Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

1006 Bells Buoys

Created by Al Planet > 9 months ago, 10 Jun 2016
Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
10 Jun 2016 5:03PM
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A bit up and down today on the north coast, good enough for Geoff to hone his back loops in challenging gusty conditions. Jason and I got a few waves too.

Geoff has also been working on his head dip jibes which are spectacular and a bit hit and miss.

TAS, 104 posts
10 Jun 2016 7:14PM
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Al Planet said..
A bit up and down today on the north coast, good enough for Geoff to hone his back loops in challenging gusty conditions. Jason and I got a few waves too.

Geoff has also been working on his head dip jibes which are spectacular and a bit hit and miss.

Great shot, what the hell have you got on that thing a hidden jet unit or something!

TAS, 546 posts
10 Jun 2016 7:17PM
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EVIL TWIN - What a board!

TAS, 2646 posts
10 Jun 2016 9:05PM
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He's just evil.
Nice work guys getting a sail today.
Hopefully we get one.........

TAS, 3173 posts
10 Jun 2016 9:17PM
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Azza no jet unit I think Clarky just f.rted

TAS, 2646 posts
10 Jun 2016 9:56PM
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Glad to hear forward loops are so old school
Backwoods and push loops get the money these days

TAS, 546 posts
11 Jun 2016 7:19AM
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They are teaching 'forwards' on 'Learn to Windsurf' days now, for the newcomers.

You wouldn't 'uphaul' your rig would you? Some things are just too basic to keep doing, and so you leave them behind as you progress.

I guess that Ant Man must have been doing forwards even before he could windsurf, and has just left them behind. What a talent!


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"1006 Bells Buoys" started by Al Planet