Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania


Created by Gillianv > 9 months ago, 2 Sep 2016
Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
5 Sep 2016 11:46AM
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I see that photo and I just think Lego Man.....its the hands I think

TAS, 267 posts
5 Sep 2016 4:32PM
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From the weekend and those photos, I'm going to be looking at my foot straps. Found them a little broad and flat. Might change them up to see if i can get some benefit.

Thanks for the photos. I'll also take away that holding on to the boom isn't optional . My hands were struggling to keep grip later in the session.

Despite the 20mins of no wind in the middle that was one of the better sails I've had for ages. Bring on the rest of the year and some friendly competition to motivate others to achieve their next move! Oh and some excellent post sailing cake and drinks.

TAS, 487 posts
5 Sep 2016 4:33PM
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Looks like he has the "throw your rig forward" bit sorted

TAS, 3173 posts
5 Sep 2016 7:47PM
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As I've said a few times before I knew this crazy kid when he was a baby......... I remember once when changing his nappy I said "you sh.t like that little fella, when you grow up you'll really impress my little mates at Bell Buoy"........... respect young fella


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"BELL BOUY - GRAVITY LESSONS" started by Gillianv