Have you sailed any of the prior versions of the Cube? I've got the 2017 95 L, and before that I had the 2013 98 L. There was a big change between those versions.
because of the shape and the graphics the first thing i thought of was a dick van straalen pocket rocket.
sick looking board.
its very thick looking at the dimensions.
Yummy !
let's get geeky, what's the max stance in cm between front and back straps ?
I measured 47cm on my 87L Pyramid, which is ok but not as wide and radical as they used to be in the past, or in comparison with other similar boards from other brands. for instance I think that the Jp quad has a max stance of more than 50cm .
Do the front fins have toe in ?
I'll run the tape measure of the straps and report back.
As for toe in on the side fin boxes = No
There is 5mm toe in on the main fin boxes
A friend of mine just picked up one of these a few weeks ago and let me have a go on it. Me 85kg and usually ride my 88 JP quad. It was a windy day 4.5 and head high side shore to side off. Looks compact and does not feel like 98lit but jump on and it just wants to go very easy to get dialed in, eats up chop and of course that new board crisp feel is sweet. When I came in to give him his board back I just told him the thing is a weapon, if I had the $$$ i would be looking at the next size down 92 lit.
WATCH OUT Hoff could snaffle that off you on tour...that smokescreen comment about his old Fanny Q is just that :)>>>>>:-