42 with a 7.0 on the 97 is ridiculous. Also 38 for the 6.6 is too big. I use the recommended fin to sail size and the 97 works perfectly. 6.2/34cm Volt 2 and 36cm Volt 2 for the 7.0. Oh yeah this is meant to be a 2017 discussion not 14.
Back to the basics with nice round tails on new isonics. Finally they will find that the second cutouts are completely unnecessary like on Fanatics
Those are mine haha!
Sailed the 137 now two times, board is little bit different. Stance is little bit more relaxed compared to last year, find especially that the back foot has to put in a little bit les pressure on the fin. Also the board feels a little bit more lively underneeth your feet than last years 134, still loads of control( sailed it one time in 16kn and 1m high waves and had no problem with the handling of the board with a 9.7 on it). Only thing is that i had to use a little bit more fin for my 9.7.. Could sail 45.5 and 46 last year where the 2017 i have to use a 47/48 fin.
My height 201 cm and weight 96 kg. Hope to sail the 107 and speed 55 this week
See the 2017 Phantom 377 video uses clips from one of my vids, was kinda surprising when I saw the vid as I was thinking damn that looks familiar! Wonder if they'll send me a free sticker of something!
I might have some new footage on the phantom Sunday. They are having a Bart's Bash in honor of the lost Artemis sailor. The race is a long distance one through the islands, but because of the likely wind direction will be basically up and downwind. Was originally thinking to use a slalom board or free formula as will be up against lots of moths, but the wind direction and lots of islands makes the longboard the more sensible choice, though the free formula will probably be quicker (but brutal) pumping and fighting through the shifty wind shadowed islands!
So tomorrow will dust off the phantom and try find my booties!
Did the race, just two of us on windsurfers. Was hard work, down then upwind. Will make a vid of the experience from the GoPro footage. A couple pics on these links.
Found this on the iS107 & 97 Hybrid carbon 2017 on windsurfing33.com written French ThierryP. Its translated so read weird, but you'll get the general feeling. It does sound like the Hybrid carbon has retained the user friendly character of the wood construction (a bonus for me).
iS107 & iS97 Hybrid carbon 2017 first impressions:
Not much wind in Noumea right now, but we still enjoyed a northwestern day (rare orientation, but gives a sublime water) and one of Southeast day (s the usual orientation of the trade winds), which allowed me to draw some edges with iSonic 107 and 97, 2017.
in both cases, there were not many people on the water (it was in week ), so no way to do extensive testing comparing with other funboardeurs.
I was very disappointed that stops Starboard wood construction, and so I had to take the Carbon Hybrid, a priori cheaper and more comfortable as Carbon Reflex, but I did not think they could be as comfortable as those in Wood.
I can not find the decor as beautiful as the 2016 Wood (for me, the finest boards ever made), but they still very pretty, and very close Carbone 2016. the first thing that jumps out is obviously the disappearance rear V: it is now all round; having never been a fan of the back of the 2015 and 2016 models (plus 90, 2014, which was the first to "benefit" from the back), I am totally delighted. As they are soon out floats at Cobra, mine do not benefit from the latest developments straps "Ultra-light" more comfortable than the version that my team boards. What you should know is that these straps should be adjusted to the millimeter (precisely what allows them setting mode), and from there, they are not uncomfortable; Obviously, they are not "Pullman" as neoprene straps, but I find that the weight gain and the fact to never put wet straps in the cover, justify this slight loss of comfort.
The inserts for the screws fins have been modified and is now super easy to mount the straps on the float, without stressing you could screw it through and ruin the inserts.
on the hull, the kinks are less pronounced than previous vintages . Obviously, one can visualize it all, and get the main dimensions, on the site of Starboard.
Well, the presentations have been made, it is time to draw some edges to garner first impressions.
