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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

2020 Quatro Pyramid and Cube

Created by Rob0104 > 9 months ago, 11 Jul 2019
90 posts
11 Jul 2019 6:16PM
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Hi all, thought I'd take a look at the new 2020 boards while I'm in el Medano down at the TWS centre. I've tried to show in the photos the amount of rocker in the tail. The Pyramid definitely has more than the previous version, still has a narrow tail, while the cube seems to be a bit flatter and is a lot wider. The double concave is deeper on the cube . Both boards look awesome in the flesh, hopefully over the next week I'll get a chance to try them out.
I asked Piero , one of the guys who works there for his early opinion of the boards. He rated both boards very highly leaning towards the Pyramid, he is a total wave-head so this is probably to be expected.
Hope you like the photos, I'll update if I get a chance to sail either.
cheers Rob

90 posts
12 Jul 2019 3:36PM
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Forgot to thank TWS for their help , cheers guys

459 posts
12 Jul 2019 4:54PM
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nice one Rob - can you ask local opinions of the new Goya Thruster vs keen on the >100 lt size for light wind

90 posts
5 Aug 2019 11:12PM
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northy1 said..
nice one Rob - can you ask local opinions of the new Goya Thruster vs keen on the >100 lt size for light wind

hi, I've managed to get some info from a top sailor based in Tarifa who has had a chance to sail all the new 2020 Quatro and Goyas. Pyramid first, he feels it is a fantastic float and ride board in very specific conditions. Its not a board to sail overpowered or in bumpy conditions. He feels it is best suited in the hands of a fit (not necessarily to look at) hands on sailor in good waves not too powered up. In proper waves he feels there will be few boards as capable of staying on the wave and banging out quality top turns. He did feel however a high level of ability and fitness is a must as well as access to good conditions in order to justify having a Pyramid.
The Quatro Cube he feels is a mix it the discontinued Supermini and the older cube. Early planning, and very fast, however not as wavy as before and he felt it was a bit harder to stay close to the wave on the bottom turn due to tail width and the speed of the board . Basically the Cube feels more of a onshore board than before and will still do a decent job cross off. In my experience this is always the trade off, and its worth remembering with Quatro not as wavy probably still means wavier than most other brands.
I'll post his thoughts on the Goyas on the Goya thread.

459 posts
6 Aug 2019 2:43AM
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cheers Rob - keen to hear also more about Goya on the other thread!

NSW, 323 posts
23 Sep 2019 4:54PM
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Here is a clip of Keith talking about the new Pyramid and a bit of footage of it in action.

Looks so sick, Can't wait for my 92 to arrive!!!

90 posts
9 Oct 2019 2:38AM
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just home from an awesome session on my Pyramid 96 at Maheroraty today. Still a great DTL board.
I was down at the Mayo Mayhem competition a few weeks ago, the wind was super light but interestingly the final was contested by a father and son team both on Pyramids . The father won on the new 82l Pyramid his son was on the 2018 88l. Watching them both sail was impressive as when both would get on a wave the acceleration and speed of the turns they were getting was incredible given the light wind. Other competitors of similar weight were struggling on 105l quads. Keep an eye on the Mayo Mayhem facebook page for the highlight video to see both boards in action

NSW, 323 posts
31 Oct 2019 6:52AM
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Just picked up my 2020 92L Pyramid. It looks pretty sick, can't wait to get it on the water. It will be my bigger board for light wind days to complement my 83L 2018/2019 Pyramid. Here are a few pics, review to follow after a few sessions.

WA, 345 posts
31 Oct 2019 6:17AM
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Looks like the channels at the back are gone again, but otherwise the shapes seem pretty similar. Looking forward to seeing how they compare. Cheers Jens

377 posts
31 Oct 2019 7:20AM
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Think there might be a BIG difference between those 2 boards how they feel ... 2020 model has a v panel double INSIDE a single concave .... 18/19 model is Double on v panel ... changes the style ALOT ... (ive sailed the 2 previous models ) - ie Think about how the central rocker and rail rocker are changing with those 2 bottom shapes ...

