Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

NP XC Carbon Race with Interouthaul

Created by BSN101 > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2019
WA, 2333 posts
9 Apr 2019 3:02PM
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Can anyone give some feed back om this boom?

Idea looks great but some real world experience would be great.

Grip looks interesting being oval. Price is huge but could be a ground breaker if its sound,

Cheers Dave

503 posts
9 Apr 2019 5:56PM
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Looks interesting. My first thought was, is fitting harness lines going to be a pain in the a*s and is it going to be tricky replacing worn ropes.

The cost is high, about the same as a small second hand car!!

Found this video.

240 posts
9 Apr 2019 6:11PM
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A piece of crap for its $$$.
Get an x-boom or AL360, anything else is marketing gimmicks.

230 posts
9 Apr 2019 7:00PM
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The boom is great, I have a smaller version must be a 160 - 200 or there abouts. Not entirely convinced of the need to have the outhaul lines inside the boom and I think the smaller diameter version is more fussed by this. The negative is it's not so clear to see if the inner pulleys are even or about to run out of slack as well as there being a chance of the inner knots dragging and not freeing up so easy. (on a larger diameter boom probably less of an issue. )

That all said I've found it very stiff and once you have the inner lines set correctly then it's fine.

QLD, 565 posts
9 Apr 2019 9:49PM
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Certainly is comfy to hold on to for long sessions and less hardware in the way when ur throwing it around.
All comes down to preference just like buying a car.

365 posts
9 Apr 2019 9:01PM
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Rob11 said..
Get an x-boom or AL360, anything else is marketing gimmicks.


QLD, 2455 posts
10 Apr 2019 7:09AM
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Oval or Vgrip works well.. much less forearm fatigue.

QLD, 4034 posts
10 Apr 2019 5:14PM
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The cleats on my adjustable outhaul are beginning to slip so they will need to be replaced, no big deal with a standard set up but I wonder if cleats will be readily available as spares when they wear out on the Neil Pryde one

553 posts
12 Apr 2019 9:38PM
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It's nice to get the rigging spaghetti out of sight and for reduced windage - but a hollow boom will get filled with water at times.

I'd like to see one though. The cleat positioning must be critical if the boom length can still be adjusted.

WA, 2333 posts
13 Apr 2019 11:59AM
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I ended up with a NP carbon 160-220 boom. There wasnt one on display at the shop (but i also didnt ask, my bad).

WA, 2333 posts
13 Apr 2019 12:00PM
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Basher said..
It's nice to get the rigging spaghetti out of sight and for reduced windage - but a hollow boom will get filled with water at times.

I'd like to see one though. The cleat positioning must be critical if the boom length can still be adjusted.

Id be more worried about sand in the cleat and then entering the internals. Ill look again next time im in Perth

QLD, 565 posts
13 Apr 2019 9:04PM
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BSN101 said..

Basher said..
It's nice to get the rigging spaghetti out of sight and for reduced windage - but a hollow boom will get filled with water at times.

I'd like to see one though. The cleat positioning must be critical if the boom length can still be adjusted.

Id be more worried about sand in the cleat and then entering the internals. Ill look again next time im in Perth

The tail is open ended and clearly open up to the cleat for rope to run freely
Any sand entering the cleat can be flushed out the tail with a simple dip in the water
Just forward of cleat is sealed as per most booms

WA, 1635 posts
15 Apr 2019 11:04PM
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I use adjustable outhaul for all sails bigger than a 5.0. This NP interouthaul will make for a very clean setup without all the rigging hanging out in the breeze. However, as a former carbon fiber structures guy for aerospace, I worry about weakness in the tube right there where the cleat is located. Even if they added extra layers of reinforcement around the cleat, it still presents a point load. If you pump VERY aggressively, this could be a problem.

I hope it works out well. It's a great innovation.

WA, 2333 posts
15 Apr 2019 11:23PM
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segler said..
I use adjustable outhaul for all sails bigger than a 5.0. This NP interouthaul will make for a very clean setup without all the rigging hanging out in the breeze. However, as a former carbon fiber structures guy for aerospace, I worry about weakness in the tube right there where the cleat is located. Even if they added extra layers of reinforcement around the cleat, it still presents a point load. If you pump VERY aggressively, this could be a problem.

I hope it works out well. It's a great innovation.

There wasn't one on the shelf so I go a normal NP carbon boom. All good.
Cheers Dave


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"NP XC Carbon Race with Interouthaul" started by BSN101