getting back in to the sport and looking for good all round for surf and race. Any recommendation or are all similar.
I am about 80 kgs and 1.71 m ( 5' 7" or so)
also harness lines - do i get couple different sets or adjustable ?
Harness lines, if just getting back into the sport. Id suggest adjustable. Until you find where you are at.
Wow, surf and race? Those are the two most opposite ends of the spectrum in regards to harness design.
Surf, very high hooks are best, waist harnesses being most popular.
Race, very low hooks are best, in seat harnesses only.
Either buy two harnesses, or get a mid height hook harness, which is a compromise (not perfect for either), but good for bump and jump.
Or, maybe reword your question.
For wave and slalom I use a waist harness. I use a Dakine T6.
For race e.g. raceboard, Mistral One Design I use a seat. I have an early 90s Neil Pryde seat harness which works well. I have found to get best upwind performance you need a seat. Also RSX sailors and formula I think use seat and possibly speed sailors but I am not one of the latter so I am not entirely sure. I think seat enables you to carry big sails and with a high boom (between nose and chin height ) gain leverage over the rig. My experience is that seat is better for your back particularly on my raceboard..
For race harness lines I use Chinook adjustable race with clam cleat and "hi-tech" style rope. Excellent.
Wave and slalom use non adjustable in lengths between 30 -32 cm
Kite harnesses have the most support (they have to). So if that's what you want, buy a so called cross-over harness. I have a mystic majestic. Super comfortable, supports the back really well, looks new after more than 3 years. The bar has to withstand kite power, and so is ridiculously overbuilt. Special bonus - it has a hook knife hidden in the bar webbing. Downside is that it's bulky and heavy, especially when wet. The extra bulk may help protect the ribs though and gives you extra float.
I use a Severne Pod low hook seat harness for slalom, GPS, surf and bump and jump. I also use clip harness lines (adjustable from 26 to 34mm). This all works well for me. However harnesses and harness lines are very personnel. I used combinations of 2 other brands before I settled on my current set up.
Ive met you John and I didn't think your arms were that short!!!
My NP 1990 harness buckle broke yesterday so need to repair it. Maybe even get a new seat.
The typical harness for raceboard windsurfing, is characterized by having a very low hook position. This helps you to take the weight off your feet / board and put the pressure down through the mast foot. This helps the board to rail up in lower wind strengths. Some like the hook to be sliding from side to side, this makes it possible to take a forward rotated position with the body. Loft sails, Tunafish sportswear, Ion, Dakine and Boardwise are some manufacturers which produce a seat harness appropriate for raceboard windsurfing.These photos of top sailors illustrates why seat harness is good for race boarding since you can get on the rail, in the straps , leg extension and arms straight sheeting in and create upwind lift to go to windward. No way could you do this with a waist harness, at least, in my opinion, if you did you would put your back and body through hell. These photos were given to me by a friend and are not, naturally of me. Hope this aids understanding from a recent seat convert.
The best harness is the one that fits your body shape best. Some brands/ models are just totally wrong for my shape so don't work irrespective of hook position.
Ive used my waist harness on formula, wave and slalom gear. It's just a matter of setting up the gear and stance to suit.
imo adjustable lines are best. I'll use the same boom on a race sail and a wave sail, being able to adjust the length for gear and conditions is ideal.