Ive always preferred incarnates of pyramid based around Single concave ... (ie 14/15 , 16/17 ) and prob 2020

NSW, 323 posts
31 Oct 2019 11:18AM
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Jens said..
Looks like the channels at the back are gone again, but otherwise the shapes seem pretty similar. Looking forward to seeing how they compare. Cheers Jens

There is actually a fair bit going on with this shape... rocker changes, bottom changes, outline changes... here is the blurb off the Quatro website:

Keith Teboul: "The all new launching Pyramid Pro is something I am very proud of. I wanted to come up with a new bottom concept that would incorporate the best elements of concave and vee together, allowing for the fastest possible flow of water in a wave board. What I created is a mix of both, one that I call Con-Vee. Basically the front of the board has a full single concave, running into a vee through the stance, inside that concave. Off the tail then, the board has a full vee.This bottom bestows the shape with insane quick planing, boosted top end speed and longer, smoother glides when coming off a plane. As a result of this bottom, a stronger double concave is put closer to the rail, allowing for much more grip and thrust through your turns. Something you won't want to go without, once experienced.The outline on the Pyramid Pro has changed as a result of the bottom, with a slightly fuller nose and a bit more parallel line throughout, allowing the bottom shape, rocker and outline to all work in synergy and more as a whole. Mega fast, turny, grippy and drivey, the qualities that any progressive wave board must be measured by, are delivered in the most uncluttered of ways in the Pyramid Pro."

501 posts
31 Oct 2019 9:02PM
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bigdaz said..
Just picked up my 2020 92L Pyramid. It looks pretty sick, can't wait to get it on the water. It will be my bigger board for light wind days to complement my 83L 2018/2019 Pyramid. Here are a few pics, review to follow after a few sessions.

Do you think you'll really feel the 9 liters difference?
Or was your choice of sizes to have quite a bit of overlap with the boards.
I usually choose about 15 - 20 liters between my regular and my lightwind waveboard.

NSW, 323 posts
1 Nov 2019 3:04PM
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AlexF said..
Do you think you'll really feel the 9 liters difference?
Or was your choice of sizes to have quite a bit of overlap with the boards.
I usually choose about 15 - 20 litres between my regular and my lightwind waveboard.

Good question, haven't ridden it yet - I'll find out soon enough though!!!

Going on past experience I find that roughly 10 litres is a good gap for me, and I can say that previously yes I have been able to feel the difference. But it's always more than just the volume for me, it's the width, length and distribution of that volume that makes the difference. I have even had a smaller gap of 8L before, and due to the shapes there was a massive difference in them - predominately width, especially in the tail with those two boards. I feel that on paper there is enough of a difference for me between the two boards - it's 2cm wider in the tail, 2.5cm wider in the middle and has a fuller nose, with a 2cm larger centre fin + of course the extra float of 9L, I feel all of those differences will make a considerable difference in feel/range/performance. But like you said, there is a bit of overlap, which I like.

I like the 83L because even though it is my small board it still has enough volume that I can float and ride on it if it's light wind but the waves are still cranking at a reef break with a chanel (I weigh roughly 78-80kg) - and then of course it's great as the wind picks up, but at that volume for me I definitely start to need a bigger board if its crappy onshore or really light wind etc... I'm expecting that going to the 92 with it's extra width, not only in the middle but also the nose and tail will give me that extra planning area + float, as well as a larger fin will combine to get me going even earlier and help in those conditions, but means I don't have to sacrifice the awesome feel and the turns that these boards offer.

I'm sure some of you are thinking why not get a different board for those conditions... more suited to light wind/onshore etc... So I'll answer that as well. Quite simply, I have in the past. I have had both the Cube and also the Super Mini and whilst I have loved both those boards (they are both very, very, good boards), once I got my Pyramid there hasn't been any other board I wanted to ride - It's that good!!! It suits my style of riding and I just really get on well with it and whilst it is predominately an epic DTL board I have found that it is also pretty adept in less than ideal conditions - I don't usually sail in onshore regularly, so on those rare occasions I can get away with it and have had some pretty fun cross-on sessions on it. If I predominately sailed onshore then this probably wouldn't be my first choice though.

For interests sake, if I was to increase the gap I could potentially go a bit smaller than my 83l, maybe down to 80l if they made one, but wasn't keen to go down to the next size which is the 77 - as I feel i would lose to much range for my small board and don't really get many 30+knt days. If I lost a bit more weight I would consider going the 77 and 87 as my quiver, and yes then I'm back to my 10L gap rule of thumb - it works for me :)

