Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Bluff Reef, Marrawah

Created by bowsa > 9 months ago, 27 Dec 2019
QLD, 605 posts
27 Dec 2019 9:50PM
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Hey tassie crew

has anyone ever sailed bluff reef before? I sailed it today and it was ****ing unreal! 3/4 mast high sets and cross off ENE 20 knots

i don't know if I just fluked it but it was one of the best sessions I've had in the last few years. Anyone else sailed it before? It was down the line heaven
such a fast wave
some pics below

WA, 991 posts
27 Dec 2019 8:34PM
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A guy got barreled there on a sailboard in the early 2000s and the inter state crew have attacked it a few times as far as I know. Looks bloody good today ??

WA, 991 posts
27 Dec 2019 8:37PM
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A guy got barreled there on a sailboard in the early 2000s and the inter state crew have attacked it a few times as far as I know. Looks bloody good today ??

QLD, 605 posts
28 Dec 2019 7:38AM
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sounds like I might have scored it then! I surfed it in the morning then the wind blew and I sailed it all arvo it was epic!
i'll be Back!

PS - reason for the post was to see if anyone had sailed it before, I'd heard of BOL, greens and bluff beach but never bluff reef

i love your windy state

TAS, 837 posts
29 Dec 2019 10:42AM
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Nice score. NE is less frequent. More common to sail S-SSW seabreeze. Less chance of a visit to the rocks!
Pic below was a very light day.

Mitch Pearson
QLD, 270 posts
30 Dec 2019 3:32PM
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From a few years back. Got three days in a row of great conditions.

QLD, 605 posts
1 Jan 2020 5:30PM
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Mitch Pearson said..
From a few years back. Got three days in a row of great conditions.

looks awesome
i scores a day like this a bluff beach but I was talking about bluff reef which is in front of the houses at bluff hill point not on the beach
also... Mitch from QLD, do we know each other?

Mitch Pearson
QLD, 270 posts
1 Jan 2020 5:59PM
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Yeah I realised this after I posted. My mates surfed bluff reef a lot when we lived there and always raved about it.

Don't think so. Haven't wave sailed since I moved to Brisbane :( keen to get going again though!

TAS, 161 posts
5 Jan 2020 8:08PM
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Back in 1991 when the nationals were held at Marrawah quite a few sailed it on one of the lay days.
It was SSW 10-20 knots and a bit of a dogfest but some good rides were had with(surprise surprise), Mark Paul a standout, I've got a fair bit of it on video taken by a pro who was there.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Bluff Reef, Marrawah" started by bowsa