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Hot Sails Maui KS3 and CAAS extreme wave masts

Created by christo > 9 months ago, 29 Oct 2016
WA, 40 posts
29 Oct 2016 2:35PM
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The KS3 is THE wave sailor's choice.
Powerful yet unbelievably stable the three batten design has radically less sail momentum which leads to faster response times and improved feel. This gives a more explosive wave ride and quicker action in the air. Also this is an amazing new type of sail that seemingly does not get overpowered and maintains a locked in feel under all wind conditions. As you drop into a wave the forward pull of the KS3 drives your rail through the turn helping you stay tight in the pocket, the increased exit energy that this generates adds a new dimension to your riding, with more power and speed turns gauge deeper and throw more spray. The KS3 is the most powerful and direct sail in our line. It is also our best wave sail for larger sailors who now can use large size wave sails in heavy surf with no drawbacks. The new larger sizes of 6.1m, 6.4m and 6.7m have open whole new areas of light wind wave sailing.

CAAS makes mast and mast extension and manufacture masts for all sail brands. You let them know what sail you have and they adjust the mast curve to the sail whether it's constant curve or flex top etc.

I've had the great opportunity to become a team rider for Hot Sails Maui and CAAS and I can guarantee that the above words are true! I've only had a couple of sessions on the new KS3 2017 and the CAAS Extreme Wave mast and I love it already!

All Hot Sails Maui products and CAAS products can be ordered directly from the Australian distributor.
Please send me message via seabreeze and I'll send you in the right direction.

951 posts
29 Oct 2016 8:29PM
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Are you a marketing major? The first paragraph seems written for a glossy brochure, not the reviews section of a forum.

QLD, 3424 posts
30 Oct 2016 2:50PM
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Select to expand quote
christo said..

I've had the great opportunity to become a team rider for Hot Sails Maui and CAAS and I can guarantee that the above words are true!

Please send me message via seabreeze and I'll send you in the right direction.

Free advertising ?

what are your thoughts on simmer sails Christo ? cause I like them better .....

SA, 2525 posts
30 Oct 2016 3:39PM
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The CAAS masts are like a jewel. They are extremely well made. I've got 3 Powerwave 100% RDM CC masts. I chose the Powerwave over the Extremewave as they are lighter. I'm not an extreme sailor, and don't need the strongest masts.

The good thing about buying an OEM brand (this probably is the case for other generics), if the sail manufacturer isn't forth coming with mast/sail compatibility info (or you question their info), shoot these guys an email, and they will tell you what year/model/brand's is the most compatible with your masts. I mentioned in another post at the start of the year, I use pure CC masts now. I am going to work my sails around my masts from now on.

WA, 40 posts
30 Oct 2016 1:12PM
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Just trying to get the ball rolling boys! Just had a couple of sessions on the new gear and wanted to share how good this gear felt! Thought the text from HSM was very on point so used part of the text to describe the feeling I'll come back with some more "personal" feedback after a few more sessions in different condition!

SA, 44 posts
30 Oct 2016 9:01PM
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I have both these sails and masts. have 4.3 , 4.6 , 4.9 & 5.2 . use them for everything. B & J cross shore to on shore. They do exactly what they say with only three battens. You do need the right high quality mast to make them shine and CAAS Masts are the perfect match. I find small increments in rigging can have large on water performance gains. I appreciate their simple and minimalism nature and design. Well done HSM and Kauli Seadi . Im not a team rider. just a 53 year old hack.

NSW, 1147 posts
31 Oct 2016 8:53PM
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I'll elaborate on the masts, from about a years experience using them.

Yeah i'm also a "team rider", yeah i get free stickers. I'd like to hope this review isn't taken as a blatant plug. You don't see many reviews on masts so maybe it's of value to some.

Originally I was loaned two CAAS mast to test and review and provide feedback on, that was a year ago so it's only fair that I finally buy the masts and provide that long awaited feedback. In that time I've snapped several other branded masts, two in a week, a month ago. The masts I snapped were well known and recognized brands, with good reputations for durability. So the CASS mast have been given a fair test, mainly due to my mistaking ambition for ability. The good news is the the CAAS mast have survived some brutal wipeouts to my genuine surprise.

The CAAS RDM wave masts come in three varieties,
Power wave 100- 100% C, lighter weight/ top response
Power wave 75- 75%, lower carbon, cheaper
Extreme wave- 100% Carbon, thicker walled than the power wave 100, therefore stronger.

I tried all three, my preference would always be the extreme due to the best of both worlds, response and strength.
The 75% is a great lower content mast, I've always been a fan of lower content mast as they tend to be stronger. That said I've had a few that feel like absolute dogs to sail, where these don't. The performance sacrifices are not so noticeable, making these a good option for price and longevity.
The power wave 100% is noticeably lighter and more responsive, though I can only assume won't take the brutal punishment of the thicker walled extreme, though the one I have, is still in one piece.

As stated above, they do offer different curves profiles to suit different sail brand, so these masts may be ones worth considering if in the market.

I also have some new Hotsails being the KS3 spider and the new Quad, that i'll put up a review of later. Basically my views on these mirror the above comments.


1019 posts
14 Nov 2016 5:27AM
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I helped to develop and test the 75% masts in the past as well some 100% when CAAS was still a really small start up brand (2006 or 07).One of the cool things is that the owner Damjan is still doing almost everything or at least supervising himself, so the quality should be pretty constant.

CAAS doesnt build his own pre-pregs but uses the high quality ones made in Italy as well the Pre-pregs made by the triana-factory.Besides building there own label masts, CAAS made some masts for other brands as well.The BIG difference between the Extreme and the Power is that the Extreme has besides a thicker wall also a different Pre-preg and filament patern. Where the power is made from a slightly stiffer but more britle pre-preg makig it more reactive they used for the Extreme a more tenacious/elastic?? kind of fiber. that combined with a slightly less steep angle of filament allows a thicker wall thickness without becoming too stiff.In feel the Extreme is having a really nice sweep. I,m not sure how to explain it, but it offers a bit of filtering making the sailing more relax to me without being dull.
Like written above the Power is a performance orientated mast, powerfull and fast, but to be honest, not as fast as an MaverX Superlego, Hotsails Ultra or Severne Redline, those are just a different performance and price league. If I would compare them to others I would say they are a bit faster as the Ezzy and Goya masts. Both Power as well Extreme can take a serious punishment, but eventually everything can break of course, I proved it on both, but with both I was actually surprised it was "just" my mast instead of my whole gear destroyed. Can,t blame a mast for a stupid sailor trying things way above his level in serious waves and shallow water The only mast I haven,t broken yet is the Hotsails Kauili (wich is pretty thick walled as well!!).
I,m sailing KS3 since there out, and yes they are pretty cool sails.They aren't that many sails out there that except in minor details stay unchanged for 3 years and are still hard to compare with anything else.

SA, 2525 posts
14 Nov 2016 9:54AM
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Thanks Jeroensurf , that's very interesting info :). When you say fast, are you referring to board speed on flat water ?

311 posts
15 Nov 2016 12:07AM
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Hi Jeroen,

you talked about goya mast have you tested the 99% goya mast...should fit exellent on hsm sails...

thanks in advance


377 posts
15 Nov 2016 9:07AM
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DunkO ... Would love some write-up and pics on spiderlock (vs ks3) and newquad soon ! ...


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Hot Sails Maui KS3 and CAAS extreme wave masts" started by christo