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Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania


Created by houston > 9 months ago, 25 Apr 2014
TAS, 3173 posts
25 Apr 2014 10:15PM
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Tune into ABC radio 936 at around 11.30 tomorrow (Sat) to hear all about Green Island. Buzzy made the mistake of confidentially telling me he was interviewed and I being his best only mate said I wouldn't post it on this forum.
Tune in...... listen........ and have a good his expense

TAS, 2433 posts
25 Apr 2014 10:30PM
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They had to cut 18 minutes down to about 5. Bit scary as to what they end up with.
I would have told my other friend but he doesn't answer my calls

TAS, 3173 posts
26 Apr 2014 6:12PM
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Didn't hear the interview because wind too strong to miss but Brett and Damo said it went for about 15-20mins.............great job cock

Also heard on the same channel early in the day Jock is off to compete in the Olympic Class world Championships in I think USA that's pretty cool

TAS, 488 posts
26 Apr 2014 6:27PM
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Well done Kaleb...great interview

TAS, 2009 posts
26 Apr 2014 6:37PM
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Yep, well done, good promotion for the sport, it came across well.

Steve Charles
QLD, 1239 posts
26 Apr 2014 7:07PM
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Yes well done, timed it perfectly, got off the water just as the interview started. Thanks Fos for having the car radio on.

TAS, 1664 posts
29 Apr 2014 10:46PM
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Great interview, we where listening in Wally's van not mine.

Is that you Houston?

TAS, 1664 posts
7 May 2014 6:51PM
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In case anyone missed it

TAS, 3173 posts
7 May 2014 11:48PM
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FoS said..

Great interview, we where listening in Wally's van not mine.

Is that you Houston?

No one could pick me in that vid

TAS, 1664 posts
8 May 2014 7:47AM
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I'm sure its you at 1:03. Attempting a forward

TAS, 3173 posts
8 May 2014 8:49AM
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This is the guy I was sailing with.......................can you see where I get my style

TAS, 2433 posts
8 May 2014 9:16AM
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Why does every post always end up being, all about Houston

TAS, 546 posts
8 May 2014 11:38AM
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TAS, 546 posts
8 May 2014 11:39AM
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buzzy said..

Why does every post always end up being, all about Houston

Because he is "special"...

TAS, 1664 posts
8 May 2014 12:23PM
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Sorry, this is the buzzy look at me thread.


TAS, 3173 posts
9 May 2014 8:05AM
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Yeah let's talk about Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

TAS, 2433 posts
9 May 2014 11:10AM
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Buzzy was born in the wee hours of a warm and sunny February morn, in a little town named Hobbit(now known as Hobart). He was the second child of a two child family having a sister 3 years the senior of him. Upon entering this world his parents knew that this was the boy that would always make the collinsville reaper, Antwain Houston tremble in his shoes with envy. It had been 247 years since Antwain had been born, this was well before the advent of windsurfing vessels and long before the conception of the internet or other types of rational thought. Antwain had longed for the time he could stand upright and flip in the air with his feet going over his head and land back upright, feet firmly planted. This was a dream of Antwains that alas he could only picture in his head, while falling over in a drunken stupor, landing with a full mouth of feathers as only a chicken plucker could do. As time past Antwains deep despair of seeing this new superior child entering the world slowely built up and the churning anguish of seeing him achieve all that Antwain could only dream off, slowely drained at his soul. And so are the days of his life.

Little Buzzy from Hobbit, had such a fun and wonderful period of growth and happily progressed through lifes challenges, visualising new moves and applying them to the reality perspective that all of Hobbit town lived in. He did this with cheer and laughter, but at the same time knew that the reaper of Collinsville lay callously in wait for that moment when he could ruin the life of happy little Buzzy Box from Hobbit town.

To be continued.........

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
9 May 2014 1:48PM
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buzzy said..

Buzzy was born in the wee hours of a warm and sunny February morn, in a little town named Hobbit(now known as Hobart). He was the second child of a two child family having a sister 3 years the senior of him. Upon entering this world his parents knew that this was the boy that would always make the collinsville reaper, Antwain Houston tremble in his shoes with envy. It had been 247 years since Antwain had been born, this was well before the advent of windsurfing vessels and long before the conception of the internet or other types of rational thought. Antwain had longed for the time he could stand upright and flip in the air with his feet going over his head and land back upright, feet firmly planted. This was a dream of Antwains that alas he could only picture in his head, while falling over in a drunken stupor, landing with a full mouth of feathers as only a chicken plucker could do. As time past Antwains deep despair of seeing this new superior child entering the world slowely built up and the churning anguish of seeing him achieve all that Antwain could only dream off, slowely drained at his soul. And so are the days of his life.

Little Buzzy from Hobbit, had such a fun and wonderful period of growth and happily progressed through lifes challenges, visualising new moves and applying them to the reality perspective that all of Hobbit town lived in. He did this with cheer and laughter, but at the same time knew that the reaper of Collinsville lay callously in wait for that moment when he could ruin the life of happy little Buzzy Box from Hobbit town.

To be continued.........

A typical Hobbit day as one dude shows off his looping prowess and another older dude thinks about going on a long journey far away from this torment......( I cant wait for the next movie!!!!)

