Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Pervert tea bagger arrested and charged

Created by Von > 9 months ago, 3 Jul 2021
SA, 104 posts
3 Jul 2021 3:52PM
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"Whale molested by kite surfer at Christie's" is the headline I just read, spat my tea all over the counter, apparently it's not the first time either, he is a repeat offender and witnesses have photos. what I want to know is why someone taking photos of a tea bagger in the dunnys at y steps with a fat chick is not getting arrested as well as the pervert with his shorts over his wettie?

2454 posts
3 Jul 2021 8:07PM
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Outrage ! . I'm going to set fire to some cars down my street now.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Pervert tea bagger arrested and charged" started by Von