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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Noir stick extension

Created by mark62 > 9 months ago, 21 Apr 2018
503 posts
21 Apr 2018 7:05AM
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this is the new Noer stick extension, designed by a French guy. Noer is the French word black, so I guess it's real name is the Black stick.

an additional set of built in pulleys make down hauling easier. Although easy down hauling is not actually its main feature. Regular extensions have 2cm (roughly) increments, but the Noer stick can be set at millimetres for fine tuning. Looks like a clever little bit of design work, basic so should be tough enough. Easy to clean too.

At 300 euros, it's up there with the Northsails XT, expensive. Looks very interesting and great to see new stuff being tried, but I'm not sure if it will tempt the masses away from regular extensions. It would be great to try it out, but I don't think I could get my head around paying 300 euros for one extension, especially as I need three, S, M & L, 900 euros !!!

search FB for Noer Stick for the designer.

VIC, 6155 posts
21 Apr 2018 11:25AM
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It is an interesting concept.

Mal Faulkner made an extension on a similar principle a few years ago. It is telescopic and the downhaul pulls the collar up the tube to tension the sail. This one looks like it does that and also has a conventional DH pully set for fine tuning.

SA, 852 posts
21 Apr 2018 4:28PM
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It looks to me like the inset pullies allow you to adjust the amount of extension you have or don't and the external ones are used to do your conventional downhaul. What it appears to give you is the ability to adjust the amount of extension without having to undo the downhaul. and pull the extension away from the mast. So it is a time saver.

VIC, 6155 posts
21 Apr 2018 7:43PM
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legless said..
It looks to me like the inset pullies allow you to adjust the amount of extension you have or don't and the external ones are used to do your conventional downhaul. What it appears to give you is the ability to adjust the amount of extension without having to undo the downhaul. and pull the extension away from the mast. So it is a time saver.

Ahh, OK. That is a bit different from Mal's then.

503 posts
21 Apr 2018 8:21PM
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legless said..
It looks to me like the inset pullies allow you to adjust the amount of extension you have or don't and the external ones are used to do your conventional downhaul. What it appears to give you is the ability to adjust the amount of extension without having to undo the downhaul. and pull the extension away from the mast. So it is a time saver.

Bang on, you explained it 100% better than I did. Micro downhaul tuning made easy I guess :)

1972 posts
22 Apr 2018 2:15AM
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Looks interesting, but it also looks like the sand could easily run up the rope channels to the quad top pulleys, there is nothing to prevent that.
Easy to clean, yes, you may need that. That being said, I'd be hesitant to lay the rig on a windy beach between sessions.

SA, 4097 posts
29 Apr 2018 6:35PM
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311 posts
29 Apr 2018 7:13PM
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rdm too ?

QLD, 7428 posts
30 Apr 2018 1:34AM
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I remember we had a discussion on here many years ago about precisely that idea.
People even posted little drawings.
I remember Elmo pointed out some fault with the idea but I don't remember what it was.

WA, 556 posts
30 Apr 2018 12:27AM
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mark62 said..
this is the new Noer stick extension, designed by a French guy. Noer is the French word black, so I guess it's real name is the Black stick.

an additional set of built in pulleys make down hauling easier. Although easy down hauling is not actually its main feature. Regular extensions have 2cm (roughly) increments, but the Noer stick can be set at millimetres for fine tuning. Looks like a clever little bit of design work, basic so should be tough enough. Easy to clean too.

At 300 euros, it's up there with the Northsails XT, expensive. Looks very interesting and great to see new stuff being tried, but I'm not sure if it will tempt the masses away from regular extensions. It would be great to try it out, but I don't think I could get my head around paying 300 euros for one extension, especially as I need three, S, M & L, 900 euros !!!

search FB for Noer Stick for the designer.

He's danish...

And black im French is 'noir'...

just saying..

503 posts
30 Apr 2018 3:44AM
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Ooops, predictive text (ipad) changed it from Noir to Noer :)

VIC, 6155 posts
30 Apr 2018 12:06PM
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Nope. Looking at that video. it works exactly the same way as the ones Mal Faulkner built years ago. But Mal didn't have the normal downhaul pulleys. Don't need them. Just a hook to anchor the tack.

QLD, 4867 posts
30 Apr 2018 1:08PM
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Nice concept and looks good , but i see a strength problem . All the weight of the complete rig and rider in harness x banging in chop and landing in harness ( oops ) is hanging on the pulleys and axils , rope and cleat . I wonder how easy it is to undo the cleat after a day of rough sailing ?

25 Jun 2018 9:33AM
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Looks like Danish designer - Finn Noer did a really good job on this product.
The design and idea looks very slick.

I expect to have one for demo here very soon and it would be nice to get a few sailors to give it a good test.

I have a upcoming shipment coming in to my shop.
Price is a bit up there (Euro 300 - AUD $470) pr extension. This is incl the shipping, import duty and Gst.

Please send me a personal message if your interested as I expect the first orders to go fast.

I have to say that I haven't see this product yet myself / or tested it.

But from what I hear then the German shops / magazines loves the product.
I see this as a good sign, as they love well engineered products:)

WA, 2336 posts
25 Jun 2018 5:04PM
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uweh said..
rdm too ?

I use cup not euro pin, guess I'm not gonna see it in my kit

WA, 2336 posts
25 Jun 2018 5:05PM
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Will the RH pulley ratio be better than the LH, thats what Im seeing

26 Jun 2018 9:13AM
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All good questions,, and I had more myself.

I speak daily with Finn Noer and have forwarded all the questions to him.

There will be a RDM edition in the pipeline coming soon

For now it is only the Euro pin base system that can be used.

311 posts
27 Jun 2018 12:09AM
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thanks for update...


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Noir stick extension" started by mark62