Hi All,
It's that time of year again, time for the Windsurfing Queensland Annual General Meeting. Scintillating stuff I know but you are all welcome to come along and find out what's going on behind the scenes in your sport.
We are mixing it up a little this year and holding it at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron. This is simply to try and repay the enormous effort RQYS has put into Windsurfing over the last few years. It is also a great venue and we can use a private room (which will be a lot warmer than the deck at the trailer boat club where we normally hold the AGM's).
Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, 578 Royal Esplanade, Manly
Parking: There is parking for non-members in the visitors bay or in the parking lot at the public boat ramp in front of the club
Date: Wednesday the 26th of June 2019
Time: 7.00pm
Come to reception to sign in and you will be guided to the Commodores room for the meeting
Food and drinks can be purchased from the bar so you may want to turn up early for that. WAG's is on the Wednesday also so there may be a slight wait for food. I'm arriving at 6pm to eat prior to the meeting.
Anyone wanting to kick on can have a drink with the WAG's crew, they can be a bit of fun but if you have an RDO the next day I'd book it in...
Hope to see you there.
Scot Farley (President WQ)
A bit wild and wet out there but all systems still go for the WQ AGM tonight at RQYS. Some good breakthroughs to discuss tonight that will affect (positively) our insurance cover, governance and promotional opportunities.
See you there, Scot.