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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

2015 Neil Pryde Ryde ..... RAF freeride rig

Created by ULF > 9 months ago, 27 Oct 2014
QLD, 261 posts
27 Oct 2014 6:40PM
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Got to try out the NP Ryde 6.5 the day I picked it up. Since there was a bit of a discussion about it on the magic ride thread I thought I would start a new one.

How does it go? As soon as I rigged it up I knew it had all the characteristics of a sweet sail. Nice curved belly down low and plenty of twist. It all sat very well. Mast NP 430 rdm.

On the water it was great, smooth and comfy. Super easy which is what I'm looking for in a freeride. Speed wise it was good again. I managed a 30kt 2 sec. None of the batterns were adjusted yet as I don't usually touch them until the sail stretches in.

I rode it using my 2014 Allride 106 in Caloundra which is pretty flat water. Great sail for a freeride. I could have been on a smaller sail easily by stuck with it to test the limits. It was great. So glad I bought two of them for blasting.

NSW, 510 posts
30 Oct 2014 1:00PM
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such a sweet sweet sweet set up, have had the joy of that set up for an avo of blasting and it was superb.

QLD, 261 posts
30 Oct 2014 8:58PM
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Yes Tim i had a great time on it last weekend. One of those days one remembers. It was superb at heading upwind. I will try out the 5.5 on Saturday on a FSW for something different if it kicks in hard enough.

QLD, 921 posts
31 Oct 2014 9:02PM
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Far out Bill you've got more new toys than my two kids! Have to say that looks the perfect rig for Queens, a cross between a severne gator and ncx. Great looking sail, nice profile.

NSW, 861 posts
6 Nov 2014 4:42PM
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A very sexy looking rig. Would love to take one for spin.

NSW, 1612 posts
Site Sponsor
7 Nov 2014 9:04AM
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2035 said...
A very sexy looking rig. Would love to take one for spin.

We do have a 6.5 on demo any time you're ready. Nice sail!

QLD, 261 posts
22 Nov 2014 6:55PM
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The 5.5 Ryde has been out a few times now also on the JP Allride 106. Yesterday I got to give it a really good run. The head is adjustable on this one and set correctly by the factory for 16cm extension. I mucked around with it the first couple of days, and now it is back where I started.
These Rydes are really good sails. Plenty of power in light conditions and great in powered up conditions.
It goes upwind very well. I will put a few pics below taken by Hawk.
Tacking and Gybing are easy. And the speed if you want to give it a run is excellent. Yesterday I got the 5.5 using AR106 and stock fin to 32.78. That is no where near the speed guys but good enough for a freeride kit. I'll put in a pic Hawk took showing the profile. The best I've seen on a RAF yet.
Just loving this set up. Couldn't be more happy

This one is going hard upwind.

The profile

Relaxed freeriding ( what it is all about )

jimbob SA
SA, 994 posts
22 Nov 2014 9:12PM
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Ah the old uphaul rope trick going upwind, one of my favourite secret weapons for going way high upwind, know the formula guys use it a lot as well.

WA, 6415 posts
23 Nov 2014 5:23AM
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That's a interesting looking harness with a exceptionally high hook height.

What are the benefits compared to a seat or waist harness?

QLD, 261 posts
23 Nov 2014 8:22AM
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It's just a NP Wave waist harness with life jacket over the top. I cant use seat harnesses at all. Feels weird.
I mostly ride in very rough conditions unlike this pic so the benefit of the wave is getting in and out very quickly. I sometimes unhook jumping swell. It is different for everyone which is best. Most of the people I sail with use seat harnesses. I think a seat will help you go faster. I prefer control and slower.

The jacket makes a waterstart a lot easier and when I do come off it saves the ribs. I was out for 12 weeks three years back with busted ribs. The one time I didn't use it . Learnt the lesson.

QLD, 261 posts
23 Nov 2014 8:38AM
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jimbob SA said..
Ah the old uphaul rope trick going upwind, one of my favourite secret weapons for going way high upwind, know the formula guys use it a lot as well.

Yes it works well, you can feel it engage the rail and drive it the board upwind. I saw the Italian racing team do it in the 90's. Gave it a go and now it is a habit.

WA, 675 posts
23 Nov 2014 12:55PM
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Do these sails rig on a RDM or must it be a STD mast? I have a 5.8 Atlas and was wondering if i would get more time on the water with a 6.0 Ryde or a 5.7 Hellcat rigged on a RDM?

QLD, 261 posts
23 Nov 2014 4:18PM
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Rydes rig on both. I have tried RDM x6 (400/430), RDM X35 (400) and SDM x35 (400) and SDM X65 (430).

