Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurf Instructor Course

Created by cammd > 9 months ago, 27 Feb 2019
QLD, 3973 posts
27 Feb 2019 10:33PM
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Australian Sailing have scheduled a Windsurf Instructor Course for the 27th and 28th of April

Being an Australian Sailing Accredited Windsurf Instructor you can work for a Discover Sailing Centre , start your own business, work over seas at resorts or just help you local club grow by running learn to windsurf programs. Demand for learn to windsurf courses is strong, when ever we schedule them they fill very fast.

I really enjoy running courses, meeting people, making friends and seeing the smiles on their faces as they experience this great sport for the first time. You almost get as big a kick out of watching someone you taught get going as they do. If you enjoy sharing the windsurfing stoke then this is worth doing.

There are prerequesites that need ticking off before you will be qualified, the website details them but they include a first aid certificate, blue card, boat license and safety boat course plus and online coaching course. It's stuff that makes sense, you can't rescue one of your students if you can't drive a boat and if someone gets a cut you need basic first aid skills etc.

Anyone interested can register via the link below, look in the instructor courses.

QLD, 3973 posts
3 Mar 2019 1:05PM
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Lara and Lauren living the dream, employed to do what you love. Day 1 of the current Learn to WIndsurf Course at RQYS.
Lauren is currently an assistant instructor but she will be on the instructor course looking towards gaining her full qualification so that she can run courses on her own.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurf Instructor Course" started by cammd