The new Windsurfer One Design and Long Board sailing date is Saturday 13 September at Bribie Island. Meet at 10am if teh wind is South East at Bongaree, if North East at Sandstone Point. Please invite your friends to come along and join the fun with some great people on the water. Hope to see you out there and remember Peter Nitschke has plenty of WO boards you can use. If you have questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Won't be able to make it on Saturday (working etc.), but...
I'll be racing at LCSC on Sunday. We had a good turnout last weekend. At one point we had on the lake:
* 1 X Phantom 377
* 2 X Phantom 320s
* 3 X Phantom 295s
* 1 X Wally.
Perhaps I'm missing something...I could use the company of more retro-grouches.
Reclaim the lake!
Was great fun at the lake Duncan (thouroughly enjoyed the racing),
we will both certainly be back for more.
Looks like Theresa could be hooked, anyone got a Phantom 295 for sale?
Yep I'm in
Cheers Jeff
Ps will try to enspire some of the locals
I nominate tony Nowork!! To take the longboard challenge
i was wondering,
if we go to pebble beach if it's SE then we can also possibly use our not so long gear.........
Yep J, we'll meet at the car park on the left just before Bribie Island bridge and decide where we'll go then. See you all at 10am :)
had a really good time guys. thanks for organising the day peter and peter and thanks pete for opening up your gear store for all to use. always enjoy the catch up!
I can confirm the family also had a ball. grass tobogganing being their pick from today.
i'll upload a bunch of photos from my wifes mobile and my mobile once I've combined everything so will get them online tonight
one of my favourite non Caloundra bar spots today.
Thanks Josh, fantastic photos mate...
The State Titles Windsurfer One Design next year at Wind Fest Burrum Heads starts 17 March and ends 22 March.
Morning Races, Windsurfer One Design and Long Boards.
Midday and afternoon Speed Sailing.
This will be a family included event with activities for everyone
Are you doing an more of these Wally days?
We have our regular club races at Lake Cootharaba this weekend if anyone wants to join in.
Coaching and assistance is available as well as some loan equipment.