Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Middleton Friday arvo - summer sailing

Created by Mark101 > 9 months ago, 9 Nov 2015
SA, 24 posts
9 Nov 2015 8:41AM
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Yes bummer that the winter wave season is over but with conditions like this on a light southerly we can't complain too much! Launched at Basham's and straight into Middleton bay for some waves. Managed to get back upwind to launch site - past the rocks - with metres to worries. so start the summer sailing season
(15-17 knots x floaty board) + 3-4 foots sets x sunny skies = excellent summer sailing!

SA, 24 posts
9 Nov 2015 2:22PM
Thumbs Up that wrong! maybe the wave sailing season isn't over yet. Excellent NW wind this morning with good cleanish swell .With Harry, Dave and James.

SA, 201 posts
9 Nov 2015 4:30PM
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where'd that come from?? nothing close on the forecast!! went for a pool swim instead...

SA, 24 posts
9 Nov 2015 4:45PM
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Yes it was solid, constant wind . I think Dave and James were both on 4.7s!

SA, 160 posts
9 Nov 2015 10:00PM
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4.7 and 82 litres. It was awesome. You missed out Ian.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Middleton Friday arvo - summer sailing" started by Mark101