The Hellcat 6.2 won't get you going earlier than 5.8 atlas but a Ryde 6.0 will. In my experience the Hellcat has a lot narrower range and is designed to sailed in the top end ( it sets a lot flatter ). I had 5.7, 6.7 2014 and 5.7, 6.7 2011 Hellcats. I liked the 2011 a lot better than the 2014 and I like the Rydes a lot better than any Hellcat.
Hellcats are simply terrible on RDM masts, they must have SDM ( NP may differ but I couldn't get it right on RDM ). The Rydes set very well on both. In saying that I haven't tested a 2015 Hellcat so maybe they have changed.

I use a 6.2 Atlas, 5.6 Combat and 5.0 combat so I get a good chance to make a true comparison between the wave and freeride rigs

WA, 675 posts
23 Nov 2014 5:35PM
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thanks for that info. I have had a Hellcat on my wish list for some time now. Then today i discovered the Ryde and then found this post. Perhaps the moons are aligning.

VIC, 873 posts
9 Dec 2014 11:53PM
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I picked up my new 7m HD Ryde today and was lucky enough to get the perfect conditions to test it in. The graphs were only showing about 13-15 knots but it popped up nicely on the plane with a couple of pumps and felt nice and evenly balanced at the bottom end of its range.
When the wind picked up to 18 gusting to just 20 pulled on a bit more outhaul and moved the lines back a bit and all was sweet.

Rigged on a 430 Xcombat it had plenty of shape and the pic shows it after I pulled on a couple of cm of extra outhaul.
As ULF dose I will adjust the battens next time out.

So the Ryde ticks all the box's for me soft and easy to pump, early low end planing and tunable when the wind kicks in

Thanks Bill for talking me into getting one!

QLD, 261 posts
20 Dec 2014 9:53PM
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Glad you're enjoying it. Nice photo as well.
I would love to know how fast you can get it to go with that slalom board if you have a GPS?

VIC, 873 posts
21 Dec 2014 9:20AM
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ULF said..
Glad you're enjoying it. Nice photo as well.
I would love to know how fast you can get it to go with that slalom board if you have a GPS?

I do happen to use a GPS when I'm on my big gear, the board is a 112 SuperSport so not really a slalom board.

I'm sailing in Port Phillip bay so not great water for high speeds, for me anyway.

Only around 25 2 sec. but I never really went any faster when I had the Hellcat and just enjoying the way the Ryde has made the SuperSport a much more fun board to sail.

Yesterdays numbers

47 posts
4 Jun 2015 10:13AM
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Hi ULF, sorry to dig up this old thread but I need some rigging advice for a Ryde 6.5 when using an RDM. I have both 430 SDM and RDM X9's (actually the latter is a F100, but same thing). When rigging my non HD Ryde with the RDM to the manufacturers specs I find that none of the battens are even close to touching the mast, to get this desired affect I need 3 or 4cm less downhaul than recommended. When rigging on the SDM the battens just the mast and rotate beautifully giving it a nice fully belly. If I apply just enough downhaul so that the bottom two battens just touch the mast the leech is quite tight but I see yours has still some looseness down to the third batten. Do you think I have a faulty sail? Can you please print the measurements that you are using.

P.S. I am only applying a couple of cm of positive outhaul

VIC, 873 posts
4 Jun 2015 6:11PM
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Sounds like not enough downhaul to me, the 7m above is rigged on a Np 430 RDM and I have an extra 1-2 cm from the downhaul printed on the sail and the outhaul is as specified. Maybe post a picture.

QLD, 261 posts
4 Jun 2015 10:36PM
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What extension are you using? If it is NP I rig to spec and downhaul so there is a 5mm gap between the pulleys. I use multiple MXT Ext with 22cm as rec on the sail. I have noticed other brands when lined up beside a NP can vary by 2cm for 22cm mark. So you end up with 24 setting or 20. They seem to all differ.

With the 6.5 Ryde I have used a 430 X6 SDM mast and SDM NP MXT extension, and I have also used it with X35 430 rdm, X6 rdm 430. Both of these on three different NP RDM MXT extensons. All work very well and set well. I just rig them and go.

Have you got a photo ? I bet your using a Chinook extension.

47 posts
6 Jun 2015 3:01AM
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Hi ULF and Jman, I am rigging it using a 2015 Pryde extension so all should be well. If you put more downhaul on a sail the bottom two battens will move further away from the mast, yes?

Ok so I will rig it this weekend on RDM and post the pictures.

47 posts
10 Jun 2015 11:36PM
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Here are two pictures of a 6.5 rigged on an FX100. The second is with 2cm less than stated on the sail and the first with max downhaul applied. In both pictures only 1cm of positive outhaul was applied. The battens are 2cm away from the mast when down hauled to Pryde specs.

