I up dated my 105 rocket 2014 this year to A 2017 model the LTD ,WELL they use to be full carbon like my 2014-15 LTD models
I saw it for sale for under 2000 and without thinking grabbed it .Don't get me wrong its still a great board .and light .
I didn't however read ,only the top is carbon and underneath is a look a like died black resin .
This does make it more rigid and doesn't seem to flex like my other full carbon LTD rockets ,it
also is quite noisey ...my mate also brought one and we both agreed they are slappers ...
I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this between carbon and non carbon boards .?
I think i like full carbon ,seemed more forgiving under foot .
Sorry Tardy that sounds arse about. Carbon boards should be stiffer and a harder ride, glass boards are less stiff with a softer ride.
ok ,i thought it would be simular to mast ? less carbon less spring ??
point taken ...it was extra windy over west this january .might of been just choppier ..
i slow moed a vid ,and realised how many times its only the fin in ,it was strange both of us saying how noisey .
maybe i should look at a smaller 95 litre board the 105 might of been at its limits .thanks Mike .makes sense .
Tardy, carbon is definately stiffer. Thats one of its benefits. Lighter being the other. Stiffer will be noisier coz it hardly flexes when chop hits it. Notice it on my Falcon as well. A crisper hull chatter across the chop. Probably coz the skin is thinner as well. The sound resonates thru the EPS.
Nice fin flyin pic Dude!
Carbon vs resin!?? ....
I thought all boards were made with resin ... applied with either carbon, glass, wood or any of the similars materials (like innegra or s-glass) or combinations thereof.
Noted ,you knew what I meant though ..right .fibre glass cloth .tabou state carbon on top and coloured resin underneath. ...just quoting their web page .
theres carbon boards then there's others ...how many other constructions are there ??!?
A fairly good explanation from Patrick On the construction of carbon vs glass. I sail the Tabou Mantas but I think the construction is about the same. PS the 95 Rocket is a sweet board and quick, in the right conditions flat water still can hit 40knts, plus in the rough stuff handles like a dream.
Thank you for posting that Aus501 boz
I understand now ...
i can see why tabou done it now .
maybe I should look at the 95 as I have the 115 .already .
Both carbon and fibreglass will flex to some degree, but big difference is how they flex. Carbon flex's back to its original shape much quicker than fibreglass which I think is part of why it feels stiffer. Same for masts (and booms) too, the slower flex on a lower carbon content mast feels more spongy/unresponsive. The 100% carbon mast flex's and returns to its original shape much quicker, giving a livelier feeling.........
Just my 2 pennies worth :)