The latest fins from Tribal fins have been getting great results so far and should see some nice speeds over the next few months
Fins looks great except the back of the fin is on the board and potential for some rear end damage to the board if you hit a solid object or fitting the fin if its a tight fit
not knocking the fins mark but i have made fins with an overhang and payed the price, these fins are made for shallow water and high speed if you hit a rock you can split the box aswell as the board , for me i would take 5mm off for a bit of insurance ??
That's pretty much all it takes. A brief introduction to grumpy's rock and the weed is evidence that the front of the fin has lifted, meaning the trailing edge had to go somewhere. But, luckily the trailing edge has been tapered to cater for that event. When I get a tribal, that's what I'll be doing with the trailing edge.
So far the 14cm fin has been used in 70 litre speeds boards
the 16cm 80 litres - 90 litre boards
Iam getting a couple of 12cm made at the moment to use in the 61 and 71 patrik speed boards
Thanks AB
Wonder what potential performance loss there would be if you put some form of cutout at the base of the trailing edge.
Sammy's PB NM on one of them, he was well happy with the fin
That's some seriously dense weed down at Albany with lots of drag.
Cams pbs on the Tribal fins , the new Delta is working a treat
I thought I just read 16, with an evo 9 (6.4) and an iso 80. If that's right I might be looking at an 18-20 for a 90 litre board? Depending on the sail of course.
There was some advice about changing the trailing edge so the next shipment of fins will have the gap at the back of the fin so if you do hit really hard it wont impact on the fin box .
Also the fins will size down to 10cm for any keen sailors to go that shallow , i have 12cm coming for the little speed boards will post results as soon as we get a chance to try them .