I want to know a bit of info on these fins as im reading they are quite good. I want to know if available in both symmetrical/asymmetrical and where to buy from in Australia.If available in symmetrical are they a good jibing fin and any good in chop? Im thinking on a 23 as there is quite a wait on the 23cm KA lockwood fins.
looks like they come in these sizes 19,21,23,25cm
yeah Jesper is the man
as far as i know they are symetrical
they gybe pretty well as long as you have enough fin in the water
depending on the tail width of the board.
do you intend using the 23 on the jp45 (i think that is what you where using?)
i found the 21 on my manta54 with a 7.0 on the swan very acceptable..it was slightly underfinned but still very manageable and nice to sail..
if you are using it on the jp, the 19 or 21 would be fine.
as for the ka's well we i have given up waiting for them here
in wa
Yeah snides, i posted this for dad as he is having the same problem with waiting on the 23 ka,but hope they can fin another good manufacturer soon. I all ready have the ka lockwoods 20cm assy and 23cm sym so im set.dad has the Ka 20/21 also but is now looking for a good all round speed fin around the 23cm to be able to run port tack.