QLD, 261 posts
11 Jun 2015 4:59PM
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Ye the bottom one needs downhaul. It would be horrible like that. The top pic looks like it still needs a little more downhaul. My very top photo and Jman's photo show you where the crease is in the second panel. Is your in the same spot? I can't see it on your pic.

I set the out haul to rec. When pulling on it is about 5mm max from neutral. Both your photo seem a bit flat.

I hoped you took a pic of the foot so I can see the pulleys, maybe another from the top looking toward the foot and one from the clew toward the mast. If you look at the pic of mine on the shore the out haul is not as tight. The patterns should be beside the mast. When sailing with wind they move well away create a deep draft.

Don't forget a NP sail takes at least 7-10 sails to stretch in. They are a bit stiff to start, but after a bit of stretching it is excellent.

47 posts
12 Jun 2015 4:02AM
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I did but only of the sail in bottom picture. The top sail had it down hauled block to block.

I had a pro at my local beach have a look at it when rigged on both masts and he said that it set much better on the SD.

Im wondering if the HD and standard sails are different?

When referring to the batten positioning mine are much further away than yours and by applying even more downhaul this is only going to exaggerate the issue. I will rig it again with more downhaul and on the SDM to prove my point.

WA, 162 posts
12 Jun 2015 8:42PM
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I have a 7.5 Ryde same model with a fx100 mast and np mast base which were all bought at the same time and actually read this thread amongst many things way back in January this year when I bought the sail ie was part of my purchasing decision! One thing I read at the time was that 6.5m and above Ryde's are best rigged on a sdm mast as opposed to a Rdm. Not entirely sure why and think from memory was in a 2014 np catalogue.

To date Have been SUPER impressed with the sail especially the ease to rig I've found the key too making the sail work especially in lighter <15 knots is full downhaul on a sdm mast Plus neutral to negative out haul (Max 10-15mm) when you over out haul it really takes the power out of the sail, loads the back hand up and makes it a bit more unstable in gusts. In the lighter conditions having the sail laying off nicely at the top almost to between 2nd/3rd third baton plus the neg outhaul is an amazing thing !


QLD, 261 posts
13 Jun 2015 1:01PM
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mcross19 said..
I did but only of the sail in bottom picture. The top sail had it down hauled block to block.

I had a pro at my local beach have a look at it when rigged on both masts and he said that it set much better on the SD.

Im wondering if the HD and standard sails are different?

When referring to the batten positioning mine are much further away than yours and by applying even more downhaul this is only going to exaggerate the issue. I will rig it again with more downhaul and on the SDM to prove my point.

I downhaul to to half what you have there. The pulleys are only 5mm apart. I'll take a pic next time I rig.
You might be right about the HD vs mono sails. I have found the HD's to be a little softer.

QLD, 261 posts
30 Jul 2015 3:01PM
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Sorry to take so long I haven't been out this winter so I rigged in the garage to show you. This is where I set all my NP rigs.

1 posts
30 Jul 2015 9:29PM
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Hi guys,

I have a question to the masts you use on this sail.

Short ago I sold 5 sails and replaced it with 3 new one.
(very similar to the Ryde I think and thats why I dare to hijack this thread a little).

Fusion 7.2
Fusion 6.1
Fusion 4.9

All rigged on a 430 X6 SDM and work great.

I also tried the 7.2 on a 460 X6 SDM.
Power like hell but feels a little unresponsive and much more backhanded.
When I rigged it with 2 cm more downhaule it lost its shape and became loose leach til the boom.

The 7.0 and 7.5 Ryde is also recomended for 430 AND 460.
Is it the same here and do you have any tips for a better trim on a stiffer mast?

Me, 195 cm, 100 kg, Naish Nitrix 135 and JP FSW 109.

Thanks and I hope you are not upset for this a bit offtopic question.

Markus (from Germany, South Bavaria)

QLD, 261 posts
31 Jul 2015 9:32PM
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Hi Markus,
I had a couple of the Fusions in 7.2 and a 6.1. I found both the two 7.2's rigged best on the X6 430 SDM with the 4# ext. I can't remember the exact length. I didn't like the 460 in it. It was unresponsive.
Fusions do have a lot of back hand when moving to overpowered wind. Long Clew lengths.

The 6.1 ( still have it as a back up sail )rigs on 430 RDM X6 or X3 very nicely. This sail is particularly good on a SUP board in light wind. The power really helps in under ten knots to keep the SUP moving through waves.

The Ryde 7.5 I used only a few times now. I rigged it with a 460 X3 first. A bit Stiff with that mast. I now have 460 RDM 100 carbon I use in it from a brand you wouldn't know over there ( it felt good but i am not used to RDM that long yet ). And next sail I will try it with a 430 X6 SDM to see which is best.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"2015 Neil Pryde Ryde ..... RAF freeride rig" started by ULF