Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Boggy Lake

Created by geoffshutts > 9 months ago, 13 Sep 2010
SA, 2 posts
13 Sep 2010 9:56PM
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I sailed the original Boggy yesterday. It is as good if not better than before. The rigging up area has built up and extended out into the lake resulting in a large area that slopes gently down to the water and there now is about a 30m length of sloping grassed area that you step into the water from. While it is a bit sandy it will be good when the grass covers up a bit more. There is nothing to worry about with the fence or clumps of weed in the lake. We tied a buoy to the last fence post so its pretty easy to go around. The areas of weed are not enough to grab your fin and overall there is probably less weed than previously.
The speed strip on the other side is on again as the water is nearly up to the top of the bank and is waist to chest deep about 20m out.
The lake is neck deep in the middle and with a 360 fin you can sail from about 20m out from the launching area. The bottom is hard for at least 40m out.
I will be sailing there from now on. If anyone wants to ring me my mobile is 0403477631

SA, 453 posts
13 Sep 2010 10:08PM
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Hi Geoff,
How many cars can park there and can you turn around with a trailer on?
Cheers, Tim

SA, 2 posts
13 Sep 2010 10:15PM
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Tim you would probably leave the new area for rigging, not for parking cars. There is plenty of room for parking and turning as before, you will just need to be careful. The new area is probably a bit too sandy for conventional drive cars until the grass grows over. The whole area has been raised by about 500mm. It really is worth going back there. Geoff

SA, 565 posts
13 Sep 2010 11:15PM
Thumbs Up windy weekend* day, I'm there.

*or day where I'm a little too *koff koff* sick to go to work...

SA, 852 posts
16 Sep 2010 4:31PM
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Not much wind but a good direction for saturday.

SA, 565 posts
17 Sep 2010 5:46PM
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itching to sail this weekend, but it's looking pretty patchy. is anyone else looking to head to boggy at all?

SA, 852 posts
23 Sep 2010 5:01PM
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Looks like we will get some wind on saturday...I will be there.

Bogan speed team
SA, 407 posts
27 Sep 2010 12:00PM
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Great sail on saturday at boggy. Few weed clumps around to watch out for but the wind is consistent as usual - even on a light wind day.


SA, 565 posts
27 Sep 2010 1:11PM
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Boggy I is back.

While the optimistic few were there early saturday morning, their patience was rewarded around the 3pm mark, where Boggy put on some sterling 6+metre sailing. Some weed visible on the surface when the wind rose, but I didn't really get hampered by it, seems Carl was picking it all up for me.

Great to sail the old favourite again, it's a far superior launch site to BoggyII, and hopefully will get even better as the grass expands, and daylight savings/sunny-day afternoon sea breezes become the norm. Bring it on.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Boggy Lake" started by geoffshutts