Received my new 2017 IS 107
very smick looking boards
Couple things you notice straight away compared to the 2016 is the new tail shape.
Very different looking for an Isonic . Looks like thy have added a little more vee up towards the front section of the board.
Had my first run on it on Friday
Wind was 12-17, Gear Gun GSR 7.8, 37 Fin
Strap posi Back/Back, Mast track middle
First thing you notice when compared to the 2016 is the smoother jibing, you can really hook into the jibe much quicker and tighter.
The board feels smoother in the chop and trims a little nicer when compare to the 2017.
Overall some really nice improvement's in 2017.
Really Looking forward to spending more time on this board.
I like the white and grey foot straps the best, it makes the board look more serious, as opposed to candy.
But that's just me.
Vando you had me hesitating so I checked with my spare 107 ..... nah.... looks better with the coloured straps
There are a lot of worse things to spend your (wasted) money on than new windsurfing gear.
Its just that whenever i borrow new sails or board I don't go any faster on them.
Colin555 let me try out his 16 or 17 Sonic 107 recently with his 2017 7.7m Warp and it felt and was much slower than my 2014 Sonic 97 with my Maui 7m. Colin can confirm this!
If the motivation for buying new gear is improved performance then I'm not seeing it.
Race sails from around 2012 are every bit as fast as today's sails. With the boards it was around the same time too.
All their claims of improved performance are just that,claims.
Great for those that are short of money and can buy a near new board or sail next year for around half the price.
Just to clarify. Trailer heading up to Burrum for Windfest. Dave and my gear in there. Peter sorry but I have to disagree with your comments which I have seen you post the same comments before. The gear does improve each year. Maybe not much but it does. Perhaps not every model sail or board is better than the previous model but overall the gear is better. Cheers Steve.
PS The Isonic 2014 is an awesome board
Ha ha keep trying Steve. Dave and his wife Gerri are on their way driving up with the trailer. I am flying up Sat. Sorry guys for getting off track on gear reviews.