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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Recommendations for big wave board

Created by erang > 9 months ago, 20 May 2014
10 posts
20 May 2014 11:51PM
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I am looking for recommendations for big wave board.

I am surfing on SB kode 113, but i find this board more feeride oriented than wave riding oriented and the feeling is that it is not so maneuverable of the face of the wave.

NSW, 194 posts
21 May 2014 9:57AM
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Hey erang

If your looking for a, dedicated wave board around that volume there are few great options.
118/104 goya quads are epic. They turn on a dime and have heaps of drive which is great in light wind.
They plane up really well for a wave boards. Prob one of the best on the market going around. They go bottom to top great and have a lot of speed out of turns.
I find the 104 to sit really well in the pocket to. The other thing to not is that they do handle really big waves so you can ride them in almost any conditions.

These are dedicated wave boards so they won't have the top end or be as easy to plane as a fsw or monever orientated freeride board as the kode is in the 2 biggest sizes.
I used to own the 122 kode and the goya is so much better in the waves.

Give David at Coreboardsports a call as he has the latest on the new goya gear

VIC, 602 posts
21 May 2014 11:48AM
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Goya quads are a great all round option, have used the 84L and it planes surprisingly early for a quad and doesn't bog down through lulls like some others I have used. You can turn then really tightly too, they love the pocket and chug up wind really well. Definitely worth a try.

If you are after a more surfey feel I highly rate the Nuevo, I have a 74L and 84L Nude Chopper which it is based on. Less planted than a quad, planes a bit earlier with a higher top end and love to charge down the line. Rail to rail turns are effortless.

Quads like a more powerful sail too, so you will need to factor that in as well, I have tried a few with my S1's and they are not a good match. A lot depends on the feel you are after too.

My tip is to demo as many as you can, good luck.

WA, 3479 posts
21 May 2014 12:20PM
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What's your weight?

VIC, 851 posts
21 May 2014 5:15PM
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erang said...
[br]I am looking for recommendations for big wave board.

A board for big waves? Or a big board for waves?

SA, 3025 posts
21 May 2014 6:40PM
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Got a 112 OES quad and it's pretty handy - it's nice to get a custom floaty board sprayed how ya like it - def worth considering and he has a range of shapes based one wave type and wind angle (onshore / cross shore)

Heres the new 100l Freewave thruster


10 posts
22 May 2014 3:01AM
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I am 92KG and looking for big board for waves not a board for big waves.
looks like the Goya quad as side to side consensus.

WA, 3479 posts
22 May 2014 4:32AM
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erang said..

I am 92KG and looking for big board for waves not a board for big waves.
looks like the Goya quad as side to side consensus.

At 92 kgs I'd say get a board in the 100 to 110 litew range. I have a 101 Fanatic Quad which I love. Also got a 118 Goya Quad which is pretty good as well. Both of them are proper down the line wave boards. Interestingly both of them feel like much smaller boards once you get on a wave.

I think you got quite a few options in the 100 to 110 litre range. See if you can test the boards before buying them.

SA, 288 posts
26 May 2014 10:24AM
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Big wave boards are catching on with the wave sailors, 12 of the last 22 sailboards we have built are over 100 L wave boards.

23 posts
2 Jun 2014 7:27AM
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What type of wind range/sail sizes would you expect out of the X Wave 130 (for an 87Kg sailor)? At 74cm wide, I'm guessing it has really thin rails? What feedback have you been receiving on their performance?

With all these new wide, thin railed free ride boards on the market, it's great to see someone take the concept over into the wave board arena!

SA, 288 posts
2 Jun 2014 10:20AM
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''At 74cm wide, I'm guessing it has really thin rails? ''

Yes we are using the same rail profile as our 85 L wave boards, then hiding as much volume down the centre line.
Best to pm me if you need any extra infomation.

NSW, 1222 posts
2 Jun 2014 11:38AM
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This is my 127L by OES, She's a big ship but still real good in the turns. I find it good in just about all conditions not just light wind. It's not overly corky, This might be due to the width and the volume being widely distributed...Still easy to up haul for a 100kg rider. I've had it out from 5-25 knots with good results, On the wave it likes good wind but due to the width it does get a little rough in bay chop out the back. As far as wave riding goes it beats a SUP with a sail any day, 8-15 knots are super fun on this board. You must really commit to your bottom turn though or it can get bouncy, Once you learn how to carve it the bottom turn it is great. Top turns on the other hand are no issue at all, This big board just rips around, hack, slide, pop...What ever you want to do. The real surprise for this board was in freeride conditions on the local lakes, This is a nice board for cruising in 15 knots with a 6.2 and gybes like it's on rails.

Here's some GoPro grabs of the board in action.

