Good luck !