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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

90 - 98l slalom boards

Created by Stretchy > 9 months ago, 16 Jun 2018
WA, 978 posts
16 Jun 2018 5:57PM
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I'm doing a bit of window shopping for boards of this size In the 2015-2017 age bracket. I want to replace my Carbon Art SL52, but go a little wider as I now have my CA SP47 for the big days. I currently have a X-Fire or Falcon in mind.
Anyone out there who sailed 2 or 3 different brands in this size range that can share some insights?
the main characteristics I'm interested in are:
- top end speed in relatively flat water
- not too technical to gybe
- confident handling in chop


NSW, 1733 posts
17 Jun 2018 7:46AM
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I have exocet rs2 and Rs3 2013 and before had isonic 101 2009 and 97 2014. I love the Exocets, they have what you are after: fast, comfortable in challenging conditions and jibe well. Isonics wood were comfy but slower, the carbon 2014 was fast but too harsh in the chop for me.

10 posts
17 Jun 2018 6:46AM
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I changed from Fanatic Falcon to CA slalom about 2 seasons ago, but when I was on fanatic I also had a SL52 Which was my go to board when I was out of control on my 90falcon.
I have a CA SL89 which is 59 wide, The newer models of CA have recessed decks which improves control and handling. I find I am holding onto this board with ease into the same conditions where I use to be down onto the SL52.
The Carbon Arts are amazing to Gybe especially comapared to Falcons which are very technical and easy to get wrong in gybe.
Nothing wrong with Speed of CA either I have all new PB's since changing over boards.

The three things you are looking for are exactly what I found when I changed to CA :)

WA, 978 posts
17 Jun 2018 7:50AM
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I used to have an i101 wood also, an enjoyable all conditions board. I found it good to gybe too. I have no experience with Exocets, but definitely worth a look if I see one in WA.

"The Carbon Arts are amazing to Gybe especially comapared to Falcons"
thats certainly my experience to date. My SL52 is fun to gybe, whereas I struggle to do a decent gybe on my Falcon 113. I'm sure a better sailor could, but I lack finesse

WA, 3159 posts
17 Jun 2018 7:25PM
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Next time you're up here long one, I'll give you a go on my CA SL87, I love it but then I have only sailed CA's for last 10 years and I'm not going to change.

WA, 978 posts
17 Jun 2018 9:00PM
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Thanks Bob

WA, 6415 posts
18 Jun 2018 1:14AM
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A Tabou Speedster100 litre is what you're looking for.

65 cm wide with soft tucked rails,lots of vee and rocker etc. It leaves the Rocket for dead and only one percent slower than a Mantra.

I use it with my 5.5m and 6.2 mostly. 6.6m and a 32cm Volt felt great as well but 7m feels slightly on the big side.

Bob - you didn't let me try your brand new CA last year when I saw you last summer

503 posts
18 Jun 2018 3:55AM
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I don't think you can go wrong with any off the current crop of 90-98 ltr slalom boards, all very good.

The iS90 (62cm) and RRD xfirexfire 98 (62cm) are probably the two stand-out boards. Heavier sailors are using both these for high winds.

Medium/lighter weight sailors are opting for iS87 (60cm) and xfire 90 (59cm) for high winds.

unless you are 90kg plus, I wonder if the iS90/xfire90 might be better options for you. Both are just slightly wider than your old CA SL52, and a decent useable size up from your CA Sp47. 47cm to 62cm seems big (unless you are heavy).

just my 2 cents worth :)

p.s. I guess the perfect board for you would an CA Sp60 ?

WA, 978 posts
18 Jun 2018 1:01PM
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Thanks for the useful feedback Peter and Mark.

Peter, I agree the Speedster or Futura are worth a look, however I don't want to go too wide or I'll be too close to my 69 wide Falcon.

I'm about 98kg, but I do prefer the old school skinny over the new school wide, so I agree with your thoughts Mark. I reckon 56 - 60cm wide & 90L + would be the sweet spot. I missed a CA Sl58 (98L) at the beginning of the year, would have been perfect!

WA, 2333 posts
18 Jun 2018 9:47PM
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Now the waiting game begins

WA, 456 posts
19 Jun 2018 5:23AM
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You can have a go on my 92 Patrik next time we meet up Rob. Its my favourite.

Dean 424
NSW, 440 posts
19 Jun 2018 9:01AM
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I think you should look at the Patrik Freerace 100L. 60cm wide with the same rocker line as the Patrik 92, but a touch easier to sail and probably perfect for your weight when wanting a narrow board with a bit of vol to keep you planing in the gybes and getting going quicker. (5cm longer than patrik 92)

WA, 978 posts
19 Jun 2018 7:51PM
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Swindy said..
You can have a go on my 92 Patrik next time we meet up Rob. Its my favourite.

