I saw Scotty Macs review of S3 , was wondering if anyone has had these out in fast side off biggish waves or say large sideshore with fast period swell ... curious what the topend/stability /comfort level is like when theres loads of apparant wind on the face and loading up on the sail before taking the drop and then off the top ..... I imagine they work unreal say logo and under - what about when things are getting hectic and big ...?
I've had mine out in mast high and they work Great. They really are a amazing light wind sail and I rate them very highly. They do find the top end quickly but im happy to change down when needed. It's not a sail you can just hold onto when the wind jumps up 5-10 knots but that's not what the designed for. I've always found that they have heaps of low end grunt and the disappear on the wave When needed. we sail a lot of light cross off on the east coast and I run a 5.0 s3 a lot more then I thought I would. just because it gets going so early when pumping onto a wave.
When the swell is big the apparent wind I haven't noticed any difference. Just feels the same as when it's smaller. Sail disappears on the bottom turn and has power ready when you top turn or air.
It's not super stable when plaining around but for its purpose it's sO good. I rate them highly.
I haven't had a mast high day with mine yet but can't see them bottoming out on wave size. Here's another 3 footish day with a 5.3 and a 110 Nuevo. Photo thanks to Eric.
^^^ I could see it...... surely in max wind and a nasty big wave drop, the apparent wind will not be nice (compared to a more stable foil) and that's what Seebreezer is asking...
Why the red thumbs?
Poster asks about hi wind and big fast waves.
1st reply - light winds
Second reply - not used in big waves yet.....
He has a valid question and as far as I can see not a reply yet...
I can see how your thinking about it mark because when our blasting around etc the foil stability is important and that's what you feel in your front and back hands when gusts hit and a unstable foil will equate to pressure loading up your back hand etc. but the reality is when your wave riding, your not sailing in a fixed position or direction, the board is on one rail or the other and you are normally levering the sail on an angle of some sort and hanging hard of the boom. So I don't think the unstable foil theory is that important on a wave. The biggest advantage of the 3 batten sail is its ability to generate power out of the zone that a fully batten sail would. The power is more constant even if you don't have the angle of attack quite right. Less on and off And more power at a wider angle of attack.
cheers for the feedback .... still trying to work this one out ...
have also been thinking though - the ultimate float n ride sail EVER , would be a S3 in PRO ! ... , say a 5.0 , drop even another 2-300 grams over the S1 from the drop in batten , so say 2.2 for a 5.0 !!!!!! holy moly , that would be insane .... I wonder if Severne has considered a 'one off size' pro S3 (SAY 5.0) , for best ever float n ride sail ever made ... i wonder if the membrane style could still accomodate the luffability etc or whatever is going on in the luff panel of an S3 ....
so you could have a 2.2kg sail (with very good low end ) + 2.1 kg enigma + light mast (say 1.2kg) = all up 5.5 kgs , how nice would that be throwing around in light winds !
Nice, I'd like to see an S3 pro in a size like 5.6! Dunno Mark, I rekon maybe overpowered in big DTL might be a handful but powered up nicely or underpowered I am sure they will go great but I just haven't had them in those conditions yet to try. I still rekon they are the best DTL style by far.
Well now I can answer the question due to the kindness of the Severne loft.
I used a 5m S-3 today in what I think would be the upper end of it's wind range, probably more than intended as I am a big fella.
Will save the review for the other thread, but I was very surprised at the stability. In the exact situation seabreezer asked about, it performs great! When hooking upwind hard, planing fast, wave building behind me, I really thought the luff would collapse as the apparent wind went crazy. It actually did the opposite at one point and lofted me upwind better and with supreme control, certainly as much as say my Combat has.
its funny , ive since been out in conditions like I was talking about and thought , 'no way , dont think a 3 batten would like !' , but maybe the foil acts as a softener ? so that not every bit of apparant wind is translating into lifty drive like a 4 or 5 bat would (ie some getting lost in the luffability / depower etc) ... but also an interesting point is Mr Mckercher is absolutely KILLING it on 5 bats in big conditions (and no doubt has ridden a 3 bat) , even tho you would think there are alot of aspects he would like / enjoy and utilise in a 3 bat ....
^^^ yeah I am wanting more! Only one size to test so I am hanging out for the right wind to test again!!!!!!