First navigation in 107: in MauiSails TR -2016 7.0 m. with proto DRE 38cm (tapered end and flexible, no lift, more slides) in a NW wind 16 to 18 knots in Anse Vata, the lagoon of Ilot Maitre, and in the channel between the two; smooth body of water of the lagoon and in the Anse Vata, small swell and orderly in the channel. Mast foot: approx. 1/2 cm behind the center of the screen printing
with the back rounded, planing is much faster than the 2016 model (and even more compared to 2015), with respect to comfort, it is at least equal to that of the Wood construction, or even slightly better: a big relief! I spend behind a large trawler, which completely disrupts the water, and float remains super easy to control, it does not bounce all over the place. It seems to have won the Cape, but the unusual wind direction will be not allow me absolutely certain. The jibe is easier, the best recovery they were the goals sought by returning to a rounded back, and therefore, objectives achieved. No opportunity to test the V-max, it will be for next time.
Second navigation: MauiSails in TR-2016 7.7 m. in SE trade winds 16 to 18 knots, first in 107 equipped with a downwind slalom Drake 36 cm, and the increasing wind late in the session, I could take 4 long edges with 97, equipped a Drake Slalom Downwind of 34 cm. Navigation area: Anse Vata + channel, water level much less smooth than NO, the swell in the channel was very disorganized and we had choppy in Anse Vata. Mast a few mm before the center of the screen printing for the first two edges; the float was beating a little, and accelerations were a little soft, so I moved the PdM about 1 cm towards the rear, and it was much better: the float no longer banging on the chop, and accelerations were . much more frank
This second navigation confirmed the impressions of the first: very comfortable the two floats, always feel that the course has improved, starting at much faster planing (even more obvious on the 97). The 97 supports very well a 7.7 (as the 2016, but infinitely better than the 2015 and previous vintages). The two floats are air, the feel of water is very nice. It really is not out of place compared to iSonic previous years, if not we find again an excellent early planing. Again, not really tested the V-max, but the impression it is similar to that of 2016.
In summary, a generation in 2017 in line with the previous versions, with many small improvements, and significant progress in planing, jibing, and revival.
I used the carbon 2014 97 yesterday in 10-17 knots,averaging 14 knots according to SB.
With a 7.6m race sail and 42 Lockwood fin I was on the plane instantly.
Was planing in 11-12 knots!
This board for a lightweight can be used as a light wlnd board.
John was on his new 2016 75cm wide Fanatic 121 with his 7.8m and 45 fin.
Surprising then I was a quarter of the way across the river before he was planing
I was swapping over boards with my 115 Tabou Manta / 44 fin and overall the sonic was performing better,upwind performance was similar.
Very versatile size that 97. With a 6.6m and smaller fin it can smoke in 20-25 knots.
Not sure I need my 87 or 115 anymore!
The 97 has much more of that short board feel to it compared to the 107.
The 97 feels for my 70kg to be a large short board. The 107 feels like a small big board.
If anyone has a 2017 Futura 107, I would like to see some pics from the same angle as steve1001 photos just to compare thickness,rail shape etc etc
Nice Pics Steve, can you put some comparisons 2016 vs 17 when you have a sail. Board looks sweeeet.....
Was on my 2104 97 carbon today in 12-18 knots with a 6.6m.
Thought I'd try my 34cm Techtronic Maui F1 Falcon fin on the 97 for the first time.
Previously tried it with my 87 Sonic with a 5.5m and hated it!
Today however with the sail rigged with only moderate downhaul on a bigger board it felt pretty awesome!
Crazy smooth with a very neutral trim.
It trimmed the board a bit like the new G10 Vector Volt fins but with an even softer feel.
The wide base of this fin sort of holds the board down while the soft mid and tip section produces that free ride board feel..
Looking forward to trying this fin out in 20-25 knots with my 97 and 6.6 - the added smoothness and very neutral trim should work great in the stronger conditions.
Owners of the new 90 litre Sonic - reckon the 32 and 34 sizes could be a perfect match with sails around the 6.3 to 7m range.