Love to Rog. Cheers

WA, 978 posts
19 Jun 2018 8:01PM
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Dean 424 said..
I think you should look at the Patrik Freerace 100L. 60cm wide with the same rocker line as the Patrik 92, but a touch easier to sail and probably perfect for your weight when wanting a narrow board with a bit of vol to keep you planing in the gybes and getting going quicker. (5cm longer than patrik 92)

Yeh, I reckon the Patrik's are a pretty good option too.

I think Mark62 was pretty spot on when he said you can't go wrong with the current crop of boards . The challenge will be to find a 2nd hand board at a good price over the few months.

I'll be sure to provide a review when I take action

VIC, 3454 posts
19 Jun 2018 10:23PM
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I think you're dancing around . Given that your already using the right boards that suit you and your sailing......give James a call and put the order in for a new Carbon Art. .
I still struggle to separate between my 52 and 53, love them both. The 66 took longer to love, I just needed to set it with the right sail.
Good luck

WA, 978 posts
19 Jun 2018 8:57PM
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kato said..
I think you're dancing around . Given that your already using the right boards that suit you and your sailing......give James a call and put the order in for a new Carbon Art. .
I still struggle to separate between my 52 and 53, love them both. The 66 took longer to love, I just needed to set it with the right sail.
Good luck

Ha ha, yes you're right . I'm a terrible procrastinator when buying gear (because I'm a tight, which is why I missed the CA58 earlier on. Would love to order a new CA, but with 3 kids in high school, my budget doesn't extend to a $2500+ board. One day.....

interesting what you say about the 66. I didn't really like my Falcon113 initially, but now with a GPS7.3 and a Tribal WS33, I find it flies really well and rockets upwind over chop.

WA, 978 posts
29 Jun 2018 6:17PM
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Trigger pulled on a 2018 Falcon 89

WA, 2333 posts
29 Jun 2018 9:20PM
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Stretchy said..
Trigger pulled on a 2018 Falcon 89

Anyone got a bad review for Stretchy?
Got to slow hom down before he starts!

VIC, 3454 posts
30 Jun 2018 10:35AM
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Ha ha

WA, 2333 posts
30 Jun 2018 9:14AM
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kato said..
Ha ha

Nice K, I did try laughing at him....didn't work.

WA, 978 posts
30 Jun 2018 10:28AM
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Ho ho
karma sucks Dave,
Im looking forward to a great sail tomorrow. What are you up to?

WA, 2333 posts
30 Jun 2018 11:20AM
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Stretchy said..
Ho ho
karma sucks Dave,
Im looking forward to a great sail tomorrow. What are you up to?

Karma says you will be splashed back!

Marcus is keen and well i dunno yet.
It will be at GH, but the forecast isn't awesome, green yeah but not awesome.
Windy here now so must be ZERO in Bunno.
Keep me informed.

WA, 978 posts
30 Jun 2018 1:25PM
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I'm afraid so, Ground Hog day ...
you guys need to find a spot that works around Busso

WA, 2333 posts
30 Jun 2018 2:29PM
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Stretchy said..
I'm afraid so, Ground Hog day ...
you guys need to find a spot that works around Busso

Ill need a Tribal Delta first. Then if we find a spot we will be set.

WA, 2333 posts
9 Jul 2018 9:20PM
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Karma. I'm sorry Stretchy!!!

Im looking now too! Tentetively.

QLD, 3239 posts
13 Jul 2018 2:12PM
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Dean 424 said..
I think you should look at the Patrik Freerace 100L. 60cm wide with the same rocker line as the Patrik 92, but a touch easier to sail and probably perfect for your weight when wanting a narrow board with a bit of vol to keep you planing in the gybes and getting going quicker. (5cm longer than patrik 92)

I have a Patrik Freeace 100L on the way. I was attracted to it for the reason's you have espoused above. I'm looking forward to trying it out.

WA, 978 posts
25 Jul 2018 8:26PM
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First sail with my Falcon 89 today. Wind was a bit patchy, but strengthened later. Relatively small chop, but more chop than ideal for speed runs. I started with my HSM GPS 7.3 and Choco WeedSpeed28, then changed to my GPS6.0 when the wind strengthened. The 7.3 worked ok, but I wouldn't use any bigger sail with it. I think a 30-32cm fin would have been a more balanced combo for the wind conditions. I clocked 35kts with this before changing down to the 6.0 when the wind picked up. I started conservatively with my boom and mast foot position. As my confidence grew, I moved them back and up and until the board was flying off the fin and mowing down chop nicely. Doing deep bearaways across the chop the board felt very balanced and controllable, I had zero "moments" and no spin-out issues - if I was going to have any, today was the day for it. Gybing also felt good, it carved a nice arc easily without seeming to object to any imprecise foot placement from me. As stated earlier I lack finesse, but I think I'll be able to get some good alphas out of this board in better conditions.
I still love my CA52, but I think my Falcon89 is a worthy successor.
my criteria:
- top end speed in relatively flat water. - tick
- not too technical to gybe. - tick
- confident handling in chop - tick
Thumbs up from me

thanks to Simon from BC for the board and the excellent service


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"90 - 98l slalom boards" started by Stretchy