Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Cannonball Run Results 2019

Created by TAA > 9 months ago, 21 Dec 2019
SA, 1160 posts
21 Dec 2019 7:56PM
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After 8kms of down wind sailing it was a sprint finish

1st Richard Upton
2nd Mark Tinnion
3rd Matt Tims
4th James Thomson
5th Leo Yolo
Juan Hierro DNF

Thanks to James and Windsurfing SA for the event

SA, 391 posts
21 Dec 2019 9:24PM
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A challenging race!
Thanks to all the competitors
Thanks to Ty and Ocean Surf Co for helping with the organisation and prizes

Next event is Family/Foil day at Goolwa Lake in January - details coming soon

Slim Jim
SA, 202 posts
21 Dec 2019 9:37PM
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Chinny Oz
SA, 114 posts
22 Dec 2019 1:33AM
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Top effort everyone.
Thanks Jim and Ty for organising.

Hard work. OK when there was wind. 8.0m and 110 litre Isonic only planing for maybe 40% of the time.

Well done Richard. Another masterful display of getting downwind before the rest of us.

Even the Harry Potter towel couldn't provide me any magic

Dr Duck
SA, 450 posts
22 Dec 2019 8:30AM
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Another epic race! Thanks to James and Windsurfing SA for organising, and to Ty and The Ocean Surf Co. for prizes and support. We had 15-20 knots in the tune-up 10 min before the start, with a threat of it either going up or down 5 knots from there. As it was, it went down 5 knots, but that is racing for you. I had a 6.4 sail rigged, and swapped boards for the the trusty Kona 11.5 just before the start.

A ding dong battle with Mark all the way down, swapping lead 3 or 4 times. He was blasting in the gusts, and I had a bit more downwind angle when the wind was light. Had to pump onto swells almost constantly to keep the board moving. Max speed was 15 knots. LeMans start and finish are always fun, and such a close finish with Mark after 55 min of sailing.

Props to Leo who is fairly new sailor and who got to the finish line showing a lot of guts and determination. He bought his own support crew who did a great job of keeping an eye on him.

It would be great to see some more sailors next year. Dust off some freedride, longboard or slalom gear and have a go at some downwind work. LT sailors, I reckon an LT could be competitive on this course in up to 20 knots. It's surprising the variety of equipment that will work for this event.

SA, 147 posts
22 Dec 2019 12:24PM
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Well that was bloody hard work! Especially being held the day after our work Christmas party and a night on the turps!
Half way down and I was hot and exhausted. The original plan for the "support crew" was "just drop me off and drop off the car at Sems and see ya later" - but I'm glad they followed me down the coast as I had to stop half way for a 10min break - rehydrate and felt much better.

The wind dropped right off but with the breakwall in sight, I was determined to come in under sail and finish it.
I managed to catch that breeze that came in late and finished off with some nice planning runs - which felt really good.

Congrats Richard and Mark for a great race and finish!

Thanks James and WSA for organising and Ty and Ocean Surf Co. for the prizes - thanks for the Award
Cheers also to everyone for waiting for me to get in - much appreciated; and thanks for the beers too and keeping my "support crew" hydrated.

I look forward to doing it again next year (...but a bit fitter and quicker )


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Cannonball Run Results 2019" started by TAA