TAS, 2342 posts
9 May 2014 4:01PM
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buzzy said..

Buzzy was born in the wee hours of a warm and sunny February morn, in a little town named Hobbit(now known as Hobart). He was the second child of a two child family having a sister 3 years the senior of him. Upon entering this world his parents knew that this was the boy that would always make the collinsville reaper, Antwain Houston tremble in his shoes with envy. It had been 247 years since Antwain had been born, this was well before the advent of windsurfing vessels and long before the conception of the internet or other types of rational thought. Antwain had longed for the time he could stand upright and flip in the air with his feet going over his head and land back upright, feet firmly planted. This was a dream of Antwains that alas he could only picture in his head, while falling over in a drunken stupor, landing with a full mouth of feathers as only a chicken plucker could do. As time past Antwains deep despair of seeing this new superior child entering the world slowely built up and the churning anguish of seeing him achieve all that Antwain could only dream off, slowely drained at his soul. And so are the days of his life.

Little Buzzy from Hobbit, had such a fun and wonderful period of growth and happily progressed through lifes challenges, visualising new moves and applying them to the reality perspective that all of Hobbit town lived in. He did this with cheer and laughter, but at the same time knew that the reaper of Collinsville lay callously in wait for that moment when he could ruin the life of happy little Buzzy Box from Hobbit town.

To be continued.........

Now that should have been on radio!! That would surely entice people to take up windsurfing.......they'd be going WTF!

TAS, 2433 posts
9 May 2014 9:29PM
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.............It was a cold dark chilly night in the valleys of Twatsmania. The Bogants dug deep into the luxurious caves; caves powered by the ordinary peoples monetary contributions. The ORd's as they are known, despised the way they had to support the Bogants extreme lifestyles riddled with stimulants and sedentary gambling on mind numbing sports such as Chase the Ball and Beat the Horse. But the Ord's knew deep down that if they didn't contribute and give most of their earnings to the Controllers in the Capital, then the Bogs would just run rampant and steal everything the Ord's had worked hard for.

It had seemed like a lifetime ago to Antwain, who had slowly risen from the cold open Chicken plucking sheds to a life of luxury and extreme pleasures. He was once again traveling the open roads that split Twatsamania right up the middle, wondering how he could manipulate Happy Buzzy into becoming his own downfall. The Mesclun or Mescaline man as Antwain is known in his greens growing Ord circle was plotting away as he drove, knowing too well that once again Happy Buzzy was about to challenge the Nations best at a game Antwain could not rise to challenge.

Although Antwain had travelled these roads before, little did he know that this exact 'highway' was patrolled by the spirits of the founders of the great land of Twatsmania, who for a century or more gathered at the great midway town of Camping at Bell. At this spot they would gather to worship the great G.

Unfortunately for Antwain this night would set him back. The spirits watched and listened to his warped mind, plotting and twisting, until they saw an opening. Antwain had stopped to feed his Peoples Car. The spirits leaped, pounced and took control of Antwains limited psyche. At this moment they planted a seed in the lesser mans mind that made him feed his trusted steed with food it could not handle. This feed had been manipulated by man and altered to the point it was volatile, to the extend that a being like Antwain and his steed could not handle(unleaded not Diesel). Antwain was unaware of the super toxic poison he had given to his trusty Peoples Car steed. He drove for a while, talking away to the voice in his flat hand held machine...until his steed, poisoned on the toxic super juice gasped and died.

Antwain didn't know what had happened, he search his mind and at that point the G worshippers who were Free from the bricked up world, let Antwains mind go. He suddenly, in a gasp of panic realised what he had done. There was only one thing he could do. So Antwain pulled out his flat hand held machine and sent a voiceless communication to Happy Buzzy to let him know that the Freemason G worshipping spirits of Middle Twatsmania had ruined his plans once again. MMMwwwwaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Buzzy roared at the news, as he ripped the head off another Turkey! be continued
(This story is based on real life events RIP VW Golf 1/2/2011 - 9/5/2014)

TAS, 3173 posts
10 May 2014 12:11AM
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Hitch hiking on the back of a truck.................................... and the tow truck driver was great we talked all way back to Hobbit about how I nearly did a forward. He's been drivin all his life and never pulled one off. At last I've found someone that actually makes sense......he reckons you're all a pack o bastards and reckons I don't need friends like that he said anytime I get stuck I just call and he fix me up for free and we can spend another night talkin about forwards an then another he said he never gets sick o talk ta me an we talked trucks too he likes mack trucks cos they got grunt so we just think alike he now my best mate

WA, 991 posts
10 May 2014 7:48AM
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A lot of time and money in a effort to become a truckies roadhouse bitch?

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
10 May 2014 11:41AM
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I am impressed that Houston is such a Koster fanboy that he bought a VW......and then destroyed it like that Naish rig at there a pattern here?

TAS, 3173 posts
11 May 2014 12:36AM
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I'm sure I could destroy Koster's friend

TAS, 189 posts
16 May 2014 7:12PM
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im sure he has hoping that she would ask him for a third ride...


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"ABC Radio - CONFIDENTIAL" started by houston