90 posts
2 Nov 2019 1:15AM
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Rob0104 said..
just home from an awesome session on my Pyramid 96 at Maheroraty today. Still a great DTL board.
I was down at the Mayo Mayhem competition a few weeks ago, the wind was super light but interestingly the final was contested by a father and son team both on Pyramids . The father won on the new 82l Pyramid his son was on the 2018 88l. Watching them both sail was impressive as when both would get on a wave the acceleration and speed of the turns they were getting was incredible given the light wind. Other competitors of similar weight were struggling on 105l quads. Keep an eye on the Mayo Mayhem facebook page for the highlight video to see both boards in action

As a follow op to coming 2nd at Mayo Mayhem Finn Mellon Irish team rider for Quatro went to the famous UK wave competition at Tiree and came 2nd there as well, again on the Pyramid and up against a very strong fleet. the conditions were cross off so safe to say for the purist wave sailor its still very much the board to go for.
Bigdaz looking forward to hearing your thoughts on your new 92, it looks sick in the red. I had a rip on both the 2020 Quatro cube 106 and the Simmer Quantum 105 last week although sadly not in waves, when I get both down a wave or 2 I'll post a review.

NSW, 323 posts
2 Nov 2019 7:59AM
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Ok, so first got a session in late yesterday. Swell was consistently head high, some bigger on the sets. Wind started off around 20knts so I rigged 5.3 (Ezzy Elite) it was as cross/on and lots of current and sweep down the beach.

After the the first run wind picked up to more like 27-28knts, so I was immediately overpowered. I didn't have time to waste and it was a long walk back to the car to change down, so I stuck with it. 4.7 would have been perfect though.

So I could have, should have really been on my 83L and 4.7.... so how did the 92 go fully over powered????

Amazing!!!!! First impression was how smooth it was in the choppy conditions at speed, the new bottom contours really help smooth things out, I would say it is a lot more comfortable than the last generation. Even though I was completely over powered I never felt over boarded which was a massive surprise!!!! It just felt great. That being said, I usually like to be on a smaller board if possible, but this did not feel out of place in those conditions.

Off the plane it felt reasonably stable and the extra length gave it good glide, I can see it being great for float n ride. Obviously in the windy conditions it planed very quickly and had a good top end speed and like I said, really comfortable in the chop. It's really sensitive to foot position, especially in transition so u have to be very proactive, so not as suited if u are a passive sailor, much narrower room for errors than say the Cube or Super Mini.

On the wave, it continues to follow its epic heritage and produce sick gouging turns, it's hard to say at this point if the turns are much different to the last generation, but you could definitely feel that smoother ride here as well so, overall I would say it feels better on the wave because of this.

Super stoked with this board, if I had the money I would update my 83 to the new 82 as well - the new bottom contours are a big improvement and I just couldn't get over the smooth ride!!!

hopefully some more sessions soon and I'll let u know any more thoughts I have.

NSW, 323 posts
2 Nov 2019 10:21PM
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Session #2, similar conditions to yesterday, this time I rigged my 4.7 so I wasn't overpowered today. Waves were a bit cleaner and at time the wind was a bit less onshore. Really I should have used my 83L again, but still too keen to ride my new board!!! And this time I did feel like I had a bit too much board on the wave - but that's not the boards fault.

I had a bit more time today and got some longer rides as well, so it was good to get a feel for how it was linking multiple turns and it just keeps blowing me away, it was awesome!!! Those double con caves right near the rail really bite and carve like a hot knife through butter - also good for heading upwind on the way out!

looking forward to using it in some lighter winds and float n ride, I think it's going to be a very fun board in those conditions.

TAS, 2648 posts
7 Nov 2019 6:30AM
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bigdaz said..

if I had the money I would update my 83 to the new 82 as well -

Yeah i think i spotted these are retail of $3999!! wow

377 posts
20 Jan 2020 4:31PM
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Yo Bigdaz - any updates / new insights into the pyramid 2020 ?

NSW, 323 posts
2 Feb 2020 9:22PM
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seabreezer said..
Yo Bigdaz - any updates / new insights into the pyramid 2020 ?

Just that I'm absolutely loving it!!!
reading back through my previous comments, I don't think there is much more to add. I've sailed it in all kinds of conditions now, DTL, overpowered, light wind, cross on, cross off, with my 3 sails - 4.2,4.7,5.3 Ezzy's, and I just love the way it feels - I couldn't be happier with my purchase!!!

