Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windwanderers social day

Created by WindWanderers > 9 months ago, 5 Sep 2016
QLD, 354 posts
5 Sep 2016 8:47AM
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Winters finally over and the wind is back early in spring. Our first social day will on Sunday the 18th September from 10am at Lake Weyba. There will be a BBQ with Burgers & Drinks at lunchtime, if possible bring your own chairs. This is a great opportunity for members to come along and have their say of what they would like out of the club this year. If you have any gear for sale feel free to bring it along. I need to how many are coming for catering so please indicate on this site if you will be attending, hopefully there will be some breeze on the day. For those who haven't been to Lake weyba before you take Eumarella Road off the Sunshine Motorway, the rigging area is opposite 79 Lake Weyba Drive.
Thankyou, Peter Cochran.

QLD, 500 posts
5 Sep 2016 9:04AM
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Keen and leave pass stamped.
See you there.

QLD, 189 posts
5 Sep 2016 10:14AM
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Count me in.


QLD, 119 posts
5 Sep 2016 3:49PM
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Not sure Peter, it's the beginning of school holidays. We may shoot straight to Cootharaba...

QLD, 1420 posts
5 Sep 2016 6:05PM
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I'm pulling a sickie at work.

QLD, 829 posts
15 Sep 2016 8:05AM
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see you Sunday

QLD, 54 posts
16 Sep 2016 4:07PM
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Hi Pete
YES Back on the boards u built again.Though am updating gear and from the JV,s Just wanting to confirm that this is also a learn to sail day.
Just wanting to confirm word that this is also a free learn to sail day. Am working myself but might see you at Elanda
John Boegheim

QLD, 354 posts
17 Sep 2016 9:52AM
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After changing daily the forecast seems to have settled at 15-20 kts N-NE possibly up to 25kts later on the afternoon. Should be a great day, I know there are more coming than have indicated on this thread, apparently it is to much effort to let me know!

QLD, 354 posts
17 Sep 2016 9:55AM
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Yes it is also a free learn to sail day for any sailors that need some help.

QLD, 395 posts
17 Sep 2016 10:00AM
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I should be there.

QLD, 45 posts
17 Sep 2016 11:21AM
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I'll be there Peter. Jack.

QLD, 580 posts
17 Sep 2016 11:26AM
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I'll be there, see you all tomorrow

QLD, 158 posts
17 Sep 2016 12:46PM
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Greg and I will be there. There is some wind forecasted so it should be a good day.

QLD, 121 posts
17 Sep 2016 2:56PM
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John, send me your ph no. mine is 0438-142471, i'll give you a call.

QLD, 177 posts
18 Sep 2016 7:01AM
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Yep see you up there, rain should pass and the northerly will hopefully kick in.

QLD, 1087 posts
18 Sep 2016 8:03AM
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Dropping van off at Elsnda. Will drop in around lunch time
Cheers Jeff

QLD, 120 posts
18 Sep 2016 5:36PM
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Thanks Peter nice set-up and gourmet burgers too. Shame the wind
didn't turn up.

QLD, 45 posts
19 Sep 2016 7:09AM
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Thanks Peter and Wind Wanderers. Enjoyed the time together despite the lack of wind. With all of us yesterday huddled under the marquee waiting for wind, I was reminded windsurfers are the eternal optimists . Thanks again for organising the day. Jack

QLD, 829 posts
19 Sep 2016 7:36AM
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Great day yesterday - always good to get together and talk and learn. I learnt how to rig my Naish 8.8 properly and easily - Thanks heaps Peter for your tips.

Here are a couple of photos

QLD, 189 posts
19 Sep 2016 8:03AM
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Agree with the prior comments. Despite the weather, was good to catch up under the marquee eating some pretty good burgers.

Managed to get some time on the water in the afternoon - the wind tried to get up, but in the end just managed to get a car full of wet gear with not to much to show for it.

Look forward to the social day.

Thanks again.


QLD, 500 posts
19 Sep 2016 9:11AM
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Good to get together.
Thanks to the commitee for making the effort, and for everyone for the good company.
Looking forward to the next one.
Cheers, Brad.

QLD, 177 posts
19 Sep 2016 12:38PM
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Thanks for putting on good day Pete. The hamburgers were worth the trip alone. Lake Weyba is a top spot for these get togethers.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windwanderers social day" started by WindWanderers