Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Windsurfing SA family fun day pictures

Created by TAA > 9 months ago, 12 Jan 2020
SA, 1201 posts
12 Jan 2020 8:34PM
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Well done Windsurfing SA on a great family fun day
Thanks James for organizing it.

Great turn out from the crew

SA, 593 posts
13 Jan 2020 11:59AM
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Fantastic day Ty and Shane! Quite amazing that you managed to get me up on the foil, still a work in progress, but I'm determined to master it, and the venue on Hindmarsh Island was perfect, too.

SA, 1201 posts
14 Jan 2020 8:07PM
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coastflyer said..
Fantastic day Ty and Shane! Quite amazing that you managed to get me up on the foil, still a work in progress, but I'm determined to master it, and the venue on Hindmarsh Island was perfect, too.

It was great to see .
Hope you enjoyed the day

2 posts
4 Feb 2020 4:47PM
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I happened to be nearby setting up a rig for my wife to use and I now really regret not asking where you guys got the mini kids rigs from?
Theylook great.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Windsurfing SA family fun day pictures" started by TAA