NSW, 600 posts
2 Jun 2014 3:26PM
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My recommendation for a big wave board would be the Exocet Exo Wave 105ltr. I have one, have had it for 3 years now and have no reason to change, it is excellent. Not sure if there are any around second hand..

WA, 1367 posts
2 Jun 2014 5:13PM
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Being a big kahuna myself .l tried 100 plus boards they don't work as good try getting a sub 90 litre for down the line riding .l think j.p or goya make that size board.

23 posts
2 Jun 2014 9:24PM
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BenKirk said..

My recommendation for a big wave board would be the Exocet Exo Wave 105ltr. I have one, have had it for 3 years now and have no reason to change, it is excellent. Not sure if there are any around second hand..

I've been riding the Exo Wave 105 for a number of years now as well. I'm comfortable with it from 4.7 to 6.3 sails sizes, but mainly use 5.3 & 5.8's. It is my only board, (sold my 85L). I need a board that is biased to on-shore conditions, so early planing is a must so that we can get past the nasty shore current that comes with our conditions. Exocet even makes a 111L, but it is no where as wide as the OES boards shown above.

I'm intrigued with these wider thin railed boards, and how far width can be pushed in the waves. Seems most of these are freeride type boards (ie. JP Magic Rides), so it was interesting to see that OES was making actual wave boards in those widths.

Anyway, just curious what everyone's experiences have been on the wider boards. Thanks for posting pictures of these boards, awesome graphics!!!

WA, 556 posts
2 Jun 2014 11:03PM
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jh2703 said..

This is my 127L by OES, She's a big ship but still real good in the turns. I find it good in just about all conditions not just light wind. It's not overly corky, This might be due to the width and the volume being widely distributed...Still easy to up haul for a 100kg rider. I've had it out from 5-25 knots with good results, On the wave it likes good wind but due to the width it does get a little rough in bay chop out the back. As far as wave riding goes it beats a SUP with a sail any day, 8-15 knots are super fun on this board. You must really commit to your bottom turn though or it can get bouncy, Once you learn how to carve it the bottom turn it is great. Top turns on the other hand are no issue at all, This big board just rips around, hack, slide, pop...What ever you want to do. The real surprise for this board was in freeride conditions on the local lakes, This is a nice board for cruising in 15 knots with a 6.2 and gybes like it's on rails.

so whats the bottom + rails like?

WA, 1463 posts
2 Jun 2014 11:05PM
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A 110 litre 228 x 64 quad just out of the vacuum bag.

933 posts
3 Jun 2014 3:48PM
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gavnwend said..

Being a big kahuna myself .l tried 100 plus boards they don't work as good try getting a sub 90 litre for down the line riding .l think j.p or goya make that size board.

Which >100 L boards have you tried? For consistent 4.7 weather I totally agree that a board around your body weight is best, but in gusty light winds that make up 50% of my sailing, volume is the difference between sitting on the beach and complaining vs being on the water improving my wave riding skills.

The Windsurfing Shed
NSW, 294 posts
3 Jun 2014 7:09PM
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BenKirk said..

My recommendation for a big wave board would be the Exocet Exo Wave 105ltr. I have one, have had it for 3 years now and have no reason to change, it is excellent. Not sure if there are any around second hand..

The closest in the current Exocet range is again the Xwave 101 or 111. They don't only share the same name, a lot of the aspect of the superseded Xwave were transferred in the latest model by popular demand with added manoeuvrability.

WA, 3479 posts
3 Jun 2014 9:32PM
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gavnwend said..

Being a big kahuna myself .l tried 100 plus boards they don't work as good try getting a sub 90 litre for down the line riding .l think j.p or goya make that size board.

I don't agree. I have spent the last summer sailing summer monsoon wind on Malaysia's East Coast. The wind is usually in the 10 to 15 knt range then gets up to about 20 knts on good days for an hour or so before dropping back to 10 to 15 knts. . As this is the tail end of the moonsoon belt you still get the wind swell coming in after a few days of wind. The swell has a short period but at the right spots you still get 3 or 4 turns on a wave.

I can tell you without a 120 liter wave board I would have missed out on some really fun days.

933 posts
4 Jun 2014 9:22AM
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Erang, I weigh 82 kg and I have the Goya quad 118 L that I bought as a sailable SUP replacement. It does an excellent job replacing my 8'5 RRD WASSUP, I can drift out in super light winds, yet still go for aerials once I am on a wave. I use it with a 6.0 Firelight. What surprised me about the board is how well behaved it is even with a well powered 5.2 when I could comfortably ride my smaller board. With a 5.2 I mainly notice the size on the bottom turns in choppy conditions, or if the wave is larger than about 6 - 8 ft faces.

65 posts
15 Aug 2014 3:52AM
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erang said..
I am looking for recommendations for big wave board.

