Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Congratulations bogan speed team number one 2020!

Created by Bogan speed team > 9 months ago, 14 Feb 2021
Bogan speed team
SA, 407 posts
14 Feb 2021 11:18PM
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Well done team on winning 2020 australia gpstc and 2nd in the world. Great result and proud of each and every one of you. Will organise a meal and pic when the trophy arrives.
Hope it continues in 2021...
Cheers captain bogan.

SA, 147 posts
15 Feb 2021 12:33PM
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Congrats Bogans! Some very impressive sailing - speeds, alphas and amazing distances - well done.

Dr Duck
SA, 450 posts
15 Feb 2021 2:17PM
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Well done Bogans!

SA, 44 posts
16 Feb 2021 5:32PM
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Good to see a South Aussie No 1 Team. its a huge dedicated commitment from you boys

congrats Bogans


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Congratulations bogan speed team number one 2020!" started by Bogan speed team