52 posts
6 Mar 2020 11:11PM
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A quick word to say my 87 pyramid 2020 is hands down the BEST waveboard I have ever owned (and Gosh have I owned a lot...). I'm no heavy weight at 74 kgs, and it amazes me is how good the board remains even in very crappy Euro conditions, gusty sideon,, knee high super choppy ? waves ?, and I do turns like never before in those subpar conditions. I went fully stacked on a 3.7 in crappy sideon and also in crossoff waist high, the board holds such a small sail for its volume with perfection. This board is super confortable, inspires confidence like never before, it puts a big smile on my face and that is priceless. I love its nose that climbs over white water with ease. I had a Fanatic Grip 82 before, a compact modern fish waveboard who basically won every magazine tests it entered the last two years, and it is indeed a very good board. Well I find in terms of sensations and ease of use my 87 Pyramid blows it out of the water lol ! It is so much more intuitive. I'd say don't hesitate to go for the bigger volume if you hesitate between two sizes. Thank you Keith and team Quatro :)

377 posts
9 Mar 2020 3:42PM
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Havn't sailed latest pyramid ... but would say in general - couldn't agree more on the comment -

" ease of use my 87 Pyramid blows it out of the water lol ! It is so much more intuitive" ...

Ive sailed a stack of production boards / brands etc ... And there's a few brands I just CANNOT get on with their wave range at all - that lack of 'intuitive'ness' is a big problem imo ... when yr always having to 2nd guess what the board does next on a good size wall etc making them really technical 'glitchy' and sporadic and 'snatchy ' to sail ... And then there's brands that just have that super easy radicalness - Quatro are for sure in that latter category , and having ridden some of their customs - can tell that that 'intuitive' feel is really high on the priority list for the likes of Levi etc ... smoothly radical boards ... that are so straight forward in reaction you can load them up with so much more pressure ...

NSW, 323 posts
11 Aug 2020 1:08PM
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Latest update on my journey with the Pyramid.

Over winter I decided that I was only going to run one board instead of two for the upcoming season. I have sold both my Pyramids - 83L (2018/2019) and 2020 92L (you may have seen the clips of Duncan giving the 92 a serious stress test out at Shark Island, he looks like a very happy new owner).

I only just picked up my new 87L 2020 Pyramid recently and have had a couple of sessions on it and couldn't be happier. The 2020 version of the Pyramid is simply the best board I have ever ridden and I can't fault it. The 87 has all of the same traits as the 92 with early planing, smooth ride and outstanding turning potential. As a one board solution for me the 87 is a perfect fit and I can't wait for those summer breezes to start cranking again!!!

VIC, 53 posts
31 Aug 2020 9:23AM
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bigdaz said..
Latest update on my journey with the Pyramid.

Over winter I decided that I was only going to run one board instead of two for the upcoming season. I have sold both my Pyramids - 83L (2018/2019) and 2020 92L (you may have seen the clips of Duncan giving the 92 a serious stress test out at Shark Island, he looks like a very happy new owner).

I only just picked up my new 87L 2020 Pyramid recently and have had a couple of sessions on it and couldn't be happier. The 2020 version of the Pyramid is simply the best board I have ever ridden and I can't fault it. The 87 has all of the same traits as the 92 with early planing, smooth ride and outstanding turning potential. As a one board solution for me the 87 is a perfect fit and I can't wait for those summer breezes to start cranking again!!!

Hi, have been enjoying your reviews of the pyramid; may i ask how much you weigh?

I'm getting the 82L at 75kg... I think it'll work quite well but keen on your feedback since you've gone from 83 & 92 to 87L.



NSW, 323 posts
1 Sep 2020 3:52PM
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akesy said..

bigdaz said..
Latest update on my journey with the Pyramid.

Over winter I decided that I was only going to run one board instead of two for the upcoming season. I have sold both my Pyramids - 83L (2018/2019) and 2020 92L (you may have seen the clips of Duncan giving the 92 a serious stress test out at Shark Island, he looks like a very happy new owner).

I only just picked up my new 87L 2020 Pyramid recently and have had a couple of sessions on it and couldn't be happier. The 2020 version of the Pyramid is simply the best board I have ever ridden and I can't fault it. The 87 has all of the same traits as the 92 with early planing, smooth ride and outstanding turning potential. As a one board solution for me the 87 is a perfect fit and I can't wait for those summer breezes to start cranking again!!!

Hi, have been enjoying your reviews of the pyramid; may i ask how much you weigh?

I'm getting the 82L at 75kg... I think it'll work quite well but keen on your feedback since you've gone from 83 & 92 to 87L.



Yeah, that sounds like a good size for you. I'm roughly 80-82 and the 87 is perfect.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"2020 Quatro Pyramid and Cube" started by Rob0104