Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

West Coast Flatwater Blast

Created by OESaustralia > 9 months ago, 24 Jul 2018
SA, 280 posts
24 Jul 2018 1:35PM
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Hi Guys,
PK , Matt Young and myself got our first winter sail yesterday , it was too windy for Avoid bay [29 to 51 knots] so we had to tetreat back to Longbeach / Coffins bay for a fun flatwater blast
Cheers Pete.

SA, 47 posts
25 Jul 2018 8:22PM
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Looks good Pete. Are you riding a hot rod? We are currently in NT on our way to the West. Hopefully catch a Barra and get some time at Exmouth and Gnarloo so if you want anything brought back Novemberish let me know. Hopefully you're getting some rain with the fronts. I am typing this in shorts and T ????
Cheers Al


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"West Coast Flatwater Blast" started by OESaustralia