Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Seacliff Fun

Created by Zubby > 9 months ago, 8 Jul 2018
SA, 896 posts
8 Jul 2018 10:17AM
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Chinny Oz
SA, 114 posts
30 Jul 2018 9:56AM
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It was a really fun session. Wind waves and sun - been a good July.

Finally got around to uploading something. Still trying to land the backy, but can't stick the landing. Thanks Ty for the on water coaching. Hopefully nail it before end of winter.

SA, 2 posts
30 Jul 2018 6:52PM
Thumbs Up

Yepp, you guys definitely looked like you had fun. Was great to watch :)


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Seacliff Fun" started by Zubby