I am surfing on SB kode 113, but i find this board more feeride oriented than wave riding oriented and the feeling is that it is not so maneuverable of the face of the wave.

Hi Erang,
Lots of companies making good wave boards in larger sizes now, but I agree with Core's comments above, about Goya (and Quatro) being close to Hookipa, and the advantage that this allows for continuous r&d in good wave conditions. I spent the last wave season on Maui (Sept - Mar) testing various large wave boards, in an effort to lower the wind minimum for wave sailing with early planing, and also to find a board that allows non planing float and ride wave sailing. I have been sailing a custom 105 single fin Thommen, quite thin in the tail, straps awash when slogging, and wanted a bit more float. I tested in sequence Quatro Tetra 109, Quatro Sphere 105 and Quatro Sphere 115, Goya 118 Quad was not in stock for testing. Sails used were Severne S1 4.7, and 5.2 and Severne Gator 5.7, waves from chest high to mast high at Uppers Kanaha, which has swell angles from side onshore to side shore to side off in different areas of the break. my weight 88 kilos, wind ranged from 12- 20. No advantage with any board with 5.7 over 5.2 in 12 mph slogging conditions, might as well take 5.2. In 14 and onshore 5.7 needed to plane off.
Absolute earliest planning was Tetra 109, with quite fast rocker, I found the width a touch wide for rail to rail, but for onshore and side on excellent riding even in the pocket.
Tetra 109 can ride wave with speed or even at very slow speed soul wave riding. Quite wide but thin tail.
The Sphere 105 was too close to size and performance of my current board with still a little deck awash in float and ride conditions.

The Quatro Sphere 115 was excellent with quite nice volume distribution from front straps to mast foot, no water on deck when slogging and nice width at 63.8, could plane off very early even with 5.2 sail and the turns fluid and powerful, front foot rail, or back foot pivot, speed for down the line and excellent for float and ride. Slightly more rocker than the Tetra 109, but still really early planning. Lots of guys using the 3 fin boards for less drag and earlier planning over quads in light winds, quads working better to tame stronger conditions, there is a visible and and audible difference to the board wake and drag with all the fins in light wind. In stronger 4.7 conditions the board does not feel too big, still excellent performance, but you will want to change down board size in stronger winds, but can take a larger jump to 90 ltrs or so, as Fransisco Goya suggests.

If you can get a demo ride on one of these! I felt my wave sailing improved after a week on the Sphere 115.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
18 Aug 2014 5:25PM
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Those Core boards look super slick!

TAS, 2 posts
21 Aug 2014 12:52AM
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OESaustralia said..
Big wave boards are catching on with the wave sailors, 12 of the last 22 sailboards we have built are over 100 L wave boards.

Hi sorry if hijack original thread question. I weigh 99kgs but was very used to sinkers 10 year ago at 80kgs. Starting from scratch do you think the size recommendations also apply to me (might go with generous volume to start with). Same requirements for general wave sailing - not too big, down here (Hobart) we get easy 4++ metre swells if you know your spots. Usually only 1.5 metres so board mainly for this too 3 metre swells. If you have any suggestions for larger volume wave boards that perform would be greatly appreciated and might actually lose the weight!

QLD, 119 posts
22 Aug 2014 4:23PM
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some really nice boards above and recommendations. also interesting to hear others peoples take on what they require in a big waveboard and conditions they sail in.
where i sail is a sideshore point break setup with generally shoulder to head high waves and smooth faces. The wind is super light and gusty on the inside (often where the best wave sections are) heaps of sweep, and on the lighter days (8-15knots) there can also be a bit of competition with SUPers, surfers etc for waves. im liking sizes around 100litres with 62-64cm widths and a wide tail. im finding i can ride the waves all the way into the inside section of no wind, can uphaul if need be, and is wide and stable enough to slog back out and upwind easily without sinking/floundering around the break (and pissing everyone off) on the smaller board. though id share a pic of my current slogger.
KT custom
105 litre(94 litres of foam) - 224x64cm with a wide and super thin square squash tail and thin surfboard rails. it normslly i run as a quad but also works as a thruster. 5m sails. the thing turns unreal and easy to pop off the lip/aerials.
anywsy, hope to see more out there having fun in the lighter conditions.


31 posts
4 Sep 2014 4:05PM
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Hi Chuck,
Thank for your interesting feedback on the Sphere 115.
Maybe you've already mentioned but, what's your bodyweight?

31 posts
4 Sep 2014 11:53PM
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Pierre74 said..
Hi Chuck,
Thank for your interesting feedback on the Sphere 115.
Maybe you've already mentioned but, what's your bodyweight?

Sorry, got it!!! 88kg.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Recommendations for big wave board" started by erang